I've spoken recently on the power of intent. I've known about it for years now, studied it as part of trying to achieve business success. I've read some different books on it, & I've mentioned Mike Dooley's CD/DVD on it & the tut.com messages from the Universe. But you don't know what you don't know until you learn it. I'm a lifelong learner & I recommend that to anyone who doesn't have a perfect life. Study the things you're interested in, study the things that can bring you what you need. Be a student of the Universe. So, last week I had a HUGE DUH experience! When you study multiple sources & talk with people about the things that interest you, you receive the same messages in different words & forms. Everyone learns differently, & what you read or hear from one can "speak" to you more than another. And so I got the best lesson of all on intent.
I have known for as long as I can remember that God is the great I Am, & He is our Creator. Nearly a year ago someone had to point out to me that our creativity comes from our Creator. DUH! How many times have I used a form of the word creativity & never saw that. This time was an even bigger duh. I was talking with a woman & she talked about her husband's negative statements, then imparted this. Every time you say "I am" you are creating the reality because I AM is the phrase of the Creator. This makes those 2 little words & everything that follows into the most powerful verbal force of creation possible.
This means most of us are going around creating exactly what we don't want without ever realizing it. We use "I am" sentences all the time without thinking. If you say "I am tired," "I am a procrastinator," "I am poor," "I am too weak," you're creating & perpetuating just that. Even if you're saying, "I'm" instead of the formal "I am" it means the same thing. I'd have to get clarification on whether it carries the same power, but I wouldn't chance it. Why do it at all? Why continue to utter negative words in relation to your self?
What about acknowledging your self, your current feelings? Part of healing & moving forward is not stuffing the negatives we feel. That leads to dis-ease. What I've started doing since that conversation is changing my language to reflect that whatever negative I'm experiencing that I feel the need to acknowledge, is in the moment only. I acknowledge it to validate self & take positive action. The validation of self is especially important for me because during the victim portion of my life my personal experience of events & actions toward me was negated & twisted by my abusers. It made me into a poor keeper of personal boundaries. I didn't even have boundaries against self abuse. I'd overdo it when working, for example, & betray my body or self in various ways that I won't go into. So I will acknowledge to myself if I'm feeling angry, sad, tired, sick, etc. I've changed to saying things like, "Right now I'm experiencing low energy." The uses of "right now" & "experiencing," especially the word "experiencing" are very defining. Instead of saying that I am something, I've said I'm experiencing something. Big difference. When I acknowledge the experience of low energy, I validate what my body is registering, & bring it to the front of my attention so I can take positive action to change the temporary situation. I try to determine why - do I need rest, more fluids, better or longer sleep at night - then take what action I can at the moment to overcome whatever it is.
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