Turns out it takes about 15 minutes for my morning devotions, as you could call them. For me, a little ritual is comforting & a lot is a burden. I don't love exercises that have to be repeated daily for 21 days or whatever. I normally find it a burden, a chore. If it's important enough I do it but I put it off during the day & sometimes my heart isn't in the right place when I finally make myself do it. The last one I can think of was a 21 day cleansing of anger exercise someone gifted me with the knowledge of. I forced myself to do it because I knew I needed it & it would work. I'm really glad I did it. But I was really glad when the 21 days were over, too. Yet now I start my days in much the same way with no end in sight, as outlined yesterday. There are plenty of times when I'm eager to just get started with my day rather than go through the whole "routine." There's no way I don't love every moment of the first part, where I just talk with God, my Father, & thank Him. That's my favorite part & the first thing I do & there's nothing routine about it. Usually I get to thank Him for a good night's sleep & rest, which is huge for me because I've had sleep problems for many years. I usually get to thank Him for another cool, breezy, beautiful day - another great pleasure I don't take for granted at all. Then come all the other things I wish to thank Him for, depending on what the day before brought to me, & the things that I know He's doing for me. I thank Him for the things I want in my life that haven't appeared yet because I know they're coming in even greater quantity than I've seen so far - plenty, healings & health, balance, wholeness, wellbeing.
The reason I do all that I do first thing in my day - thanking God; praying for others; greeting my angels, teachers, guides, & those who watch over me who have passed on; then doing my "I Am" & manifestation statements & calling on the angels for what I need to manifest - is that it sets my day in motion with specific intent. It starts my day with gratitude, then I move to supplication for myself & others. First I thank God, then pray for those I know & love in need. I call on the Archangel Michael for protections, then greet the spirits around me & express my love. Then I ask specific angels for specifics like guidance in my work & interactions, grace to flow with whatever happens during the day, & help with manifesting what I want & need in my life. I gain so much from doing this! One of the things I gain is patience with routine & self-discipline. Those of you who know me are sometimes in awe of my grace no matter what's happening (not always the case, but way more than most people have in the face of troubles) - well, this is how you can achieve that too. The more I ask for it, the more I get it. The result is that I seldom even have a part of a bad day any more (to me, a day when I feel chaos inside is bad). Mostly I kind of float through life above the problems that plague most people. I have fewer of them in my life, because you attract whatever you put out there. Those looking for the next shoe to drop get huge shoes dropped on them. That's the Law of Attraction at work. Those who expect things to flow smoothly attract that. Now, I still have a fair share of things that happen in my life that I don't care to have to deal with, because you can't completely avoid that in life. But I start every day calling on angels to help me deal with those things & I usually stay in my state of serenity even when I have to deal with them. This means that they don't affect my energy, my sense of self, my balance & joy for more than a moment. So I don't attract the amount that most people get, & I usually easily & quickly deal with the disturbances. That's a large part of why I start every day this way. It's in my best self-interest to do so!
I don't read the Bible or anything during this time or just after. I have my contemplative time & spiritual breaks throughout my day. I take regular "breaks" from work all day. For me, a "break" from blogging might be going to clean litter boxes or unloading the dishwasher. I go do something else when it's time to figure out where the blog is going next, or after doing a few lengthy emails. During those times I refresh my mind & then go back to whatever it was I was doing. Often those breaks are for me to take some time with myself or my guides & angels. Thing is, my life isn't segmented into housework, my work for God, socialization, finances, etc. My life is a balance of all those things. I consider all I do to be about equally important, including housekeeping, blogging, working on products or ideas, keeping up social contacts, learning & growing spiritually. I consider all I do to be my work, & "work" at them most days. I put "work" in quotes because I'm doing what I want, "working" my life. I work on them in balance based on what needs to be done when, & switch back & forth between them so I don't spend too much time on any one thing to the exclusion of all others. I've found how I work best & live it. I do best when I juggle priorities & tasks, can take frequent breaks to regroup & refresh my thoughts. I do best when I can control the pace & flow & move as needed from part of one task or one small task to another, without too many interruptions. This is why I'm so productive - I understand my work style & go with it. I'm a priorities manager. It drove me crazy trying to be a time manager, especially being a creative spirit. And I've learned how to say no. A very dear friend just called to chat. I established that she just wanted to chat (which we do each evening) instead of truly needing me for something. Then I told her that I was busy & it wasn't a good time, what I was doing, & that I'd chat later. I'm sure that didn't make her entirely happy, but it was the best thing to do for me at the time. If she'd needed me, I would have given her all the time she needs because that's what my life is about now. But at this moment, my need was greater because I had to rewrite this paragraph & had just gotten back into it. Someday I'll learn a better way to work with this blog program & laptop & not accidentally delete portions when I'm trying to post them! Anyway, this is what being a priorities manager is about. This time my priority was higher.
A final word about starting my day with those 15 minutes - sometimes it's more than 15 minutes with great reason. That's when I most often get my ideas & inspirations for new products & services. It's also when I get most of the messages about my life's purpose, the answers to spiritual questions (that pop into my head, so to speak), & solutions to unresolved things lurking in the back of my mind. I haven't become involved in my day yet so my mind & heart are entirely open then to the messages. I'm in full conversation mode - not just talking, not just listening & waiting. I approach God & the angels & spirit guides with an attitude of conversation at that time, an open heart & mind. That's why I receive so much!
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