Here's what I've learned about personal power & intent. Now that I truly understand the power of intent, I plan on expanding its use in my life. I understand now that our biggest limitations are in our mind. Remember how afraid I was to use Gorilla Glue? I came to expect myself to be able to handle it & to actually fix an antique bed frame with it & I did. I had been self limiting before that. Things were changing but I wasn't growing with the changes because I was self limiting. I was believing the limiting messages I was taught by others & by life, despite the lessons I was learning about the power of intent. Now I'm working toward expanding my power by challenging beliefs of time, space, & limitations. Each time I come up against a limit, I work to find a way around it, one after another. If you study metaphysics at all you see that time, space, matter & mass are illusions. For example, nothing is truly solid no matter what our senses tell us & we were taught. Matter is made of moving molecules they now know. Now, I can't explain to you how things manage to hold together anyway. I believe it has something to do with magnetism between the molecules but I'm not a scientific mind. I understand it but not well enough to explain it at this point. You'll have to do the research for yourself on that one. Same with time & space. But I believe, & therefore I know enough to know that I can move beyond the limitations we've been taught.
I want to share a quote sent to me a few days ago by a wise, young friend. "Change is inevitable; growth isn't." I've made the conscious decision to harness change by growing with it. Instead of letting things happen to me & reacting, I work toward acting purposefully, with intent. Therefore I'm more in control of the changes taking place. And for the things I can't control, I can at least control my actions in response to, rather than simply reacting. I also understand that I can't control the timetable or the way to any desired outcome. I'm learning to visualize my intent with patience. I trust that because I have the best intent, & I back it up with work & faith, it will eventually come about. In the meantime I will be learning & growing, because that's also part of my intent. I know now there's always a reason for things happening as they do, in the way & time that they do. "It's all good" is my philosophy. Now, in these blogs I regularly says things that sound contrary to that because of those who look for signs instead of making things happen. I know that everything is working for good in my life & that the things that are happening are meant to happen because I'm actively making them happen. I'm not sitting around waiting for someone else to tell me what to do, including God. I'm not standing still in my life waiting for signs - I'm on the move & looking for signs when things don't seem to be going my way. That way I can make adjustments if needed. It's also how I accept with grace when things aren't going the way I envisioned. I trust the outcome. And I stay open to adjusting my path. As I'm looking for signs, more often than not I'm expecting the signs to tell me I'm on the right path. That's usually what I receive, because I do know I'm on the right path most of the time. Often the signs are just road signs that show me an easier path than the one I'd mapped out. Because I'm on the move with intent, & I'm open to growth & change, God gives me those guideposts to make the way easier & quicker. Because I listen to Him, I receive many of them. But you only get them if you're already on the move toward what you want to make happen. You won't get them by listening to preachers or friends or searching the Bible or asking God before every move you make.
I've also learned that I don't need a man in my life, & I will never give my personal power away again. I've learned to be content & fulfilled with what I do have in my life. I've also adjusted my expectations & ideas about romantic love & learned myself better. I've begun learning the extent of my personal power & could never give any of that up again. I've learned that I don't like living with anyone else so I don't believe I'd ever get married again. I've learned that I don't want to again commit my life or time or energy to one other person. I've learned that personal freedom means more to me than having the love of any one individual & that the loved ones in my life are more than enough. I've learned that I'm a complete & whole individual who is very loved by others, by God, by the Universe - loved all that I've ever wanted & needed. It's always been there, was only limited by my lack of awareness. If I ever have a mate again, it will have to be a man who enhances my work & energy rather than takes any of it. Someone who gives more than he takes, who aids & assists or has parallel energy & mission. Both times that I was married I became someone other than myself or gave up parts of myself to be in the relationship. I was like a chameleon, & I devoted myself to being what I thought was wanted of me. And of course, I wasn't successful either time, because I wasn't really me. You're in the wrong relationship if you can't be yourself! Now I'm too strongly an individual, too aware of my self as I am, of who I am, to do that. I've grown with the changes.
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