Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Power of "I Am" Statements - Part II - repost

The other step I've taken is to write positive affirmations, again, something that's taken on new meaning. I've heard for years about doing that too - most of my adult life. Usually I haven't done it, didn't know what to write. Now I have. I took my time doing it but it was worth the time & thought. Now it takes less than 5 minutes at a time to thoughtfully read through them, & I do it 3 times a day because I want rapid change. I also acted on one of the messages & wrote out what I want for my life. The message was that you have to know what you want, defined in terms of the end result, but without defining how to get it. Also, that you have to detach yourself from the details & the timing. During those less than 5 minutes 3 times a day, I read my "I AM" statements & then what I wrote as my grand intent for my life.

I have a page full of "I AM" statements that I wrote on Friday. Today I'll start the 3 times a day with them, & let you know how it transforms my life. Just writing them transformed my mind. I'm (notice) finding it pretty easy to be aware of the uses of "I am" in my thoughts & words, to make the transition. If you catch me using it in the negative sense, please call me on it. I'll share a few of my statements with you here to give you an idea, but not many. Mine are highly personal, as yours should be. "I am Love." "I am Healthy." "I am Capable." "I am Courageous." "I am able to call upon all the power & energy I need, at will." "I am in touch with & master of my emotions." "I am in control of my thoughts & what I manifest." "I am compassionate toward myself & others." "I am an effective & creative time-manager." (That one was hard to word - I don't procrastinate, I want to be totally in the flow of doing what needs most to be done each day. But I currently struggle with feeling that I don't get enough done in a day, a week. That goes back to the one on compassion toward self, too. I don't want to be highly scheduled, want to go with the flow, but still accomplish all that needs to be done.) "I am spiritually whole." "I am balanced in my self, body, spirit, emotions, & life." "I am living in the flow of abundance, with plenty to share & give, & financial freedom." "I am living & working my passions, using my talents fully in my daily life." "I am awakening my talents & creativity." (I used the word "awakening" in order to make that a continual process.) "I am greatly blessed." "I am a playful, joyous child who knows how & when to play, incorporates play with work & life."

In all, I have 38 "I am" statements. By now you should know that I'm an achiever, very detailed & thorough, & that I have a great relationship with words. I used to say that I was an overachiever, & almost wrote that. Instead, I now have another "I am" statement to add. They're on the computer so I can add or subtract, alter as needed. What I've done is write statements to reinforce the positives I know about myself & manifest them even more fully, a secondary goal. The primary goal & statements are designed to manifest what I most want to improve about myself or bring about in myself & my life. Every time I find a lingering negative, like "overachiever," I need to counter it by adding an "I am" statement. That's a label that's been pinned on me, a subtle but harmful belief instilled in me over the years. It doesn't belong within me, yet that's where it lodged. Ironically, it's in there with the message that I tend to be lazy! We all carry these messages - from childhood, former relationships gone sour, jealous friends, etc. When you set your intent to only using "I am" in a positive way, these messages will begin to emerge, so having them on your computer is good. You can just add the new message you want to rescript. In fact, one of my "I am" statements is that I've been rescripted.

I don't like having to watch every word I say, thing I do. I don't like feeling like I have to be vigilant, can't relax, & I hate "shoulds." On the other hand, I'm finding that almost every day holds new excitement & life since I've begun taking charge of my self & my thoughts & intent. I've found ways to do that without feeling burdened by it. I laugh & forgive myself immediately when I slip, & take note of it. I rescript my thoughts on the spot - add the word "experiencing" or think through an old negative label & free myself from it. That freeing is such a thrill! And if I can do this without driving myself nuts, you can too. I haven't covered what came of following the message, & I won't here. You can ask me privately or it may come as another blog. It's highly personal & I've learned to set some boundaries - a huge achievement for me. But I will say, it starts with "I am manifesting:" & lists what I want the end result to be as far as what my life is like.

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