I've found that the best source of information is Source. Sometimes I'm asked how you know when something that seems like a message is coming from Source vs. just an impulse from within. I tell people that they feel different & that you also have to weigh the message. If a married person feels prompted to start an affair, that's an impulse from within & a message at the same time. The message is, look at what's wrong in your marriage & figure out if you want to fix it, how to. Twice I married the wrong person so I don't tell people to stay & work at it no matter what. Neither do I tell people to just throw out the marriage & start over. Sometimes you've married the right person but one of you changes & grows & the other doesn't. It doesn't mean one is no longer the right person. Sometimes it's possible, usually through counseling, to fix things. And it's always better to see if you can fix any situation or relationship rather than just quitting.
Friends can mean well & give you the wrong advice. When you get advice from friends or anyone, that's when you especially need to weigh what you're hearing. People can & often do make mistakes. And people have their own past experiences which they bring in. It can be helpful or it can color their thinking. The same is true with counselors & teachers. It's kind of like that old game of telephone where a sentence is passed from one person to the other. At first it's pure, then it quickly gets altered when passed until it's nothing like the original message in the end. I'm very careful who I listen to, ask for advice, learn from. I've been in counseling several times in my life, usually because of the childhood abuse issues but once for marriage counseling, & with a minister for spiritual counseling. The marriage counselor got it all wrong, totally missed the real issues. Perhaps if he'd truly been helpful, the marriage would have lasted despite the fact that we didn't really fit together. I believe that we could have made it work with the proper help. My ex wasn't a bad person & could have been good for me & vice versa if we'd be taught & redirected. The kids certainly would have had a much better life!
Teachers can get it wrong too, even in school. I've heard about plenty of mistaken information being taught in schools, have encountered misinformation in other learning settings also. I especially have to be careful what I take in because I'm studying a lot of metaphysical areas. There's a lot of opinion out there & that's not what I want when seeking answers. This is where it's especially important to go within & see what resonates. The same is true with religion. I used to earnestly seek answers about God, Jesus, how to live our lives, why "bad" things happen to "good" people, etc. Usually the answers didn't resonate. I've studied the Bible cover to cover, & still had many unanswered questions. I've been completely misdirected by religious teachers in the past. I remember being told I was doing it all wrong when I'd actually been very close with & had give & take conversations with Jesus. I was told there's a certain way to pray & go about it all. It completely derailed my life at the time.
This brings me to what I need to say about source vs. Source & weighing everything. When something makes total sense to you & resonates within, it's probably true. At that point Source is probably validating your source. Your best teachers are Creator & the angels, your personal guides & teachers. These messages are usually received as feelings & thoughts that can seem to come from yourself. It doesn't matter whether it comes from knowledge you already hold within yourself or from an otherworldly source (Creator, angels, etc.). What does matter is that those things are absolute truths. Some actually hear things or see images, & they're the fortunate ones because that's clearly a gift of knowledge. Most of us have to rely on feelings & trust. We have to learn to differentiate between impulses & true messages. You can take your questions to a reader, friend, or trusted teacher, or you can simply ask Creator. He doesn't want you misinformed, & will provide the answers if you set your intent & ask.
Yesterday I took a class on symbols in our lives & messages, with a wonderful handout. It opened my eyes when it stated that there are messages all around us, being given multiple times a day. The more we open to them, the more they'll be given. I realized that's entirely true, & set my intent to open to them even more. I'm at a place in my life where I'm really seeking guidance & direction, a real time of transition. And I'm always eager to learn & grow. These days I'm working on self-healing (less physical & more in all other ways) & learning & growing spiritually & in the realm of metaphysics. So receiving these personal messages are very important to me.
I also feel the need to warn you about those who describe themselves as exalted, experts, authorities vs. humble servants who simply want to pass it on. Great teachers willingly tells of the mistakes they've made & that they don't always get it right. They pass on their ways of doing things with the message that if they can do it, we can. They have no ego problems when they teach. They teach their students to open to their own gifts, listen to themselves. All my favorite teachers are generous in sharing their knowledge, never claim to have mastered the information, & encourage me & the others in class. They are giving & loving, very generous. They have no personal agenda other than to pass it on, & it's never about them. I try to always be the same way. Always pay attention to the heart of whomever you are listening to. Stick with those who would never intentionally harm you & don't have their own agenda going. I always listen to my friend Jenny. I disagree with her sometimes, but I always listen seriously. And if I disagree with advice or something she says about me, I don't entirely dismiss it. I continue to think about it in case she's right after all. Eventually I either find that she was, or settle the issue entirely within myself. Because she knows me better than anyone & loves me as much as those who love me most on earth (I'm fortunate to have several people who love me like she does). She absolutely has no agenda when it comes to me (or most people). She was with me through my toughest years as an adult, so she knows all I lived better than any other person on earth. And she was with me when I began the healing from my childhood, & had a similar enough past that she understood better than anyone. I also entirely listen to my friend Pam, for similar reasons. Even though we've only known each other for a few years, we've helped each other through similar tough marriages ending badly. We too love each other to that deep extent, & are giving & loving, supportive & serve as advisers without agendas. But again, I weigh everything, look for confirmation within myself. We are all, after all, human. We do make mistakes, no matter who or how learned. Now, if you need help learning to weigh, you need to send me a message for one-on-one help.
Finally, seek multiple sources if you're trying to learn something by earthly means. Before I create an essential oil blend, I consult internet sources as well as the many books I have on their properties, uses, & cautions. I feel rosemary is a wonderful, healing essential oil but it carries warnings so I don't put it in my blends. If I only went with one source, I would have missed those warnings & could potentially harm someone. Be careful what & who you accept as an authority! Even the Food & Drug Administration approves drugs that are later taken off the market because they've harmed people. And they generally don't approve vitamins & supplements. Know your source! And when seeking knowledge from teachers & books, it's always better to have multiple sources & take multiple classes, read multiple books. We learn best when information is delivered in words we'll be most receptive to, able to understand, & that will stick with us. That's fluid depending on your state on any given day, the experiences you bring, & how the information is presented. You can read the same book or take the same class a year from now & get something entirely new from the experience. So keep seeking!
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