I just posted a blog about cats, Part I, said I'd cover many more topics. As things occurred to me I added notes to an already full page. I realized that I could fill this blog 5 days a week for weeks with all you need to know on the subject, "What Your Cat Wishes You Knew."
I try to make the blog appeal to a wide range of people & some people don't have cats, so filling so many days with specific information about them is not a good use of my space. Also, my knowledge has value, & I can't always give everything away. My living needs to come from my knowledge & talents, my calling. Cats are definitely a part of my calling.
So "in my spare time" I'll be writing a publication about cats. It will read much the way my blogs do. My talents include teaching, animal communication, & writing. This publication will be thorough & will take a lot of time. I put great care into my choice of words, speak to my audience in a way that makes me understood. I will charge a nominal fee for this based on my cost, will self-publish to keep the cost down. It won't be fancy, but it will cover all they want you to know!
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