I'm sorry I promised a blog on this. It's one I'm still really struggling with. I suggest writing your own mission statement as a start. And I can see I'm going to get help writing this one, so I hope to learn something as I channel it. I wrote the first two sentences and channeled the second.
Your mission statement is the statement of what you want your best life to be about, your values, what's in your heart, what you care about most in life. It's about your life, not the lives of others. We can only determine for ourselves. And part of being in touch with God starts with being in touch with ourselves. We have to really determine, and in all honesty, who we are and what we care about.
If you start with a mission statement, you have a guideline for your needs and wants. I wrote a mission statement nearly a year ago. It never needs to be rewritten like my "I Am" or manifestation statements, because it entirely reflects my mission and goals in life. I use it as the basis for my major decisions and many of my minor ones. I'll share it with any of you that ask.
Some people have trouble discerning between needs and wants. Needs are basic and common to all people and really, all the rest are wants. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. I feel I need a car but allow for the possibility that perhaps I want a car more than need it. After all, I've gone without one since mid-February and I'm still alive.
Each day I surrender my needs and wants to God because I realize that one of my major wants, that borders on need, is to serve Him according to our contracted mission for my life. I want that above all else. I realize that I don't understand the true intersection of my needs and wants. I understand that many of them are conflicting. So when I surrender these things to God I also surrender my thoughts and feelings about them to Him. And I reiterate that I want His will for my life above all else, that my top priority is my mission on earth. Then I tell Him what I think I need, ask for fulfillment of the needs. I often also tell Him some of my wants and ask for those.
The times prayer works best and I connect best with God is when I talk about my feelings to Him. He already knows them but that takes prayer way beyond supplication or even gratitude. It brings prayer to personal relationship, especially if I just talk with Him about whatever is on my mind and heart at the time. It's like talking to a trusted friend over the phone, except I don't hear His voice with His answers. However, I do hear His answers when I really just relax and connect with fully open heart and simply chat with Him. The same happens when I fully open my heart to Him, the relationship, and express any emotions to Him.
Some of us, especially victims of childhood abuse of any kind, have trouble identifying our feelings. There are several ways to do that. One is to set the intent and pray to remember your dreams. Often we work out difficult feelings or identify them in dreams. One of my most used methods of figuring them out is to journal. Another is to start talking to a trusted friend. Journaling and talking it out for someone like me starts with the event and then I'm able to identify the feeling. Talking with a friend is a great method because sometimes the friend identifies the feelings for you. And God can be that friend!
The more you share your feelings and thoughts with God the more you're sharing yourself. The more often you do that, the more you're going to hear from Him. I never hear His voice, as I said the other day. However, I feel His answer and receive the message, then interpret it into words. As an intuitive, that's the way I usually receive messages, whether communicating with Him, angels, pets, or the departed. It's actually something all of us do but most people discount it, figure they're imagining it. That's the biggest difference between a psychic and one who isn't. Psychics recognize that the thought or feeling, message is real, and didn't originate with them. It's a level of belief, as is talking with God and listening to Him.
How do you know God's talking to you rather than your imagination? If you ask a question you don't know the answer to in your conscious mind, and get the answer right after, that's not from you. If you're talking to God at the time, it's probably from Him. If you get an abusive answer, it's obviously not from Him. But if you get a kind answer accompanied by a feeling of love and you were talking to God, that's God. I said "kind" answer for a reason. Let's say the answer to your question is no and you wanted it to be yes. That's unkind if it comes to you in a nasty way and kind if delivered gently, in love. Usually in that case God will give you a reason why not at the same time.
I have a lot of experience getting direct and immediate answers from God. I don't ask yes or no questions. I often get replies when I haven't asked a question, have only expressed a concern, especially if it's a doubt about myself. Sometimes I ask questions about how He and the angels work too. He knows me - I want to know it all. And I frequently laughingly tell Him that because He created me this way - kind of our private joke, like you'd have with your closest friend.
Right now I can only think of two examples of messages. The other day I surrendered my relationship with work, responsibility, and duty to Him, with the thought that maybe I don't really do enough. He immediately answered that He's well pleased with me. I got the feeling a split second before I knew what He was saying to me. It's that intuitive/psychic experience I explain above. No voice, only the feeling followed by the message/words being downloaded to my brain and heart. Yesterday I told Jesus that I want a closer relationship with Him, want that restoration. He immediately said it's not our time for that yet. Again, the message came in the same way - first came the love, then the message. He also gave me the feeling that I have some learning to do first, and more time connecting with God, the Father. You have to understand that I believe there's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. When I was in my teens, for at least six months I had a nightly conversation with Jesus. They started out one-sided, me doing the talking. At one point, I began receiving answers as I've described. It started out being about the intense emotional abuse my mother dished out daily. She told me I was the reason she was sick in bed every day after work - that it was because I argued with her (typical teenage behavior). That's the only part I remember, but I know she was so cruel and cutting that life was nearly unbearable. I started going to bed earlier and earlier, and talking with Jesus. It started with asking why she was doing this. The first answers were about that, and what I could learn from it, how to redeem the experiences. There's no way my mind was supplying His end of the conversations! As a teen, there's no way I'd be able to figure out that I was learning to get along with the most difficult people and still be kind, etc. I don't even remember all the lessons. How I wish I had written them down! The wonderful thing is, these conversations got to be longer and longer because they were so loving and comforting. Eventually I went to Him, my best friend, to talk about anything and everything. I got to know Him as a being, including His great sense of humor.
The sad thing is, I forget all that now, don't feel that connection. Back then I connected deeply with Him but not with God the Father. I was afraid of parental authority and had no real idea what a father is, couldn't relate because I'd only met my father once and he'd rejected me without reason. So I didn't have a basis for feeling connect or love from our Father. I believed I wasn't lovable. It's a wonder I connected with Jesus! So part of what Jesus was telling me yesterday about it not being time yet, is that I still need to be primarily connected to our Father for awhile longer. My time with reconnection with Jesus will come. That's not really the kind of answer you'd expect, is it? I know it was real though, because I'm used to receiving these messages now, and I felt the Love that came with it. And because I felt the confirmation of what He said within me. My spirit agreed with the answer given. We all know what's right and real, in truth. You have that "still, small voice" that affirms or denies, if you just learn to listen to it. That's actually you, your higher self. Those messages come from within you. So if you know what I mean about that, it should help you if you need help differentiating God or angel messages from that supplied from within yourself. If any of you need further explanation, contact me and I'll try.
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