Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Energy Workers Are Your Humble Servants

Active energy workers are humble, spiritual, loving, & gentle. We do energy work out of a deep desire to help others. We are humble because we understand we are not the Source, only the channel. We're also human, so we love to hear positive feedback, to know we've helped.

Every time I'm done performing Distance Reiki, I thank God for allowing me this gift to use to help people & animals. It fills me with such joy to perform Reiki, to be allowed to participate in helping others.(Plus, I also receive healing benefits as the energy flows through me.) It feeds my soul to be able to directly help others, & helps me stay in a state of gratitude. Taking time to perform Reiki honors the gift, the giver, & the receiver. I also believe in the power of prayer, so I pray twice daily for those I've been called upon to help. I begin & end my days with formal prayer. Other times during the day I'm more likely to just talk to or with God rather than form a prayer. To me, there's a difference between prayer & talking, with the first being structured & more one-sided.

I'll list a few of my greatest Reiki experiences. Through Reiki I've been able to participate in a friend's recovery from reconstructive shoulder surgery, alleviate pain in my daughter's shoulder, help a friend nearly painlessly pass a kidney stone, ease a man's neck pain & greatly increase his mobility. I've also helped shrink a cat's nasal polyp, & helped 2 cats who were being euthanized due to extreme illness. Cats hate to go to the vet, hate to be handled & restrained, so going to the vet's to be euthanized when they're miserable is a tough one. In both cases I performed Reiki before & during the appointed time. The results were that the cats obviously didn't feel stressed, didn't react to what was being done. One of them had great pain in his hind quarters at that time, but didn't react to having it handled at the end. That was proof to me. In both cases, the "owner" (truly, you never really own a cat) was looking into the eyes of the cat at the last moments. This made a tender send off for the cats & made it less traumatic for the people.

I know that virtually anyone can do what I do with Reiki. I'm nothing special, it's just part of my calling. We're not called to do all things & some are not called to energy work. The only thing that you might argue is special about me is my willingness to help others in this way.  But you have to remember that most of us give to others in one way or another. We each have our unique callings, so we're each "special" when we answer & honor those callings. And when we actively use the gifts we've been given, we're given even greater gifts. It's part of the flow of abundance available to all of us. Good deeds are rewarded in countless ways.

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