Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Intent Used to Get What You Need - repost from July

I've mentioned before. I totally recommend that you subscribe to the free messages sent to your email 5 days a week. At first I discounted them as not really coming from "the universe," as coming from a person I watched in a video. Then, when I really got into the flow & did a lot of healing, most days they reinforced exactly what was going on with me. The following message goes with the blogs I've been posting this week.

"To some, on other planets, Jenny Lea, you get more done in a single day than they do in an entire year. On this planet, however, getting things done has been confused with worthiness. I guess that pretty much answers the intelligent life question. You're still out of this world, The Universe. Jenny Lea, there will always be more you could do, but I, for one, would have more fun watching and helping if you realized fully how much you already do, and knew how worthy you already are."

These messages are sent out by Mike Dooley, who has written & recorded a lot of great things about how our thoughts become things. He was one of my first experiences of things taking on new meaning. I thought I knew & heard it all, then I heard him & he told HOW to direct our thoughts rather than just let them happen & then worry about it. It was practical & easy to understand & follow, unlike all the "just do it" kinds of things I'd heard before that put a performance burden on me. This came from his video (also available in CD), "Thoughts Become Things." I totally recommend it to everyone even if you think you know it all & do it. If your life or health has ANY issue left, I recommend it. If you're already perfect, don't bother.

The biggest struggle I had recently with manifesting was that I'd just been taught that if you tell God, Universe (pick your language) that you need something, you're coming from a position of lack no matter how positively you state it. The answer was - it's already there, just waiting for you! All of God's blessings & goodness are just waiting for us! And it's not a matter of asking after all, no matter how positively you do that. It's a matter of realizing it's already there, RECOGNIZING IT & ACCEPTING IT. Once I started thanking God for the blessings rather than asking, my fears & doubts vanished & I began seeing them on their way. But first I had to realize that I'm worthy & deserve them. Worthy & deserving are 2 different things that are related, & you have to know both. I've only covered "worthy" before. You also absolutely need to understand that YOU DESERVE ALL GOD'S BLESSINGS just because He wants to give them to you!!! Who am I to question what He wants to do! And I know He wants to give me all these blessings! That goes to belief, trust, & finally understanding the goodness that is me - fully loving & forgiving myself. You also have to understand the goodness that is God. He's not vengeful or judgmental. He gave us free will on purpose - it truly is free will, rather than the ability to mess up so He can condemn us!

I realized He's provided tremendous physical & emotional healing, & all the other things I was asking for. He was already beginning to provide them - balance, wellbeing, wholeness, financial freedom & the flow of abundance, to the extent that I was ready to receive. My part is to do my work & stay open, to be grateful for & recognize what's being given to me. Now, when I say work I don't mean I earn the blessings! Doing my work will keep me in the flow of Spirit & help provide the financial freedom. My work is many-fold - my spiritual learning & development, my service to Him & others, taking care of my body, obligations & environment. If I quit doing any of these things (vs. taking occasional breaks as needed) then I'm going to lose out because I'll miss opportunities, fall back into old ways, begin to be emotionally or physically unhealthy, feel guilt, etc. Because that's the way things work - people, the universe, nature, bodies, etc. These things don't happen because God does them - they're laws of nature that we all know. The gratitude helps me recognize the blessings. It leaves me open to opportunities for business, wealth, growth, healing. It exercises my perception muscles & opens me to receive more. As in all else, gratitude isn't for God's sake, because He needs it - it's because we need it. Gratitude is love that recognizes what's being given, no matter who the giver is, so it's recognition in God's language of Love.

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