Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Law of Abundance

First, parents - please read my comment on yesterday's blog, in response to my daughter. A second aside, you CAN afford my services. Right now I charge nothing. I ask for donations based on your ability to pay & what you think my services are worth. Sometimes I simply work by exchange - a product or service for my products or services. See, I totally believe in the flow & law of abundance. If I share my talents & abilities without withholding based on money, my needs will eventually be supplied. That said, of course I prefer being directly paid as you all know the money abundance hasn't manifested yet.

Now to today's message. Yes, it's Saturday, & I usually only post during the week days. But this came to me this morning & is important. Today's blog is based on a concept I read almost 2 weeks ago & didn't entirely understand until I woke up with it this morning. That's part of the adventure my life now is - sometimes I awaken with insights, already in the flow.

Notice I said "law" not "flow" of abundance. That's because abundance is a law of nature & the universe. Abundant grass (look how often you have to mow), water (just look at oceans), trees, birds, I could make a huge list. If you don't have abundance in your life, it's only because something is blocking it. In some cases, it's because of where you live - man has removed much of the abundance in your area & replaced it with abundant asphalt & buildings. In most cases, we block our own sense of abundance or the flow. Sometimes we are blocking the sense by not appreciating what we have. Abundance is already manifested & we simply don't realize it. Exercises of gratitude clear that. All you have to do is get alone with God & start thanking Him for everything you can think of. Soon it takes over & you find more & more, can go on as long as you like. Your heart overflows & you realize all you have to be grateful for, & appreciate it all the more.

Sometimes we ourselves block the law/flow of abundance from working in our lives. Grasping for, holding onto, & worrying are the most common blockers. Grasping for is greed - taking more than we need at the expense of others. I think of one who always wanted to get rich quick, with the minimum of work & how he tried to exploit others. Somewhere between grasping for & holding onto is the buffet syndrom. Next time you're at a buffet, look around at the volume of food consumed because it's all one price. Then look at the food left on the plates to be thrown away.

Holding onto is failure to give to others out of our abundance. Hoarders are a dramatic example of that, & you can see the results on a TV show. I know about it firsthand because my mother is a hoarder & I now have the responsibility for clearing out all the excess. Folks, all I can say is those TV shows are no exaggeration & it's not that uncommon. I keep wishing I had the money spent on all the stuff I'm now clearing out for her. Remember, I had $25 just in old postage stamps the other day, posted about it. I'd already used a bunch before that! Now I'll give you 2 perfect examples of the opposite: 1) I'm not holding onto my talents or abilities based on ability to pay; 2) those who give away home grown yellow squash & zucchini. All vegetable gardeners will immediately "get" this. All of a sudden you have more than you can eat if you have a few plants. There's nothing wrong with blanching & freezing some for winter if you'll use it. But many give to those who have not & that's even better.

Worry also blocks abundance. You get what you put out. Your thoughts DO become things. If you're fixated on not having, which is what worry is, that's what you're putting out to the universe. It's self-fulfilling. Infertility is a good example. I hate that word, really want to create another, more positive word that leaves open the future possibility of fertility. Anyway, a perfect example of how worry does really block the flow is couples who have gotten pregnant after they entirely stopped trying, & adopted.

Another thing necessary for the flow of abundance is work. You can't sit on your hands & wait for things to come to you. Your hands would die from lack of circulation! Do all the work you can that comes to you. Take care of your obligations as they arise. When you are led to do something for someone, do it. Be a giver. It doesn't take money to be a giver. I'm giving you free advice & recipes in this blog regularly. If you take care of those sent to you, do the work given to you - be it your own housework & laundry, dishes, litter boxes - or a good paying job - the abundance will flow. Each week, do YOUR part, whatever that is. And be sure to include taking care of yourself - that's part of your job too, part of the flow. You aren't an unlimited quantity if you are stingy with your self & don't do the work on your self you need to - body, mind, & spirit.

Ok, I feel the need to tell you I'm a spiritualist & a Christian before I share this last bit. My life coaching is spiritually based - all my life is now. Being a Christian is personal. If you are not, I can still coach & help you. I sometimes channel Father God, for one. I sometimes channel Jesus, but I believe He probably doesn't send messages to those who don't believe in Him - that He leaves it up to others. That only makes sense. I am a psychic intuitive, teacher, guide, & a Reiki II practioner. I am a healer by nature & calling.

I was reading a message given to my spiritual community about creating & manifesting by envisioning the end scenario, holding the intention, & then moving backward in time, thought by thought. We were to remove any behaviors, thought forms, people, or situations that would block the perfect manifestation of our intention. I just couldn't picture doing that process until this morning. Then I realized - duh - that's nothing but the creative process put in different words. I've envisioned from my heart a painting called "Passion" - two people holding each other close in dance, her hot pink skirts flowing around them. I had to envision the finished painting in my mind before I could start because of my intent & how important the outcome is to me. I am painting my passion for that someone I mentioned in the post about falling in love with the universe, so my intent is very specific. First I had to decide on the size of canvas & whether I wanted to frame it. I had to picture where the figures would be, what else would be in the painting, what colors & where. I had to work backwards from the finished painting all the way down to the color wash I'd use to prepare the canvas. Another example of the creative process that reflects how to manifest this way is creating a knitting or crocheting pattern. My daughter, a friend, & I have all created our own baby blanket patterns - knitted & crocheted. We each first pictured the finished blanket - size, colors, texture, warmth, etc. Then we worked backwards - the stitch & type of yarn for the desired texture & warmth, how many stitches for the size, what size needles or hooks, etc. Each of us created a pattern that didn't exist in our world until we did the creative work, & a unique finished product from our intent. Then that pattern can be used to create over & over again. And that's an example of the flow of abundance. We could also create some financial abundance by selling our patterns or baby blankets. There are endless possibilities for abundance supply if we're just open.

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