Personally, I don't make New Years resolutions. I make resolutions throughout the year whenever I feel the need for change. I set myself a goal of 21 days, then 3 months, depending on what needs to be changed, or simply, forever. Reading my "I Am" & Manifestation Statements aloud each morning is one of the forever things, with the statements changing as needed. But for many, the new year is a good time to start a new way of conduct, new habits, get rid of old habits that no longer serve. What reminded me of this is it's time to buy a new planner for 2012.
I recommend for all of you going to & investing $32.94 (including S&H) in a spiral bound, personal 6 3/4 X 8 1/2 planner (dated edition). Note: I make nothing off of this, don't have some kind of deal with them. An adult friend with ADD gave me one last January, told me how helpful it's been to her, how it totally helped her organize her life & how to use it. Within weeks of the time I started using it, it transformed my life!!! At that point I was totally overwhelmed by the magnitude of what I had to accomplish. I had to try to find further evidence of my then husband's crime to keep him in jail (which meant going through a house full of boxes), had to find the paperwork to use to file my mother's taxes for the last 7 years, had to file for county assistance since I had no income, had to handle paperwork for my mother's care; all the while taking care of her, keeping up with her many doctors' appointments, keeping up with past due bills before having utilities cut off... You get a glimpse of the picture without the magnitude. Trust me, you couldn't begin to comprehend all I was juggling & going through at once. I couldn't sleep at night because of things nagging at me, had everything I had to accomplish floating around in my head all at once, & had half lists of things I had to do all over my desk, living room, & kitchen. And I know most people live like I was living at that time, or a milder version thereof.
This planner is divided into 3 ample sections & shows you one week spread out over 2 pages. The top section is for planning, the middle section is for tasks for the day, the bottom is for any set appointments. The way you use this planner is: first write any set appointments in the bottom section under the correct date & include the time, put anything that has to be done on a certain day in the middle section under that day, write all you wish or need to accomplish that week in the top section. You can divide that top section into categories if you wish. I have one for spiritual, one for my business, one for Shaklee, & a large section for personal business. Once you've filled in the middle & bottom sections with the musts like set appointments, & the top, you can do your planning. At that point, you look at what's across the top & divide it up by day according to what's already going on that day, that week. If I'm going some place new one day, I assign myself to mapquest it the day before, in that middle section. That's part of my comfort zone, so I know what time I have to leave & have everything ready the next day. I function best when I go to bed having all I need ready for the next day. I have a tote I fill with whatever I need including the directions.
The beauty of the planner is that I can assign myself things according to priorities & available time each day. That way nothing gets neglected but I don't overload myself on any one day. As much as possible I spread things out, rather than giving myself a very stressful day. It also means I don't have lists around anywhere, except a growing grocery list on the fridge. It all goes into the planner, & then it gets done. It doesn't all need to go into the week I'm working in or the following week either - I can also assign weeks by priority. I have everything in my planner except project ideas for my business. I have a separate notebook for that, because that pleases me. But when I'm ready to research for one of the projects, or start it, it goes into the planner. Anything & everything that gets done other than daily jobs like feeding the cats & household chores goes in the planner. I don't need to write down to do the dishes, laundry, or litter boxes, for example. But if I needed to, I'd put those things in there too. I have down future events too - like when the cats are due for shots, when websites are up for renewal, etc. Now I don't have trouble sleeping, don't have separate notes, don't have things nagging at me. I assign them to a day or week & forget them until it's time. It's given me peace of mind, & made me a much more efficient business person. I can entirely trust myself, tell others in confidence that I will do things & know I'll follow through. Others learn they can trust me, that I'm true to my word, & am organized & efficient. I work from home, but conduct myself as a professional, & it helps me take myself seriously. That said, I must say that despite my best efforts & wonderful planner, it hasn't always been so during the last year. The situation I was in up until the end of November wasn't conducive to being creative, efficient, living up to my own standards. And now I'm limited because most of my belongings are in boxes. I need this month to unpack, so in ways I'll be beginning along with most people, in January, to live as I intend.
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