Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Monday, March 12, 2012

Rewritten I Am & Manifestation Statements

This has been evolving since January. I know I wrote back then that needs were changing & I needed to rewrite them. My lovely friend Pam gave me a copy of hers & I've taken a few from her as she's taken a few from my old ones. I also finished the Mike Dooley book she lent me on manifesting change, & so entirely changed my manifestation statements based on what I learned. If you are not exactly where you want to be in your life, I highly recommend the book as a very worthwhile buy (through his website, The full title is "Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier." At first I found the book more difficult to read & understand than most of his other stuff but it was worth it. There are valuable exercises to get you thinking in the right direction & a valuable tool to help you understand the easiest way to manifest what you want. Now my manifestations statements are simple. "I am manifesting true happiness in my life & all the blessings, benefits, & abundance that is a part of that. I am manifesting my highest good, 'beyond my wildest dreams.' So be it!" Mike Dooley talks about things "beyond your wildest dreams" so he's speaking my language. No later than the 1990s I began praying for "beyond my wildest dreams" & it is a very personal & important concept to me. I know God knows just what I mean, even though it's a quality rather than something I can describe or define. The closest word I can put with it is "exquisite." I used to ask for it in love especially, & once had it. The only dictionary I can find at the moment is not my favorite definition, but I'll quote some of it. Exquisite means "sharply intense, very beautiful, of highest quality, consummate, highly sensitive." When I first started praying for "beyond my wildest dreams" I had exquisite in mind. My heart & soul so longed for the deepest, & that's what it means to me. It's so very specific for me without expressing the nebulous details. And that's really the secret to manifestation - to have the end goal in mind without attaching specific details to it. This then allows for the highest & best to come to you. If you attach details, that's what you'll get & that's all - whatever you've fixated on. I knew & know the quality of love, joy, peace, contentment, happiness, abundance, prosperity, & such that I want in my life but often haven't filled in the details. I was doing the right kind of manifestation work back then without even knowing it. Then I got caught up in filling in the details. Now I'm getting back to doing it the way I did before I got misdirected. It amazes me how "right on" I was back then. I knew nothing about purposefully manifesting, only believed in prayer & asking God to provide. But I was doing all the right things, like making lists of what I wanted in a man so I could know myself, the things I was good at & could do in a career, possibility thinking in action. And it felt right. Not knowing what I was doing & being limited at the time by current circumstances & lack of understanding, I didn't use it & stay on course. Still, it helped. Moving forward is key & you can be redirected if going in the wrong direction as long as you're moving & trying.

The following are my rewritten "I Am" statements. "I am worthy. I am a caring, giving, loving, valuable human. I am a caring, giving, loving, good & valuable friend. I am truly happy & enjoy the abundance blessings that come with that. I am a healer & helper, teacher, guide, & counselor. I am an empath, intuitive, psychic, medium, & reader. I am hones & trustworthy, in business & personal affairs. I am compassionate toward & take good care of myself, nurture myself as I've nurtured others. I am a loving, caring, giving mother who gives the best kind & amount of attention & support to my own children & those who need & want healthy mothering. I am open to the possibilities of life. I understand that there will be unexpected pain & unexplained events but I am one who learns & grows from them. I make a great difference, am a catalyst for bringing good to others & situations. I am resilient & a creative problem solver. I am grounded & clear thinking, able to discern & be guided to the next stop in my path. I am becoming the best me I can be. I am able to change & adapt as needed for my highest good. I am able to call upon angels, teacher, guides, Jesus, Mother Mary & God as needed & I do this as often as I need to. I am open to their guidance & direction for help in navigating, & in guiding others. I love myself unconditionally. I feel my feelings but am able to handle the highs & lows effectively. I am a clear guide & gifted writer & speaker, & able to channel messages at will. I am a gifted animal communicator, open to their messages & needs, working for their highest good. I am an accomplished business woman & business manager. I am healthy in my spirit, emotions, body, & my sexuality. I work with the laws of manifestation to create "beyond my wildest dreams" even as my dreams continue to grow. I am the embodiment of grace in action. I am grace, beauty & joy for myself, animals & people, Creator, the Universe. I am taking responsibility for my own life. I can cope with any situation. I am grateful for all this is in my life. I am releasing all of the past hurt in my life & turning it into love. I am a unique, radiant, loving being. I deserve the best that life has to offer. My needs are always met. I have a right to express my desires to myself & others. Life is unfolding as it should. I am honoring my body & feel good about my sexuality. I am deserving of all the love, joy, & prosperity that comes to me. I am open to receiving all the best that life & the Universe has for me. The love I feel for myself & others is unconditional. I love myself for who I am & the potential within me. My thoughts & speech are considered before I utter them. I am choosing to live my life from a place of love & contentment, choosing to transform my life & become free. I am releasing all limiting thoughts & am lifting myself up to ever higher levels of awareness. I am an effective & creative priorities manager. I am a great master of manifestation & I always manifest what's needed for my highest good easily & effectively, naturally. I am an achiever. I am effectively channeling & working with the child within me. I harness, feed, use, & benefit from the child within me while operating in the world as a fully functioning adult. I am at the peak of physical health - at my best weight, in shape & at peak physical capability. I maintain this through a healthy lifestyle, healthy eating & a healthy amount of the best kinds of exercise, activities & play for my highest functioning & greatest good."

I've also added one Doreen Virtue angel request to the angel work I do daily. It's been rewritten a little from her original. "Archangel Zadkiel, please help me heal my heart. If I'm holding onto unforgiveness, please help me to release it fully. If there's something I'm not seeing, please help me to see clearly. If I need more compassion, please fill my heart with mercy. When I'm worried or anxious, please fill my heart with faith & calmness. I now surrender this situation fully to you & I trust that your God-given healing power takes care of every detail with divine grace, harmony & wisdom. Thank you."

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