Having a God-centered life has made me much healthier. I've already mentioned losing weight & making healthier food choices. Being God-centered also led me to Shaklee, & I'm healthier because of the products I use. I'm also way healthier because I no longer carry the guilt, shame, & emotional scars that used to haunt me. Those things truly affect our health, our ability to be happy & feel joy, our ability to progress & grow, to move forward. They can affect the balance of chemicals in our bodies & cause us to use harmful chemicals like prescription or elicit drugs, alcohol, or tobacco to numb the pain.
I can't begin to express my joy each time I receive emotional healing, how blessed I feel, how grateful I am. I used to walk around with a cloud of pain & shame over my head, waiting for the next shoe to drop (thinking they were God-sized & eventually one would inihilate me), waiting for the next blow life would deliver. Now I expect nothing but good things whatever I do & wherever I go, pretty much. I still have a little negative anticipation in me sometimes, since I'm human. But time & again that negativity is proven wrong because overall I have such positive expectations & we get back what we expect for the most part. Each time I have a positive experience, it reinforces these lessons & I come to expect it even more. I know I influence what happens all around me because I'm just so happy & positive that people react in kind. But I also experience the opposite when I've let the old way of thinking & being take over. I don't like the results & now I know how much better things can be so I take steps to get back there as fast as possible. I talk it over with God, review lessons, read the next spiritual thing that comes my way, do Reiki, ask a friend to help if needed. Usually presenting my feelings to God & reading the next spiritual thing or participating in the next event does it. That said, I don't just grab at any & every event or reading. I use discernment in my selection. But usually whatever I need to move forward is already sitting in my inbox - something I hadn't gotten around to reading yet, or appears the morning after I express my need. Which again, adds to my faith.
Happiness also affects our health in wonderful ways. Many years ago I learned to be a happy person for the most part, no matter how bad my life was. Don't get me wrong - I went through some really unhappy periods, like last year while coping with the crimes my ex committed. I won't go into that here because I've totally covered it in other blogs. But how about the other 9 years with Dr. Jeckle/Mr. Hyde - no piece of cake. Few knew anything was wrong because I'm basically a very happy person. I taught myself years ago to glean happiness from all the good little (& bigger) things in my life & around me. I learned not to wait for the big things because they can be few & far between. It makes me happy to see a cat yawn, to see them play, to see roses, to smell them, to hear music I like or view a painting I like, to observe wild animals in the wild, to hear bird songs or wind chimes. And I learned to surround myself as much as possible with things that make me smile & feel good. Now I'm downright joyous about things that used to merely make me happy, & it all feels like so much more. Mourning doves always reminded me of my beloved Grandma Jones because I used to hear them seemingly all the time in her yard. Now, I believe they are her singing to me when I hear them, like she used to sing "Jesus Loves You" to me while working the treadle on her old Singer sewing machine. Usually she was making doll clothes for me. It doesn't matter whether I'm right or not or what you believe. In my heart, that bird is my grandmother, who I lost in 1985. She was my combination grandmother & mother, my role model, so I lost all that when I lost her. Usually you hear doves at dawn & dusk but I hear mine off & on all day. I also love the music their wings make when they take off in flight. Next time you see a pair, watch until they fly away & just listen. Every time I hear those doves I know my Grandma is telling me she loves me & is proud of me. I'm so much like her! I'm proud of me, of that. Before God-centering, I just thought of her. Now I feel her with me every day - just one of my sources of great joy.
Because my heart is so full these days & so open, many things appear to be much more beautiful to me - clouds, the color of the sky, maple trees, my tomatoes turning red on the vine, my growing herbs. I mind less the chores I have to do because once done, I get to move on to do what I want & I'm already in such a good mood. This isn't all the time - my life isn't magical, & I can have pain or periods of low energy. But overall, actually it is pretty magical these days because it's becoming exactly the life I've wanted & dreamed of. So no, a God-centered life is NOT restricting - it's so the opposite of that! It's ever expanding & widening joy, love, goodness, happiness, contentment, fulfillment, all I've ever wanted & needed. And this probably still isn't the end of the subject, but it is for now.
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