Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Monday, August 8, 2011

We've Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself - Part 2

Other fears have been of bugs, the phone, cats, paypal, success, & getting what I ask for. Again, common fears but let's look at how harmful they are to our wellbeing. I used to get so spooked about bugs that I felt like they were crawling on me & I couldn't sleep. Sales people know the fear of the phone when the worst that can happen is someone will be rude. That actually does happen all the time, yet we survive. I also used to dread the phone ringing, having to deal with whoever was calling. I was afraid of cats because one bit me when I was very small, eager, ignorant of mother cats with their kittens. Some of our fears have come from direct experience so are more grounded, but no fear serves us. Obviously, I got over my fear of cats eventually, & have been greatly blessed & rewarded ever since. I'm still afraid of bees, because I'm allergic to their sting, but I've learned to handle my fear, lessened it to a large degree. I call on the Archangle Michael every day for protection & strength, & I include protection from "bitey & stingy" things & unwanted bugs touching me. Then I expect to be safe & I am. That's how I no longer have those crawly feelings, & now I seldom have bees anywhere very near me.

Paypal was another interesting fear - fear of tackling something difficult, complicated. Yet I've always found a way, as most of us have, to get everything done that needs to be done for home or office. When we actually confront our fears & look at them, we see them in the light of reality. We see that we've already successfully handled something similar, or we know someone who can help. Or we go ahead & make a try, & find we can do it easily after all. The problem is, most of us have these vague fears we live with & don't even really recognize, so we don't bring them into the light until we have to deal with a situation right then. Sometimes we confront our fears in dreams, when they're deep & firmly anchored within us. It's our subconscious trying to get us to recognize & deal with them.

Getting what you ask for & success are other common fears. We're actually taught to be afraid of the true desires of our hearts! "Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it." In that we're being taught not to want, not to trust ourselves, not to even try. Most of us also fear success. We're taught to fear what we'll become on the way or when we get there. Taught to fear the great fall from a lofty height, that our successes will lead to failure or be too much work. Most of us sabotage ourselves out of this fear.

I've talked a lot about a variety of fears because I believe most of us live with them without knowing it. So what do we do about them? One thing is to confront them by figuring out the worst that can happen & how you'd deal with that. Thing is, it never comes out that way, but it tells you that you can cope if it does. Most of the time simply recognizing the fear & looking at it in the light of reality banishes it. Sometimes we have to identify the source of the fear to get rid of it. We then find that it's not based in reality, comes from some lesson we were taught in childhood or from someone else's bad experience. I believe I spoke before of my fear of insulin shots, instilled by a doctor who used to threaten me with them. Turns out they're nothing like regular shots, they're something I barely feel. And going on insulin gave me the power to get healthy! Often conquering a fear is a matter of just getting out & experiencing, doing. Some of our greatest experiences come from doing things we were once afraid of! And it's glorious to live without fear! You feel free to be, do, experience, live. You appreciate all of life so much more!


  1. what I have learned and am still learning is that with fears or negative feeling/emotions that we are the ones who give them energy. If we allow a negative feeling/thought/fear to remain for more than 90 seconds in our minds and body it becomes programmed into us. That feeling then becomes harder to get rid of. If you recognize this, you can ask that any feeling that is not of me or my energy to leave. I have just learned that I need to only keep the good in experiences and release the negative as it causes dis-ease in my body and mind.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing that! Love you! Love your energy!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing that! Love you! Love your energy!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing that! Love you! Love your energy!

  5. How do you undo a comment? Does anyone know? I sure didn't mean to post the same one 3 times! Remember, I said I was glad my daughter came & helped me with a business page because I do better when shown in person. I've never claimed to be a computer wiz! Fortunately, I have friends who are good enough for computer forensics & I can consult when needed!
