Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fear Based Energy - Today Just the Evidence

Earth & earthly life forms are based on fear based energy. Plants like poison ivy & roses have obvious defense mechanisms built in. Animals are born with fear based natural mechanisms like the ability to blend into their surroundings, big claws or teeth, etc. People operate from fear based energy that we're taught from birth. It's all around us, perpetuated by our societies, elders, peers, governments, & organized religions. If you've ever studied politics or advertising, you've heard about fear based campaigns vs. those that elicit good feelings. In both, it's felt that raising our fear level is what's key to creating a feeling of need that leads to buying or voting. Anyone who's attended church regularly in the most popular organized religions has had fire & brimstone preached to them at least some.

We're taught to distrust which is another word for fear. Worry & concern surrounds us as the norm. That's all fear based energy. One of the problems is that it's so rampant & so much the norm that most people never identify it as such, much less question it. That's why those on earth work from a point of need. Our work systems & money systems are based on feelings of lack & we've learned to distrust each other, social media, the government & it's workings, politicians, etc. And we're never really taught anything else. Trust, when taught, is not grounded or thorough. In church we hear about trusting God but in never goes deep enough & with fear based energy coming at us from everywhere else & in other church services or settings, it's too little too late for most of us.

Fear based energy causes the feeling of lack from which most people work. It causes crime & disease, wars & other fighting among friends, strangers, & families. In fact, fear based energy causes lack itself. If we all trusted each other & shared rather than working from lack, there'd be enough for people. I'm not talking impossible pie in the sky stuff here. All you have to do is look back at early America. In pioneer times everyone pitched in to help each other - barn raisings, getting the crops in before bad weather destroyed them, & multi-generational families lived together & shared the work & care of each other. Some still attempt that, like the Amish. They experience little crime & I imagine they experience very little major disease because the basis for their society is love & trust rather than fear.

If you think I don't mean you for whatever reason, I want you to take a good look at yourself & your feelings, & what surrounds you. Look at what motivates you. Pay attention to your thoughts. Look for the fear underneath most of what you do. If you worry or have concerns or stress, you can almost always trace it back to fear. We fear not having enough money or to eat. We fear what will happen next. We fear cancer & major illness, aging, what will happen to our children. We fear big & little things. Even many Lightworkers are still based in fear & don't even know it. As long as we're stuck in the fear cycle & fear based energy, we'll have a tough time truly moving forward in our lives & manifesting.

Look at what gets your attention & causes your emotions. Most people worry about what others think of them. Most get upset at what people say to them or about them, like neighbors, acquaintances, or former spouses - I'm talking about those not within your home. That's fear based. It's only words & unless it damages your reputation to the point that you can no longer make a living, it truly is just words. Within the home is another matter, & can actually damage us greatly. Occasional venom is something we can easily live with without permanent damage, like when a child says "I hate you," especially if that's rare. Teens are especially prone to that drama. It's very difficult to get through the teens with most kids but we survive & so do most of them. Spouses & significant others have more potential to harm us when they come at us with fear based energy. And at the core, all abuse is rooted in that. Fear that they won't get their needs met by us is usually the root cause if you strip it all down. Unfortunately, most significant other relationships are based in fear based energies because that's all most people know. That's why the divorce rate is so high & most couples break up during or before marriage. Each person goes into the relationship with fear based energy & operates from that rather than being able to work from energy based on bringing the highest good to the other & self. And we don't even know it, because that's our world & norm. I hope you've gotten the idea & can see for yourself how fear based energy rules most of us, most of what we do, think, & say, & our planet. Tomorrow, an alternative.

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