For the most part I live in a state of grace. When I fall from grace, I do anything & everything I can to get back there as quickly as I can because it's very uncomfortable for me. I said "fall from grace" on purpose because that's the way most people think of it but that's not really the way it is. We actually step down & away from the state of grace. It happens when we lose faith or become disturbed by circumstances, something that happens. Being in a state of grace means so much more than being right with God. It means being in the flow with the universe rather than trying to force things, worrying, being fearful. Being in a state of grace means you go with the flow, "roll with the punches." It means you understand that you are cared for more than you can possibly realize - by God, the angels, etc. It's taking all the "bad" things that happen as a lesson & opportunity, realizing that nothing can happen to you if you're in the flow that's not designed to lead to your greater good. Or that can't be made to work for your greater good. Things can happen to you that aren't necessary part of the plan because everyone else on earth has free will too. I still haven't figured out how much of what happens to us at the hands of others was contracted into our life plan before we incarnated, but I know much of it was. The rest can be overcome with the help of God & the angels.
The way to get into the flow is fairly simple, although people often make it hard for themselves. I've done it by learning all I can, & truly believing what I've learned because it resonates within my heart & soul. I truly believe God loves me, & that the angels are there to help me if I just ask. I've seen ample evidence of it too. Read yesterday's blog if you haven't, & re-read it if you don't remember it. It was truly a miracle that I wasn't seriously hurt when I fell off the step ladder holding a power drill up! It's truly a miracle that I was able to rent this house. It was a miracle of manifestation that the kitty grass seed started growing when I absolutely set my intent to provide it for them, even though I wasn't able to find the seed I needed that day. (Usually the grass sprouts in a few days & I had planted this about 10 days ago. It clearly wasn't sprouting despite the fact that I kept it fully watered & keep hoping, checking on it. It only worked after I clearly & firmly set my intent.)
The things necessary to get into the flow, to achieve living in a state of grace are: learning, true belief, recognizing miracles & supply as such, true gratitude for even the smallest graces (miracles, manifestations, gifts), doing your part (the daily work set before you), asking God & the angels for help when you need it & then trusting that they'll help, helping others, doing the work on yourself that you need to do, taking good care of yourself, & daily devotions. Laughter & playing also help, & I'll talk about that tomorrow. Notice I said "even the smallest graces," & what graces are. That should help you define what is meant by a state of grace. When you're in a state of grace, in the flow, there are regular miracles, manifestations, & gifts that come your way as well as messages of guidance, reassurance, & learning. That's exactly what it is, what it means. I've talked about your daily work before - clean out the tub, take out the trash before it overflows, do all the big & small things that present themselves so they don't become a burden on you. There's grace in living in the moment & taking care of yourself & your surroundings. Helping others through prayer & giving of your heart & talents matters. Doing the work on yourself is about working on your issues, healing from your past, etc. And I've covered daily devotions extensively before. Living in a state of grace is a matter of attitude & gratitude. Your attitude toward the things in your life totally matters. Interruptions, problems, not feeling well, all the big & little things that happen don't have to pull you out of a state of grace if you flow with them, learn from them, & accept them as part of life rather than with the attitude that "everything happens to me" or that things or forces work against you. That fall from the ladder reminded me that I tend to do too much at once, don't quit before I get over tired. It was also a lesson in being more careful, more mindful, staying in the moment. I try so hard to be mindful & stay in the moment & also to not overdo, but those are some of my character traits that I'll need to continue to work on. This was a medium reminder. I'll take a gentle to medium reminder any day because I've had those times when I wasn't getting the message & had to be "hit upside the head with a brick" as Oprah says.
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