I didn't want to narrow my world, give up anything, go around preaching to people or asking them if they're "saved," didn't want to be boring or go around quoting the Bible all the time. My ideas of what a God-centered life would be like were pretty restricting, & nothing like the reality. I cussed, drank socially, enjoyed dirty jokes & sex, was very worldly. I wanted what I wanted. So I often turned my back on God & religion, thinking they went together. Sometimes I went to church regularly for awhile, then I'd only go on Easter & Christmas Eve. I'd hear all the "shoulds" in many churches, & be turned off. I didn't want to go visit new area families with a loaf of bread & invite them to my church. That's not in my comfort zone. I didn't want to go out & make new disciples.
Over time I grew out of cussing & lost my taste for dirty jokes. I quit cussing when I had kids & thought about what they pick up from us. I had to work at it since I heard it at work all the time, but I decided on standards for my family life. For some reason, dirty jokes just became distasteful to me. I believe that came about as I learned more self-respect, & as I learned how beautiful lovemaking can be. Most dirty jokes are demeaning. Over time I became a kinder, gentler version of myself. I became much more sensitive to & empathetic toward others as I matured, while becoming less sensitive to perceived slights.
I have found that a God-centered life hasn't made me religious - I'm spiritual. I don't quote the Bible or try to convert anyone to my views, but I sometimes share my views. I have to, since it's woven into who I am. It's my story. I find that my views don't fit with most church teachings or the views most people hold. For example, I believe in reincarnation - most people & organized religions don't. So I don't spend any of my time in church, much less all of it. I can quote the Bible well but don't unless it pertains to a conversation. I haven't really changed my ways to put God at the center of my life & my life has greatly expanded instead of narrowed. And a cuss word came out of my mouth the other night with a group of spiritual friends after someone else cussed, & nothing bad happened to either of us. God is not up there waiting to drop a giant, God-sized shoe on us for any little thing we do.
One of the things that's changed for me is I know that now. I used to fear that shoe! I'd wince at any little "wrong" thing I did, waiting for it. But having God at the center of your life leads to the absence of fear. I've learned of His great Love for us, His acceptance of us as we are, His gentle guidance toward change. And all the changes are for our highest good, not to please Him. I've changed over time, in subtle ways, some from direct guidance & some just from within. He is within me & I know those changes come from Him but I haven't been aware of them happening, only notice the results. For example, I seldom eat red meat now. I crave fish, & fresh fruits & vegetables mostly. I eat whatever I want whenever I want but my cravings have changed to mostly healthier choices. I haven't given anything up, & I'm enjoying my food more than I have in years. But I'm healthier than I have been in years, have more energy, feel better, & I'm losing the weight I put on like crazy. Now I love looking in the mirror.
I enjoy most things more than I ever have before. My heart has become full of gratitude & appreciation, & it's led to more enjoyment of music, nature, food, just about every moment of life. Every day is full of adventure. I've never been a morning person but it's become my favorite time of day because I start the day fresh, with excitement. I never know what opportunities await me when I open email with my morning coffee. I so enjoy both! Often a friend has sent me an opportunity to promote my business or socialize, or information on a new opportunity to grow spiritually or heal. Websites send me such things too. What used to be a bother has transformed into an adventure. I love to learn & that too has been turned into a grand adventure. Each spiritual opportunity I accept has paid off beyond my wildest dreams. In my 20s & 30s & 40s I'd pray for the things I wanted in my life with "beyond my wildest dreams" tacked on. I knew what I meant, even though I hadn't experienced it. I knew there was much more to life & love than I was getting to experience. And that's exactly what a God-centered life is - everything good is beyond my wildest dreams - & folks, my dreams & expectations were pretty wild! I know I'm going to have to revisit this subject at another time. Just as I sensed that there was much more, "beyond my wildest dreams," I know that's really just an opening line, not a close.
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