One of the things Yogi Berra is most known for is his weird way of saying things. You even saw him in the barbershop Aflack commercial. One is: "When you come to the fork in the road, take it." Turns out there was a very good reason behind that one, having to do with directions to his house. It didn't matter which fork you took because both took you to his house, hence the saying. He could have made it easy for people and consistently told them the right or left, and I don't know if they were equal - if one would have been better than the other. All I know is that both got you there. So too with God. He can use anything to get you where you need or want to go. He uses our circumstances to teach us the lessons we need, whatever they are. If we're willing to listen and want to learn.
Today someone suggested to one of my Dear Ones that something could be a sign from God on what job to accept. She's trying to relocate out of state, miserable in her current job, and has ended up with one solid job offer and another one in the works. The problem is, she wants the one that hasn't delivered the offer letter yet. She has to answer the first one but wants the second. Someone close to her suggested, as I said, that perhaps the slowness of the HR person is a sign. I had to tell her God doesn't actually work that way. I could see what was going to happen next because I've been there. She wanted the second job offer yesterday (or Wednesday even) and I can see it finally coming through on Monday. It'll come just in time to turn the other one down - she said she'd give them an answer around the first of next week. Only with that seed of doubt planted, she won't feel entirely secure or comfortable in her decision to take the second one.
When we look for or assign arbitrary signs to God we can really get ourselves stressed out. I know people who still do this, and in the late 1980's, I regularly stressed in this way. I was so eager to do God's will to the letter. I was also miserable in my life, clinging to God and religion as a solution. I drove myself to high stress levels trying to figure out what God wanted me to do. Then, in 1990, we got a wise, new minister who told me God just wanted me to please myself rather than worry about what He wants. And with explanation, that's actually the case.
God just doesn't care which job she takes. He can work things out for her and teach and lead her no matter what. In the end, the daily details don't matter as much as we make them. She's worried because she's miserable in her job now and doesn't want to make a choice that will lead to the same situation. Now I'll tell you there are basically two kinds of choices we face. One is the "good" and "bad" kind, and those are actually very simple to decide. If it has potential to harm you or another, is illegal or unethical - don't do it. Otherwise we're often faced with two fairly attractive choices - pizza or Mexican food, chicken or turkey. Of course, they aren't really equal and we decide based on factors like what we're in the mood for and what our bodies are telling us at the time. But that's really pretty much what this job situation boils down to and why God DOESN'T give us signs about such things.
Once another dear friend wanted to know whether God wanted her to stay in the house her father left her or sell it and move. I told her God doesn't care beyond what she feels is best for her. I asked her whether living in her father's house was prolonging her pain over his death, or providing comfort. That needed to be the basis for her decision. God didn't care which she chose - there was no right or wrong there, other than what she decided SHE wanted for her life. God could work in her life either way. He wasn't going to give her a sign, as she was seeking. She had to learn to determine her own feelings and needs, learn to make decisions on her own. She finally decided to sell the house and move. At first she was in transition, living with her son. Then she found the perfect house for her, white picket fence and all! I'm serious - it really has one. She's so happy in that house, and she has learned so much through all this. She listened when I talked with her about her decisions. She then learned to think for herself rather than trying to get God to do her thinking. She just loves her house and life, feels so at home. Because she made decisions entirely based on what she needed and wanted. God smiled down on her when she made the decision and found the house, smoothed the way for her to buy it.
This takes us back to the fork in the road. God simply wants us to take it. It doesn't matter which one as long as you responsibly consider two fairly equal choices, rather than "good" or "bad." He is not going to give you signs to get you moving or deciding. Long ago I heard the difference between God's business and our business. Our business is taking action, and listening to God. Listening is entirely different than looking for signs. In fact, signs aren't involved at all in this. If He has a preference for our own good, He makes it very obvious to us, often through the angels. On taking action, if you are in motion, He can guide you. He's not going to take a cattle prod and get you moving in the right direction, though, if you're sitting around waiting for signs or for Him to make things happen. Our part is the action. If you are in motion and about to take a life-changing wrong turn, He can direct you. So how does God talk with us? It truly usually is that "still, small voice" you "hear." Usually He's that little whisper to try just one more time, or turn this way rather than that. He gave us hearts and minds equipped to discern His promptings. So it's mostly a matter of listening to ourselves first. First we have to know how to discern our true feelings, needs, and wants. That can be very hard for some and takes another blog. I'll post that one tomorrow. Once we learn to listen to ourselves, and act on this, it's easier to learn to hear God.
Yes, God does give signs. Usually a true "sign" from God is called serendipity these days. Usually those signs are the message, "I Love you and will provide for you." I see signs all the time, in every little gift. I got paid $100 ($300 has been owed since May) on Wednesday out of the blue, just the day I was going to the bank to withdraw money for the rent. That's a sign that He is doing things for me out of Love, approves and recognizes my efforts and struggles. He knows I have to ride the bus and spend $3.50 to get to the bank, or get a ride. He knows I noticed my dwindling funds, not sure when more money will come. So the money came the very day I was getting ready to go to the bank and withdraw, before I checked how much that would leave. And it happened right after I asked and received how to purify my heart toward the woman. As soon as I asked this time, I was given the message that praying for her truly and fully from heart was the answer to ridding myself of the last twinges of resentment. I did that and my heart swelled and opened. Less than a half hour later, there was the money, delivered by her husband with a note about it signed, "Be blessed." This woman hasn't spoken to me since May, and refused to help me when I sliced two fingers almost to the bone on electric hedge trimmers, so this is huge. So in this one example we see both a sign (He cares about my difficulties and stress level) and a message (answer to my mind on request for help in purifying heart).
This is just one thing - I could tell you countless other signs. They happen almost daily - either in my life or the lives of my dear ones. But all the signs are the same message. God does Love and care for us and our needs. He does work in our lives. He does His part and we have to do ours. Our part is to make the decisions and take the action, for one thing. Our part is also to connect with Him in relationship, so that we can receive His messages, recognize them, that "voice" in our minds. I "hear" Him so often these days that I always know it's Him - no question. I've been doing my parts, which is also how I know how signs work. He really doesn't care about all the little details like we do, but He knows us well. He tries to teach us what's really important and what isn't. I once was given the perspective to look at things, I think from the book, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and It All Is)." Ask yourself if this detail is going to matter a day from now, a week, a month, a year, 10 years, when you're gone. It did wonders for me and I really took it to heart. Some details matter more than others, like our living and working conditions. Things like that matter to our daily comfort level. That's where God tends to show us how giving and loving He is - in the details that really matter to us. I no longer stress about money because I know He's going to help me - I'm doing my part. It's not my fault I don't have a job yet. I trust Him and have faith and He rewards faith. I mean, I have true faith rather than momentary or "take away" faith, where I say I have it, then continue to fret and try to manipulate. I work at it, not try to bargain or manipulate. There's a huge difference and I can explain it in a note if you don't get it. God showed His care for me by providing that money right before I was going to deal with the issue - a wonderful sign of His Love.
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