My life has changed so much since moving to Pittsburgh last month, that the title fits very well. I lived out in the country, away from shopping, people, metaphysical people, for 2 1/2 years. I moved to the D.C. area when I was 15, so I was used to having anything & everything close & tons of people. First I moved to the Annapolis area as a young adult & got away from much of that traffic & bustle, then to Hagerstown in 2000. There was plenty of shopping nearby, so I was in the country but still near everything. But at that I time left the work force, my social life, my community, my family & friends. For a time I had some of that back, when I was involved in Tupperware in 2004. But most of the 8 years I was there my only company & companion was my now ex husband. After moving to PA, I became more isolated, & lost access to all convenience (shopping, major restaurants, take out, pizza delivery, etc.). Plus soon after we moved he went full time into Jeckle/Hyde mode, with rapid & frequent persona changes I had no frame of reference for until I found out he'd been stealing my mother's money. I lived with that through half of October 2010, then the second part of my personal hell began as I had full time care for my abuser (my mother), her IRS battle to fight, all her finances to take care of, & a house full of junk of his & hers to go through. I had to go through each & every box & there were probably about 100. I had to sort through what mattered & what didn't, file the things that did matter, discard what didn't. It was physically & emotionally taxing, draining. And I was all alone in all of it, except for God & the angels, who enabled me. My only socialization in the last year plus has been via phone & computer, & my expensive trips into Pittsburgh for Reiki exchanges, guided meditations, occasional classes.
All of a sudden I have everything I've truly wanted coming into my life. I love hosting, cooking for people, healing, talking with & being with other Lightworkers, working from home, & having access to great shopping & restaurants. I like approximately 60% socializing & 40% alone time, & that's what I have. The healing work & communing with Lightworkers are the biggest things though. This is what my life has really been about for just over a year now. It's gotten so that I enjoy the closeness & time with old friends of my heart, but otherwise the only people I truly enjoy are metaphysics & spiritualists. Those who speak the same language, notice the same types of things, have the same world view I do. When I moved I had about 40 such friends in the Pittsburgh area, whom I was close with to varying degrees. Since I've moved, my circle is rapidly growing & the really neat thing about it is when you're on the same wavelength with one of these types of people, the connection is almost immediate & very close. It's as if you've known each other all your lives, yet there's the fun of discovery, learning all about him/her. And I'm a people person, so I love that. I study people, feel people, watch people - a true people person. I love people, & since I love animals more & cats above all, think how much I love them!
I've also greatly added to my experiences since moving - such a short time ago! The other day I did Reiki on a guinea pig & communicated with her, gave her a voice for what was troubling her. Today I'm supposed to help in the same way with a dog, but I've helped dogs before, & cats. That little guinea pig was a real treat, eager to talk with me the whole time she was here once I'd made the connection. And she is such a sweet little spirit. I so love helping animals, giving them a voice, & now I'm becoming known as an animal communicator so that will increase. I've also already increased my hands-on Reiki experience, which is a thrill for me. Most of my prior experience has been doing distance healings, which isn't at all the same for the practitioner as hands-on. I like the feedback & connection from doing Reiki in person. I suspect most of us like doing hands-on best. I've also had extra opportunities for learning since the move, more access to others who can do healings on me, read me, etc. We can all do ourselves but it's extra nice to have others do these things for us.
For the first time in years I have a Christmas tree & fully decorated the house. I can't remember the last time I did this. I've mostly been without Christmas spirit (as in the whole ritual) since my son went to Iraq the first time in 2005. Christmas as in the celebration of Christ's birth is another matter, but I used to be Ms. Christmas. It was a whole huge big deal to me for so many reasons, & I did it to the hilt. Tons of decorations, Christmas throughout the whole house, listened to nothing but Christmas music from Thanksgiving on, baking, special foods, company in, etc. This year it took me a little time to get the Christmas spirit, as I was planning to go to Maryland & be with my daughter. Therefore I wasn't going to decorate, have a tree, etc. After all, I'm still unpacking boxes, which was more of a priority than unpacking decorations I'd have to repack in a month. Last week I figured out that I wanted to nest & stay home for Christmas, for a variety of reasons. I want to have my first Christmas in my new home. Last Christmas was quiet & bleak. I hunkered down. There was no Christmas - I was in mourning for my life in many ways. I'd just put my now ex in jail the month before, had no money for any treats, was fighting depression & fighting with my mother (I'd finally confronted her about the abuse 2 months before). So this to me is my first Christmas in my new life & I wanted to be here & have complete control over my time & celebration. Ms. Christmas is back folks. I won't be baking or doing all I want because much of what I need is in the garage in boxes. But they're my boxes. I'm not keeper of everyone's junk any more. I could bake if I really wanted to stress myself that way - this is Ms. Christmas on my own terms just for this year, then more fully next year.
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