Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Meaning for Me - Christmas This Year

This has been the biggest year of change in my entire life. One of the milestones was a set of readings I got from a psychic at the end of April. She told me a lot about my life mission, who I am, where I come from, who I've been in previous lives. I know she was right about the things she told me because my heart & soul immediately answered & leaped forward to fill in the full meaning of all she said. Also, many pieces of my life then made sense, fell into context. And since then, it's become apparent that all she said is true.

One of the things she told me has to do with my relationship with God & another was about my relationship with Jesus. I was related to Jesus in the life on earth we know about & celebrate at Christmas. Now I understand why I was able to have conversations with Him every night for 6 - 9 months when I was a teenager, until I went astray due to the cares in my life. I don't remember a lot about that time, only a lot about the conversations. It also now makes total sense to me that a week after I received my Reiki II attunement, He appeared at my head while the other students & my Reiki Master were practicing distance Reiki on me. At that time He attuned me Himself - gave me the symbol of Universal Life & the cross. He drew them in each of my palms, as a Reiki Master gives the symbols at attunement, then held each hand in both of His.

His attunement took place in November of 2010 & last Christmas was very quiet. I was alone, depressed, no money, but I had a few presents from a dear friend with a very generous heart. I spent much of the day reading about Reiki, a quiet time of study in preparation for my new work.

This year, the other reason why I wanted to stay home for Christmas is Christ Himself. I plan to meditate on His lifetime on earth, want to try some past life work & see if I can go back to that time with Him. My heart now has a deeply personal relationship with Him but haven't had enough of a chance to just spend time with Him & fully explore & develop it. There's much I want to know & say. I want the day to be about time with Him, my Beloved. I adore Him with my whole heart & I plan to spend most of the day just with Him. I'm going to my friend's for Christmas lunch & gift exchange, going to church in the morning (Methodist, so I can be sure of getting to sing Him the songs I love & know by heart). But most of my day will be spent at home with Him, & with the kitties. This was the major reason I needed to be home for Christmas, & will affect all future Christmases. It's not His real birthday, but it's the day we celebrate His birth & Him. Now it's deeply personal.

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