I have a friend who is very spiritual but she's entirely lost her faith in intent and manifestation. I have another friend who was faithfully doing her "I Am" and manifestation statements daily for awhile, then quit doing most of it. Eventually after she quit she developed coping problems. And the people I see who often have coping problems are those who've never developed the habit.
Last week I was out of state for my son's wedding. I knew I'd be super busy and that I wouldn't have time to stick to my routine so I didn't take my statements with me. I prayed for others and myself most of the days I was gone but that was it. I also didn't get enough rest or sleep while I was gone, and some days didn't hydrate enough. By the time I got back I felt like a mess and had trouble coping with problems that arose.
The first things I'm going to tell you that help with coping problems is sticking to a routine as much as possible. As an artist and totally creative personality I've resisted the idea of routine most of my life. Yet that's what I put in place for myself when I need to be efficient, so it's truly the idea that I feel resistant to. The more I work with routine and tools the more comfortable I am. I have a basket I carry up and down the stairs, as I've said. I use it as a staging area to make sure I have what I need with me. I use it to conveniently carry things from room to room. I collect things to be put away or worked on, and put them away or carry them to where I'll work on them. My other big staging area is my purse and a tote if I'm going out. All this allows me to be organized, efficient, and to avoid going into a room and wondering what I'm there for. Come on, you know that happens to you, too. So having routines and systems are comforting and help us avoid a lot of stress.
I know people who regularly try to function without down time and on only a few hours sleep each night. I used to be one of them, and can tell you the great difference sleep and down time make. I look back on the first months after I separated from my first husband. I was working full time and single parenting, and never got enough sleep or rest. It becomes a vicious cycle of stress you don't even recognize. The longer you go without sleep and rest the more stressed you become. Then you stay up later and later trying to find time for yourself, ways to cope with the stress. Many do that by spending hours on Facebook playing games and interacting with those up late. It may feel good at the time but it only increases the stress cycle. I have to say I wasn't doing that back then - I'm talking 1990. I don't remember what I was doing up so late besides laundry and dishes. Those are good and necessary things but I only broke the stress cycle when I found ways to get it all done and still get more sleep. Staying hydrated is also important. If I remember correctly, our bodies are something wild like 78% water. If I'm wrong, I'm not that far off. Every function of our bodies needs water to flush our systems so they work properly and we stay healthy.
And speaking of down time, journaling really does help. A few weeks ago I started a young woman on journaling as a coping mechanism and I'm thrilled to report that she too has quickly gotten great results. It's really cleared her thinking. She came to me for answers, for an intuitive angel card reading, telling me of her confusion. I was able to pinpoint her issues for her and give her things to work on. Yet a week later she was again telling me of her confusion, wanted another reading. However, when I suggested journaling at the first session she listened and began. A week after our second session, she told me she'd found the answers thanks to the journaling. As I told her in the second session, she really did have the answers inside her, really did know. She just needed to get in touch with her self.
I can't tell you often enough how important it is to work with "I Am" and manifestation statements, and angels. My personal angel work comes straight from Doreen Virtue, but I've added or subtracted a little to make it my own. I've paid attention to the prayers on cards I've drawn that were right on my need. I also looked up who helps with what in her book, "Archangels and Ascended Masters." I got back late Sunday night and started back with all this yesterday. I felt so down and defeated in ways that I could barely make myself do the "I Am" statements. Remember, I start with prayer, then greet my angels, teachers, and guides. I did those things some days while I was gone. Then I read my "I Am" statements aloud, move onto manifestation statements and angel work, all aloud. I felt like I couldn't possibly read those things when I felt like I couldn't cope, felt so overwhelmed. But I made myself do it and felt so much better for it. I don't feel entirely back to normal but I'm getting there after 2 days of it. I went for 6 days without it and have been back to it for 2 days. Just that break made all the difference between being able to cope and feeling scared, lost, and alone. My head knows better but my heart and spirit didn't. Of course it didn't help that I was also low on sleep and fluids, and had to face coping with situations that piled up and arose while I was gone. But it really gave me a chance again to see the dramatic difference my devotional time makes. I felt different once I restarted, even without catching up on my rest, sleep, and hydration at that point. So of course I needed to pass this insight on to you.
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