I have a relationship with Father God that some people envy. Just last night I was again asked how to achieve that, with the belief that I couldn't tell her. Most people believe you have to work hard at it, that it's pretty unattainable. They feel that He's too busy or they aren't important enough or He's too hard to reach. But I actually CAN tell you how, because none of that's true. He truly IS so big & magnificent & ALL that He can be there for each of us, & is. To have a personal relationship with Him, all you have to do is believe, talk, listen, & open your heart.
First, let's get through the terminology. Call Him or Her whatever you want. If you want to substitute some other word for God or Father, go ahead. Creator, Higher Power - doesn't matter. All that matters is that you believe there is a Highest Power that created us. Perhaps the closest word we really have in the English language for this Creator is Love. Certainly, if you want to understand Him, Pure Love & Power is the best way. I believe I talk with Father God. I used to strictly talk to Brother Jesus, because I could relate better. I believe that Jesus is God's Son, a separate part of God the Father. That just gives you context. Your beliefs might be different.
So back to how to talk with the Creator. You have to believe that He hears YOU. You have to believe that He loves you enough to listen to you, & that He always listens. Then you have to do it, the more often the better. You have to open your heart when you do so that you get that connection. Think about human communication, let's say the development of a friendship. At first you aren't emotionally connected, so talk is not emotionally charged. You aren't really investing much of your self into it usually. There's no bond with that person. Each time you talk you share a little more of yourselves & it gets easier, more comfortable. The bond begins to form which leads to sharing more of yourselves & deeper bond. Eventually you are fully & emotionally present in each conversation because of that bond. It works the same way with God.
Part of the above conversational/bonding process is that you listen also, not just talk. When you talk with God, you have to learn to listen too. I find that He "talks" with me differently than Jesus does. Jesus talks with me like my Angel & Guides do. That is, I receive messages in my head in direct response. It's that "ah-ha" that comes into your head sometimes when you're searching your brain (so you think) for answers. That fully formed entire concept/picture/answer. It's like receiving an entire paragraph to a letter in response to your question. At least, that's how I receive it from them. From God it's different, it's a feeling, a knowing in my heart, more than a concrete thought or concept. That said, I know He talks with some people in a more direct fashion, like my Angel & Guides talk with me, or even more directly. I believe that if you earnestly seek Him, He will speak to you in whatever way is needed at the time. I believe He usually allows others to deliver His direct messages - advice from a trusted friend, your own Angels & Guides, many ways depending on how open we are.
It's easier to learn to accept that those "ah-ha" moments are actually messages being sent to you than it is to identify when God simply speaks to your heart. Sometimes your brain is wonderfully functional & will solve problems if you put them in there to work on. Something at work, let's say, & you figure out a solution to - the glitch in the office budget. You know that's you. Or you awaken with an answer to something you went to sleep trying to figure out. That's probably your mind, unless the solution was just way beyond you. Our brains work on problems while we sleep because our subconscious takes over & our conscious brain is for once, blessedly silent. But if you ask a question as you go through your day & minutes or a moment later come up with the answer, that's not your brain. That's not you. That's Guidance. Once you learn to detect, feel, trust, & have gratitude for that, you're ready to listen to God's messages to your heart/soul/being. Again, that doesn't come from your brain. It's God speaking to you, not your brain at work. When you open your heart to God & talk with Him through your heart (usually using your brain at that point because we do it with words), your brain is overridden by your heart & therefore couldn't be supplying the message you get in return. It's that simple.
I recommend talking to & with God in 2 ways - formal prayer & conversation. Please note I said talking "to & with" & know that I always carefully choose my words when I write anything. Usually I'm talking "to" God in prayer & "with" Him the rest of the time. It's more in talking with Him that you'll hear back from Him. Talking "to" is not real conversation & talking "with" is. I talk with God just the way I talk with everyone else except in twice a day (or more as needed) prayer. I tell Him good morning & I love Him, just as chipperly (new word :) as I can. Or I tell Him I love Him & that I'm still really groggy, having trouble getting started, whatever. Then I stumble around at first just as if someone called me & woke me up. I talk with Him whenever there's something on my heart, & I thank Him a lot. I tell Him how cute the 2 baby chipmunks are playing, & how much I love them. I ask Him to protect them from the ATVs racing up the street, reiterate that I love them & how cute they are. I bring Him the things hurting my heart, like the lightning bug I found half dead in the house. I tell Him when I know my attitude is wrong or I've done something wrong. I've vented to Him, just like you would do your closest friend. Because He is my constant companion, & so much more than a friend. If you had a really close relationship with your father or mother, you might have told these kinds of things to him or her. I tell people you can even cuss when you talk with God, although I certainly don't. I think the talking to a parent thing works pretty well here. If you talk with Him the way you would a beloved parent or other authority figure (aunt, uncle, much older sibling, or even a close family friend), & you listen, you'll develop that kind of relationship. And it's possible whether you ever enjoyed that in your family or not. I had very little access to that kind of love & bonding growing up, but now I have it with Him, beyond my wildest dreams. YOU can too!!!
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