Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Banishing Fear

I've been battling fear based energy since just before Christmas, due to a series of events that have pushed all my buttons. When I say "pushed all my buttons" I mean that the events have uncovered all the ways I still need to heal emotionally. On top of all else, that can engender negative feelings because I've worked so hard to overcome & heal. Having old issues touched off has indicated that I haven't done all the healing I need to. I'm still my own worse critic & it's been hard reliving old issues. I tend to see how far I still have to go more than how far I've come, until my wonderful friends & family remind me of what my life was like a year ago (at whatever time, a year ago is usually where the comparison goes). Like everyone else, I get tired of finding that I still have ground to cover, healing to do, life lessons to learn. Sometimes it feels like all this will be with me forever. It's painful because these things have touched off the deepest insecurities & wounds. Our emotions, reactions, & experiences are layers. I've worked on so much that now I seem to be dealing with the deepest layers, & therefore very painful ones. However, I've got all the coping skills I've gained while dealing with the other layers so it isn't as bad as it could be. Recently I listened to a woman who is in the infant stages of healing from intense abuse when she was a child. She wanted to heal all at once, have it out all at once. The rest of us in the group explained that it can't work that way. Healing has to come about in stages because we couldn't possibly handle the whole thing at once. To get down to that bottom layer immediately would destroy us. There's a reason our subconscious reveals it all in layers.

My main fear over the last 6 weeks has been that I will lose the home I now have & no longer be able to provide a home for the cats I've rescued. It would also mean losing my nest & my ability to have access to the things that bring me comfort & joy. I've feared hitting rock bottom again, because it's happened before, which led to the husband I just divorced & all that went with that. So this is a big fear for me, a complex, multi-layered issue.

We all have fears that are deep & individual, so I want to share with you what came to me last night after a friend did Reiki on me. These are the things I need to remember the minute fear energy comes into me. 1) I am a good person & worthy. I am worthy of love, comfort, care, safety, prosperity, & having all my needs & many of my wants satisfied. 2) I do God's work, love God, am good & giving & caring to others. I give of myself regularly. (This goes back to making sure I feel worthy.) 3) God is in charge of my life & what happens in it. I put my life & day in His Hands every day. I'm here for a purpose & the purpose is in line with Him so I don't need to fear anything that happens. He is in control & I can certainly trust Him. 4) Being homeless or destitute is not in the plans, is not His will for me or other Lightworkers. He want to enable me. 5) When He shuts a door He'll open another. 6) I'll never have to give away my cats & let them down. They won't be homeless either. I won't be repeating that history. 7) I'm in charge of how I conduct my life & must be consciously manifesting good, not fear. I don't have to continue repeating past mistakes. 8) I have a friend I can move in with, along with all my cats, if necessary, & being with her would be a joy. 9) I'm surrounded by love & Love - friends nearby, family, those I've helped, angels, departed loved ones, guides, God, Jesus, Archangel Michael & Mother Mary. I have no reason to fear! 10) What we call reality is actually just an illusion, so everything IS ok, & as it should be. 11) My job is to do all the work before me to do. God's job is to provide the "wages."

I wrote these last night on the back of my manifestation statements. I need them to be by themselves, not part of my "I Am" or manifestation statements. I need them not to get lost in the rest, to be right there where I can read them daily & have them stand out. I need them clearly visible, to access any time I feel any fear. Those are mine, based on my needs & personal beliefs. Now I recommend that you write your own.