The company slogan is: Wellbeing solutions for people & pets.
I'm so excited! I've wanted a craft type business of my own for about 30 years now, & am finally launching this weekend in Pittsburgh!
So, this week I'm busy in my kitchen blending, mixing... After countless hours of research on the properties, benefits, & all precautions involving essential oils to come up with my formulas designed to solve health problems, I'm finally blending. I've been working with essential oils for 15 years now but before this I just made products to solve skin problems for myself & my family. This is my first commerical venture.
I've also been busy creating brochures, carefully chosen product names (the FDA strictly regulates claims), & the ingredients lists. Now this is my first blog ever so bear with me if I put things in the wrong place until I learn the format on this site. Like that top line? I'm wondering even as I type what they want me to put in the "labels" box. I know way more about oils than I do about blogging!
Anyway, this is just meant to be a quick hello to establish the blog address for the brochures. I truly am swimming in bath salts - or maybe it just seems like it - this week. I'll post again next week, then much more often as I get things going!