This past week I consulted with an amazing friend of mine (a natural healer) several times and really got things moving forward. She can see disease and all kinds of things about & inside people, so I trust her when she says something to me. She identified for me that I had fears that were holding me back from success, even though I'd been trying to work through everything. That rang true so that night (one night last weekend I think) I asked God and Archangel Michael to help me identify the fears. By the next day I knew I was afraid of myself, of not having enough talent in any one area. I'd absorbed all the negative messages from things with my second ex and my childhood. So that day I worked on my fears and got over them. After that I was very clear thinking and craft ideas started to flow! That leads to an opportunity to make money from the things that I do, and including the crafting in my life again. I've been denying myself this need (and it is a need in me) because I was running out of materials to use and inspiration due to lack of outlet.
There are several things I want to clarify here. I've been working at clearing myself for some time now, addressing every message that comes to me from whatever good source. Good sources are direct messages from God or angels, trusted friends and family, trusted spiritual or metaphysical websites and messages. I avail myself of all of that. I receive those messages 5 days a week and have several other sites that send me information. I don't subscribe to anything and everything out there. I've arrived at my sources over time, from recommendations from trusted friends and from one site leading to another. So I've been working at this with intent. Also please note that I said what my friend said rang true with me. You have to test all messages from within. If you don't, you're going to be pulled in many wrong directions at once.
There are several things I want to clarify here. I've been working at clearing myself for some time now, addressing every message that comes to me from whatever good source. Good sources are direct messages from God or angels, trusted friends and family, trusted spiritual or metaphysical websites and messages. I avail myself of all of that. I receive those messages 5 days a week and have several other sites that send me information. I don't subscribe to anything and everything out there. I've arrived at my sources over time, from recommendations from trusted friends and from one site leading to another. So I've been working at this with intent. Also please note that I said what my friend said rang true with me. You have to test all messages from within. If you don't, you're going to be pulled in many wrong directions at once.
From these ideas I moved forward to more solutions to my life needs - income. Remember, when you truly set intent and focus on it, eventually the answers come from all kinds of sources. But you truly have to be open to different ideas and recognize messages. So, again last week, a friend said maybe I'd win the lottery and I said I don't play. I expanded my thinking at that point, having been given messages that you never know where help is coming from, just have to believe that it is. Then a couple of things led me to enter the Publishers Clearing House (PCH) sweepstakes online, including that it's free and the lottery isn't. I figured the only fallout would be spam emails. PCH led to filling out a request for information about online university programs. My mentor recently said I should be able to get grants and student loan for schooling, like as a vet tech. He said there could even be enough funding to live on. So when the opportunity arose to ask for information, I did.
Schools started calling me with information. I expanded my thinking further and started looking into funding, and areas of study vs. certificate programs. So many options! There are programs in Complementary Medicine, Holistic Medicine, Life Coaching, etc. I eliminated vet tech from my goals, and concentrated on my greatest areas of interest, what I already know and do. I found out that with grants and student loans I could not only entirely pay for college without paying out of pocket, I can have some money for living expenses too. Plus I may also be able to get scholarships. Suddenly I had too many choices - of universities, programs, certificate options, etc.
Friday I spun my wheels with my research so that night I completely set my intent, prayed, and asked Archangel Michael for help. I wanted help with my research, my due diligence. I was looking at career outlooks, pay scales, costs of programs, and job openings by field in Pittsburgh. After prayer Friday night and Saturday morning, I started the research again with new intent. This time I found myself exploring programs for mental health counseling (psychology was one of my searches but it was all geared toward occupational and workplace skills). This search led to finding a program for a BS in psychology with a minor in life coaching! I put in for information and got a call shortly afterwards. The cost was less than other programs because it's a non-profit university. At that point I also found out it's the largest online Christian university! I look for 3 signs but usually receive 2 strong ones and a bunch of ones you could also explain away. This time I received a total of 6 signs, including the fact that I'd never heard of the place before Saturday. It hadn't come up in any of my searches until I re-set my intent and prayed. Yet it had just the kind of program I was seeking. Another really cool sign is that the brick and mortar is located in the town where a particular friend works. This is the friend I consulted in 2010 about piecing together new lines of work because things weren't working with my then husband. Something she told me about led me through a series of connections to my mentor, who introduced me to Reiki. And that totally changed my life and started my path to wholeness.
So I did my due diligence after the phone call but was so very excited. I also consulted with my daughter, the licensed clinical social worker. We discussed the job outlook for the field, the university (she's actually been there), repaying student loans, and my pro and con list for my options. I floated for 3 full hours, which is very rare in my life. After due diligence and finding it's a top rated school, I made my decision. What followed was sheer relief, and the beginning of some real dreaming and possibility thinking.
There's a possibility they'll help me find a job through a work/study program. Certainly this choice of major and schooling will help me find work. On Friday I also finally found that I'm eligible for help through the county council on aging (oh my) - ages 55 and up, and that's me. So I'm going to see what kinds of programs they have to help me find work. If I don't get any scholarship money, I'll still have a little money left from the first year student loan to live on. It's not a lot but it's more than I have right now. So I have a full life plan now and I'm very excited. I'll be doing my online schooling, making things to sell as I can, and using all resources to find a job and get financial aid while I need it.
Friday I spun my wheels with my research so that night I completely set my intent, prayed, and asked Archangel Michael for help. I wanted help with my research, my due diligence. I was looking at career outlooks, pay scales, costs of programs, and job openings by field in Pittsburgh. After prayer Friday night and Saturday morning, I started the research again with new intent. This time I found myself exploring programs for mental health counseling (psychology was one of my searches but it was all geared toward occupational and workplace skills). This search led to finding a program for a BS in psychology with a minor in life coaching! I put in for information and got a call shortly afterwards. The cost was less than other programs because it's a non-profit university. At that point I also found out it's the largest online Christian university! I look for 3 signs but usually receive 2 strong ones and a bunch of ones you could also explain away. This time I received a total of 6 signs, including the fact that I'd never heard of the place before Saturday. It hadn't come up in any of my searches until I re-set my intent and prayed. Yet it had just the kind of program I was seeking. Another really cool sign is that the brick and mortar is located in the town where a particular friend works. This is the friend I consulted in 2010 about piecing together new lines of work because things weren't working with my then husband. Something she told me about led me through a series of connections to my mentor, who introduced me to Reiki. And that totally changed my life and started my path to wholeness.
So I did my due diligence after the phone call but was so very excited. I also consulted with my daughter, the licensed clinical social worker. We discussed the job outlook for the field, the university (she's actually been there), repaying student loans, and my pro and con list for my options. I floated for 3 full hours, which is very rare in my life. After due diligence and finding it's a top rated school, I made my decision. What followed was sheer relief, and the beginning of some real dreaming and possibility thinking.
There's a possibility they'll help me find a job through a work/study program. Certainly this choice of major and schooling will help me find work. On Friday I also finally found that I'm eligible for help through the county council on aging (oh my) - ages 55 and up, and that's me. So I'm going to see what kinds of programs they have to help me find work. If I don't get any scholarship money, I'll still have a little money left from the first year student loan to live on. It's not a lot but it's more than I have right now. So I have a full life plan now and I'm very excited. I'll be doing my online schooling, making things to sell as I can, and using all resources to find a job and get financial aid while I need it.
I totally believe I've now found the key to entirely moving forward and transforming my life!!! I feel so good about this. I love learning and already know so much about the field, do life coaching and counseling, so I know it's right for me. And it fits with my life mission for God. This is a 3rd dimension, respectable field of study that will enable me (as my daughter pointed out) to navigate in both worlds as long as I need to. I now can see that there truly is a light at the end of the tunnel, and have new hope and faith. I believe I will finally be able to have a better life, overcome the legacy left by my ex finally. I've been fully paying for being an enabler (unwittingly) to his sins for nearly 3 years now, with my circumstances becoming more dire every month. But please note that I so entirely had to open my thinking and pay attention to messages directed at me from all sources before getting here. I've also had to step way out of my comfort zone - open myself up for the spam and phone calls, do all the research, do my due diligence. I really had to work at it. Nothing comes without that.