I'm sure you realize that even when you know something, sometimes you need someone else to point the obvious out to you. I write a lot about manifestation because lack seems to be the #1 theme with people I know. I've been studying manifestation since 1980, under all kinds of different terms, in all kinds of forms. First it was called "the power of positive thinking," & that's even the name of a book that was popular back then. In 1980 I joined the first of many multi-level marketing companies. They are so not all created equal! And they also aren't all bad, or schemes, but many are or kind of are. The one back then harped on reading motivational books & listening to tapes, & made money off the tapes. I felt like I was going to gag, but I was a good little girl & did all I could. They were fairly horrible! And I'm not sure I learned anything either. That was at the beginning of the marriage to husband #1. Husband #2 also urged me to read books & listen to tapes but it all had come a long way by then. This time the tapes were by professionals like Tony Robbins. Some of it was good, but again, I wanted to gag at a lot of it. In between was the best stuff, the Tupperware years. The emphasis wasn't on books & tapes, it was on live training with some of the best and I learned so much. Out of all my home based business experience, I learned more from Tupperware training than any other. And I learned things of true value, that I now pass on to others & use in all parts of my life. It was true people-building stuff. So I've been a very active student of this stuff off and on for over 30 years. You'd think I'd be an expert by now, wouldn't you! But no matter how much you know, you can always learn more from someone & you can also need insight as to how to apply it to yourself.
Recently a friend and great teacher suggested I "act as if" for my daughter. She's been trying to get pregnant for several years now & it breaks her heart & therefore mine that it hasn't happened yet. My friend, Sandy Davis, suggested I make a baby blanket for my daughter with intent & prayer for fertility. (If you're in the Pittsburgh area, I highly recommend her channeled healing circles & classes. You can find her on meetup.com under "The Shamans Cave of Three Rivers Tribe" and "Angel Love Light.") I'm about to finish making an afghan different from others I've done, & remembered Sandy's suggestion when I thought about what to make next. So I'm going to go buy blue yarn & reduce the pattern because it will make the most beautiful baby blanket. After I do that, I'm going to knit a full layette (in blue) & cross stitch the baby quilt I bought a kit for some years ago. It's very special so I bought it when I saw it & put it away for when needed. Well, now it's needed, along with the rest. I'll put all my love, extra prayers (I already pray for her fertility daily), & intent into these things, & hold them for her. (Unless she reads this & decides she wants them when they're done.) A note on why they'll all be blue, by the way. It's her favorite color and all girls wear blue too so the sex of the baby doesn't matter for this. So thank you, Sandy, for helping me see another way to put these principles to work. The more you use them in different ways, the more they become your own, the easier they come to mind - they eventually become "second nature." I think there should be a better way to say that, because it doesn't come to you second - it comes to you more quickly & naturally. I also think there should be a better way to express sympathy than to say "I'm sorry" that's just as quick, and a more positive term for infertility. As much as I'm a word person, I haven't thought of good solutions to any of these.
I had forgotten (if I ever knew) that you had done an MLM before Tupperware.
ReplyDeleteI'm still really nervous about all this, but I appreciate anything that acting as if can provide in terms of help.
Don't want you to be nervous, Baby. There's nothing for you to do in this. It's more support work on my part, added to my daily prayers for your fertility.