The friend I mentioned yesterday who twice asked me how I do it is drowning in a fear-based life. For example, he lives in fear that he won't be prepared. He's a smart man but over thinks everything. He has all his receipts & business papers in triplicate in case he needs to produce one, but couldn't find them if he needed them because he has too many papers.
I don't live a risky life but I also don't live in fear. I'm smart about what I do. For example, I don't leave my door unlocked, my purse in the grocery cart when I step away, etc. I take precautions to protect the cats & me within our home. I'm careful, but not fearful. I trust the Universe, God, people, myself. I'm realistic in my trust of others & myself. I know myself well enough to know how far I can trust myself. I've put protections in place to cover my weaknesses. For example, I have a place for things I so I don't have to go looking for them, & I try to always put things away where I'll be able to find them. I try to pay attention to what I'm doing so I don't do something stupid when I'm distracted. And I learn from my mistakes. For example, I fell off a step ladder in January, because I wasn't paying attention after many times up & down. And I realized I've done that before. I get so busy that I actually forget I'm at the top, on a step ladder! Now that I know that, I know to limit the amount of time I spend on a step ladder, & my own potential problem with that. But I don't mount a step ladder with fear. I do it now with the understanding that I have to pay better attention. I know myself & when I can & can't trust myself. I still make mistakes but I don't live in fear of them. Instead, I work to manage them.
I have trust & faith, & live my life that way instead of living in fear. I know my part is to do all I can every day I can with all I have to do & work with. I do my part. I'm a very hard worker & I work smart, am organized & calm. I trust myself & my knowledge & abilities, trust that it's enough to make things work. I trust the Universe & God & others to do their part too, to do the rest. I trust in the workings of things. I use the laws of the Universe to my advantage, & other people too. Yes, I said I use people. I do. But I also allow others to use me, & I use them without taking from them that which isn't freely given. So it's not the same thing as being a "user." I've learned to ask for help & accept the gifts because I know I'm a giver who must also be a receiver. Most of all, I don't live in fear because I trust myself to be able to handle whatever life brings my way, whatever happens. Some things are much easier than others to handle or bear but I trust myself to be clever, resilient, & to work my way out of any trouble, with or without the help of others. I've overcome so much so I know that I can. Self confidence & trust is the opposite of fear. I know that I can survive just about anything, & if not, I die, & I don't fear that either. I have faith that I'll only die when it's my time, that I'll move into the beautiful afterlife, & that it will be glorious. So I don't fear when or how. I "fear" piders, nakes, & ees (bees), but not too much to get piders out of my house or stay away from flowers. I don't fear failure because I know it's a step toward success. Without fear, I live life to the fullest, put myself out there, & the rewards are so great. Without fear, I'm able to "live out loud," with audacity & belief that all goods things are coming to me. And they are. They flow to me naturally. And this is another answer to that friend about how I do it. I refuse to live in fear & therefore it doesn't restrict me. Fear restricts us more than anything else in our lives. I refuse to live that way. And because of this, I actually live in relative safety. I have precautions in place, like locking the door, paying attention to myself & my surroundings, asking Archangel Michael for protection each & every day. I have people & angels who watch over me daily. And I have the power of positive thinking. We draw to us what we put out there. I don't put fear out there so I don't have causes to fear coming to me. I put out there that I'm safe operating in the world, giving to others, sharing with others & I reap what I sow.
I trust in goodness, & I recognize it, glory in it all around me. I no longer have to have the answers to have faith, no longer need to know the hows & why. I don't need to know how things work to know that they do. I've learned a lot about the workings & the answers, all I can so far. Yet so much we have to just take on faith. I have no idea of the technology at work in computers but I know how to use one anyway, have faith that when I hit "save now" this blog will be saved so I can post it. Yet I've learned to take precautions too. I've learned that I can't always trust the whole blog to post. So I've learned to copy the post & check it, how to repost
This blog is being written on Monday, started just after posting the other, & I find I'm not done on the subject of networking. I just spent about a half hour on Facebook. I went on to check as I do daily during the week at least, & a friend I haven't talked with in quite awhile was on so I said hi. Facebook is wonderful for keeping in touch because it has the private "chat" feature. We caught up & she gave me several job leads. I've gotten a lot of leads through friends that keep in touch through Facebook. I live alone but I'm never alone. I don't have a car right now, but since I've moved to Pittsburgh in closer proximity to my network of friends, I have a thriving social life. I don't get out much yet but we stay in contact through texts, phone, emails, & Facebook. I make sure they know I'm looking for a job, my circumstances, so they can help with whatever they hear & know. That's the essence of networking. You have to be a possibility thinker, be a giver, & be open & creative. I know a friend who needs some business help right now & he needs the kind of services that I'm great at, so we're both thinking of ways I can help. And if it doesn't lead to immediate reward for me, it will reward me still in so many ways. It will add to my skills & abilities, give me the satisfaction of helping, & pay off in some way in the future. That's trust & faith that when you put good out there, good returns in greater measures than you've given. That's what I know & believe, have recognized & seen in action. That allows me to give without worrying about compensation or return, is part of how to live without fear.
Part of what I was doing during that time on Facebook was following through on a lead she'd given me, contacting another Pittsburgh friend who's a proof reader for possible leads on work I can do. In his latest book, Mike Dooley says to do all you can, keep pitching to the Universe so it can hit the home run. You don't have to be a home run hitter, all you have to do is keep pitching, & of course try to aim it a little. That's what I'm doing with the leads that have come from networking with my friends. That's what I talk about when I say to do all you can do each day, do the work in front of you. You never know which ball thrown is going to be hit out of the park. And if you really miss the mark with some but keep throwing, the Universe it going to have more possibilities to work with. Also, you get better at it as you keep trying. Cleaning out the litter boxes each day isn't going to get me a job or prepare me for one. But it's part of the work I have to do faithfully each & every day. Same with the dishes. But each task prepares you in some way & keeps you active & out there, & that's what's needed. It's all important, & part of living without fear. I don't have to worry about someone including my landlord dropping in on me or scramble if I'm having company because I maintain things, do my job. Part of why I have self respect & trust in myself is that I do it all, handle my responsibilities whether I see direct rewards from it or not. I know my part - do all I can do every day with what I have & what's before me to do. I take every opportunity to help others & make my world & the world around me a better place. I know I'm doing my part & that it will bring unexpected rewards. Who knows who I might meet & with what reward while taking the used kitty litter to the garbage can? If nothing else, I know that faithfulness keeps them using the boxes & not the house! Every task also brings it's own rewards. And the cats know they can trust me. The Universe knows it can trust me. I know I can trust me. And faithfulness to the small things leads to taking responsibility for the bigger things, & means that the little things don't pile up on you & hinder or burden you. That's another huge source of fear. If you know you aren't doing the things that you need to, you live in fear because you know at some point it's going to come back & bite you. You just don't know how badly, & you live in fear. The solution is to take responsibility for the big & small things so you don't have to fear.
The highest functioning adults keep it simple & turn to others to do the things they aren't capable of or as good at. They know their capabilities, are honest with themselves, do what they do best & rely on others for the rest. They don't try to be lone wolves. The most successful business people don't do their own secretarial or office management work, their own taxes or plumbing (unless they're plumbers). Where we get into difficulties is by operating as if we know it all & can do it all, charging forward without taking into account past mistakes, our patterns, etc. The Universe can use even our mistakes for our good if we learn the lessons & move on. Where we continually get into trouble is when we don't pay attention & learn, repeat our patterns. One universal law of the way the world works is that the lessons get harder & the consequences tougher to take when we don't learn, change, & grow. So one way to not live in fear is to set your intent & purposefully look at yourself & your life, the choices you've made & the consequences. Then, take the lessons to heart & start making healthier choices. You know the outcomes will be different when you change your behaviors, that like begets like so wiser choices mean more successful outcomes.
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