For just over a year I've been working with some of what's in the title. I'd have to go back to my spiritual journal to see exactly when I started with what. I keep two journals - spiritual and personal. Everyone who journals handles things differently. I document my journey as best I can in my spiritual journal and write headlines at the top of the page so I can easily find things. Near or at the beginning of this journey, my Reiki Master suggested that I document it so that I can guide others. It felt right and somewhere along the line I found out that it truly is one of my missions. I use my personal journal for working out feelings and identifying them. Remember, this is something I've struggled with my whole life. I've talked about the importance of journaling before - that's what that one is for.
More than a year ago I started working with manifestation and "I Am" statements. The manifestation statements have barely changed during this time. After a few months of working with them, I entirely manifested a large portion of the first set of statements - "a cozy home of my own with the cats that suits us entirely." I was very clear about what I wanted and needed in that home. The funny thing is, it manifested in full all in one room! After I moved here in November, I changed that to manifesting the ability to stay in this cozy home of my own..." Later I added a paragraph about manifesting "true happiness and all the blessings, benefits, and abundance that is a part of that." I also added some specifics about what that would look like, including "abundant health and wellbeing." I have specifics in there based on my ongoing needs too, like "ability and agility." When working to manifest you have to be clear but not get into specific details. As Mike Dooley says, leave the "cursed how's" to the universe. It's right for me to ask for ability and agility, which I need to do my work. I'd be getting into too much detail if I asked to be a size 8 or 120 pounds.
My "I Am" statements have evolved much more than my manifestation statements. As I've become aware of limiting beliefs from childhood and erroneous life lessons, my statements have changed to counter them. These are also manifestation statements of a sort. I use them to manifest faith and belief in myself and Creator. They are written to strengthen my belief in things I already know about myself but need to reinforce and to create more belief where I have doubts. They're also written to strengthen my belief in blossoming gifts as they appear. I also use them and write them to move me into new habits, away from patterns or behavior that no longer suits me. So these are very powerful tools.
Next I added in my angel work and that's been added to over and over. Some I got from Doreen Virtue's book on "Archangels and Ascended Masters." There's a wonderful index in the back that tells who to call on for what. I looked up who does what for my main issues and read about each. I found some who work on multiple issues of mine or who do the aspect that I need, and settled on them. She has a prayer for working with them to manifest what you need, for each. Then I stated working with my first deck of her Angel Oracle Cards, recommended to me by my Reiki Master. These are the "Angel Therapy" Angel Oracle Cards. The cards I pulled for personal messages perfectly fit with what I needed (of course) so I added in the prayers for those. And in that way I've added to this over time.
The theme here is that I use all this to reinforce my faith, enhance and change myself and my life. Almost every day I start my day with prayer, first gratitude, then for myself and mostly for others. As I said the other day, I now surrender all my needs, my relationship with money and with others, and my thoughts and feelings about them to God. Then I greet my Council of angels and guides by name and speak with them. I want to get to know the ones I don't, and get to know many of them better than I do. I want to walk with them, talk with them, get to know them and commune with them, and know who to ask and thank for what specifically. In the meantime, I greet them and tell them of my love for them. Because even those I don't know well I know I love. And I thank them for their help each and every day, and ask for their messages and help in all ways they can give it for today. And if I have specific concerns, I address them and ask for help. Angels and guides don't need recognition but gratitude and acknowledgement always helps. It's less important to know who to specifically ask and most important TO actually ask, and express gratitude, and so I do. Then I read my "I Am" statements, then my manifestation statements aloud. Then I move on to asking specific angels and guides for help in specific ways, which I call my "angel work" as in the above paragraph. I have found all this to be entirely transformational, which is why I try to do it each and every day. It sets the tone for my day. First thing each day, I give myself, my life, and my day to God, "to guide, lead and direct." Then I do the above to ensure the flow of my day. I work with guides during the angel time to keep serenity in my day. And it truly works! I absolutely never know what my day is going to be like. I start each day with a basic plan, what I believe I need to do that day but it never comes out that way. I never know who is going to call on me for what each day, only that most days someone will come to me in need. Starting my day in this way enables me to be responsive to their needs and my own.
You need to know that I work through and live with physical pain every day. I don't often allow it to slow or stop me but it does sometimes dictate the flow of my day. Remember, I've said that I absolutely don't live my ideal or perfect life. I'm in the place of becoming. I never want you to think that my life is a piece of cake or I have it made. You need to know that none of what I do is any easier for me than anything you're going through. The entire difference is that I do all this work every day, including working with angels. I've developed deep faith in myself and Creator, angels, and the goodness of life. I've developed my ability to see progress and have belief. I've just told you exactly how to get to where I am. And where I am is in a truly beautiful place of faith, Love, and Joy. I've come so far, and this is how I've gotten there. This is the core of how. I've also been working on myself and my issues every day. I am open to Divine and angelic messages, messages from guides and trusted sources. Because I'm open and listen and have been, I easily recognize the messages when they come in. I don't need to be hit with a 2 X 4 to get it so it comes gently and easily. I used to have a lot of those 2 X 4s and I can tell you how hard it is to learn that way. Part of my serenity comes from no longer needing messages delivered in that way.
Recently my faith and belief has gotten a huge boost. Sometimes it seemed, along the way, that the progress was very slow. But doing all the above every day helped me develop faith and belief, and I could see some of the things working along the way. I was reinforcing it all every day, which is necessary to real growth. And so worth the time I gave to it each day. Now all this has taken on new life. I am reading my "I Am" and manifestation statements in a new way, with real belief. I now say, "I AM..." to all of them instead of "I am..." in a weak and simply hopeful way. And so they are more powerful than ever. Now, whenever anything at all disturbs me in the slightest, I know what to do, have multiple resources. Today I didn't get a phone call I really wanted about a job interview, for example, and I was feeling slightly insecure about my chances. I reminded myself first that what's meant to be will happen. I then reminded myself that if it's not this specific job, it will be a better one. I'd really like to be done with all the time and trouble involved in job searches and interviews. But I've surrendered my needs and that means you let go of the outcome, don't second guess or worry. You have faith that the best will happen. And that's what has gotten from my head down into my heart and back - that only the best for my personal growth is going to happen to me, and that Creator uses whatever happens for my personal best. I learn, grow, and heal from all of it. And I believe that in the things that truly matter (and most of what we end up getting upset about or caring about in the moment is not truly important in the long run), Creator is in charge and will work out the best outcome. I said a quick prayer, then took a nap and did Reiki on myself. I have no idea why I needed the nap but I listened to my body. The Reiki was to take advantage of the rest period, and because at the time I was feeling a little disconnected, having a little trouble thinking about how to help someone with Reiki - a specific need. So I did Reiki to think things through and reconnect myself. I have no idea why I didn't get that phone call but it could just be that the guy's time got away from him today. It doesn't matter - the outcome will be as it should be. If I don't get the job it will be harder on me than any of the other jobs I didn't get, but I'll just keep going with my plans. Because now I've been led in the right direction - I feel it and know it. I won't let one closed door shake me. You need to understand that this so truly matters to me. The only other job I wanted like this one was last year when I applied for the job of Groundhog Club Coordinator - the only job position with my beloved group, the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club! The job I'm waiting to hear on is not just a job as most of the others would have been - it's a career choice, once closest to my heart. It would bridge the best of my past with my present and future. Which is why I know that if it's not this particular one, it will happen for this career. So for me to say that I've let go of the outcome and have faith - that's a huge statement. And perhaps that best illustrates the results of doing the title of this post.
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