Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What We're "Supposed" to Do Here on Earth

On 8/2 I posted about my daughter's mission on earth, & I've said things about knowing mine. I need to make some things clear here. What we're "supposed" to do on earth & our mission are 2 different things. What we're "supposed" to do is live life the best we can, to the fullest degree. God hopes that we will come through the "trials" of life with triumph, that we will learn to enjoy all the beauty, glory, love, & wonder of life & creation. He absolutely does not test us, refine us, train us or judge us. "He'll only give you as much as you can handle" is a terrible misstatement, misunderstanding of God. He doesn't give you any of it. A more accurate statement is that if you aren't able to handle all you're encountering in your life at any one time, He provides help. But He hasn't given you the adversity that leads to the need for help. He doesn't cause sickness or injuries, natural (they're called "natural" for a reason!) disasters, etc. He didn't create a devil or send one to tempt us. Besides helping us when we need Him, He's also given us the wonderful ability to learn from our mistakes & to take adversity & use it to learn & grow. That's different than giving us problems. It means He gave us the ability to redeem our more uncomfortable experiences. There's a huge difference!

His goal is not for us to do that - the ability to do so is a gift He gave us as part of Creation. Animals don't have that same ability. They can learn to avoid behaviors & situations that lead to distress but they're unable to learn more about themselves & the world from it. They can't use their experiences to connect to God or others of their kind like we can. They don't learn about their own strength & abilities from learning the rules of survival. He hopes that we will learn all these things & more. He hopes for the best for us, that we will avail ourselves of all the wonders He created, & those He designed in each of us. We each were created to EXPERIENCE LIFE. He hopes that we do that to the fullest degree. But He gave each of us free will, so it's all up to us & there's no penalty for not doing it. We simply miss out on some things.

As far as mission, we're the ones who choose it. It's not a "should," it's what we each chose for ourselves. Some of us realize this during our lifetime & have chosen to make that mission the center of our life. I don't believe you would fully realize it & then make another choice at that point, since it was your original choice. At times during my life I had an intuition that this was the way things are - that we chose the circumstances of our birth, that there was something I was "supposed" to be doing, a reason I was created. I'm not sure I thought I chose my own mission, but inside me I had a restlessness at times, an urge to be doing what I was "meant" to do. At those times, I wasn't ready. I was young - first in high school (don't remember having that feeling prior), then more vivid as a young adult raising my children, & various brief periods since. Until recently, I also didn't understand that it wasn't that I was "supposed" to do something on earth, but that I'd set a mission for myself & was feeling the urge to be doing it. Nearly a year ago, when it was time to entirely reinvent a way of life for myself, I realized it was my best opportunity to be about my own business finally, to do what I want to do with my life. I talk about working for God these days & I do. My chosen mission is, in part & in simplest terms, to be one of God's helpers here on earth.

The consequences of not doing this would be to continue in vague dissatisfaction & restlessness. Off & on for many years I've felt a deep yearning I couldn't identify. I also had many gifts & talents I was under utilizing & that was frustrating & added to my dissatisfaction in/with my life. I had pieces of myself that never quite seemed to fit together or make sense. I was essentially a whole person, but compartmentalized. Now I'm becoming integrated within myself, balanced, fulfilled, beginning to live a whole & balanced life. My life is full of work that suits me, energizes me, that I enjoy. It's work but it's not. I use my talents now to pursue my life & my work, rather than relegating them to hobbies that get neglected so I can make a living. Some of my talents are of the creative nature, & creativity for me is a form of play so my work is also some of my play. (Which means I'm waiting with awe to see what pure play becomes!) My work is my mission, therefore my heart's desire. It of course uses my skills so fulfills all of me, uses all aspects of my being. It's varied, fluid, exciting, so my work is now my adventure. When we are working our chosen mission, it unfolds as we go along, so we're constantly learning & growing, another aspect of adventure. Because of all this, I was led to change one of my "I Am" statements. Instead of affirming myself as a time-manager, I'm affirming myself as a priority manager. That more truly fits my character & goals, & I find it totally exciting that my life is now about finding & living that perfect fit.

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