Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fear Based Energy Blocks Manifestation - How to Conquer It

Fear based energy is behind our uncomfortable emotions. It causes dispair, depression, anger, rage, feelings of impending doom, jealousy, etc. It's the root cause of all these & more. It also blocks manifestation. If you're doing everything right to manifest what you want & need in your life but are still living from fear based energy, you're going to block the results. Most energy workers, myself included, fluctuate between fear based energy & higher energy. Few have obtained fully living in the higher energies. The good news is that some have - it can be done.

Those of us who fluctuate are always trying to live fully in the higher energies, of course. Then we're brought down by old triggers from our past, even those we've thought we've healed & resolved. I can't stress enough the importance of doing the healing work on ourselves, to heal those triggers from our past. For most of us it's very hard to live in higher energy because most of those around us are still firmly living in fear based energy & it comes at us all the time. Family, especially our parents, are a huge influence in that way. So are many of our friends & those we encounter in the work world. That's why it's vital that energy workers & those who are trying to live in higher vibrations spend as much time as possible communicating with others who are trying to live in those higher vibrations. We need the feeding to counter the other.

There are many ways to get out of fear based energy, including surrounding yourself with others who are doing the same & working on healing. One big thing is to learn to recognize fear based energy all around you. When you truly begin to recognize it around you & in others you'll be better able to identify it in yourself when it creeps in. Recognition, will, intent, & grattitude are the greatest catalysts for change in our lives. I'm grateful to have been given the message about fear based energy, the new ability to identify it & see it. I believe that's all I needed to change. I already work hard to change all I need to in my life, which is the other key - that's how you apply will & intent. One suggestion is to write an "I Am" statement about fear based energy. Something like, "I am living above fear based energy & able to identify & counter it when it comes at me or enters my life. I am living in the higher energy vibrations." We must each live in this world to function, but work to rise above the dramas. Creator & angels can really help with that & last week I outlined who I work with. I can't over stress the importance of setting the tone for each day with prayer, "I Am" & manifestation statements & your work with angels & other beings of Light & Love. That sets the tone for my whole day. When I don't do it for whatever reason, I see a huge difference. When times are tough & you don't feel like doing it, that's when you need it most. It's often when I get the blog topic for the day. It's when I get direction for my day. It's how I daily renew my will, intent, & purpose, & most of us if not all do need to do that daily. Please remember that this is coming from a total free spirit who is not a morning person & doesn't like following ritual. I resisted the discipline of things like this all my life until about 6 months ago. But I was led to this & soon found the power in it, became a believer & faithful doer. So since I can do it I know you can. Trust me when I say this is so counter to the old me that there absolutely is true power in it or I wouldn't still be doing it. It would have fallen by the wayside toward the beginning.

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