Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Rescinding Earlier Recommendation

God and the angels blessedly work with me during my sleep time whether I specifically ask for help or not. I've surrendered all to God so that gives Him the opportunity. He's not then circumventing my free will. This morning, it was about calling on gods and goddesses for help. He helped me see the problem in that, how I can then believe that good things happening are from these gods, not Him. For college, I'm taking a required course on biblical literature. It turns out to be mostly about how to read and apply the Old Testament. Right now we're reading about how the Israelites kept messing up and worshipping foreign gods. They cohabited with other religions that worshipped various gods and kept falling into the practices of others. The example from my own life was of Ganesh, whom I would ask to smooth my path every day. Back then I was in some pretty chaotic energy, and I thought Ganesh helped every day. I called on him, and things would go smoothly. So I attributed it to him. I no longer call on him, and things are still going very smoothly. I've changed and so has my relationship with God. I was given to see that by calling on a god like Ganesh, I misplaced my trust and relationship. I wrongly attributed the progress in my life and self to another being. God and His angels (whom He appointed to work for Him) are all I needed then and now.

So I apologize for recommending gods and goddesses to you. I now know better, and don't try to work with or request help from any of them. Just because Doreen Virtue covers them in her books and she's such a great authority, doesn't make it right. You have to make your own decisions in this. Many who read this blog call on gods and goddesses, believe in them. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm stating what was given to me to practice and follow - only call on God and His angels. And not to recommend gods and goddesses to others, or say they help and I know first-hand. I've gone back and deleted those old blog entries or passages. And I again apologize.

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