I began to see the power of positive intent around 2005, through a series of events. I lost my dreams in the mid 1980s or thereabouts. The 90s were about coping. But around 2001 or so I began dreaming again. I began to believe that I could visit hands-on with baby tigers, swim with dolphins, & have my own home-based craft business & a business called Cattitude. I didn't fool with the "cursed hows" as Mike Dooley puts it. I didn't know how these things would happy, but I believed that with my now ex-husband, anything was possible. He helped me believe & to believe in myself. He helped me feel that I deserved these things & that I was talented enough to make them a reality. He helped me believe in myself & the power of possibilities & positive intent. He helped me feel like I had that power & that we especially had it together. During that time I began to believe that anything was possible. Then he took that all away & I'm back to trying to figure out how.
I have a natural inclination, at times, to believe I can make things happen. I think back to high school, when I would love so deeply & intently, & eventually get the guy. Well, almost once in 9th grade & definitely in 10th. I also made things happen for myself with music, & I forget what else. But back to 2005. In 2002 I figured out that I wanted to be married on Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney & that I wanted Phil at the wedding. At the time, I was told that he would never go for that. Yet he proposed on Groundhog Day in Punxsy in 2004 & told me we'd be married a year later, there in Punxsy. That's when I firmly set my intent to have Phil at the wedding. I was told he couldn't be there, but I never stopped hoping or trying. I was still surprised when he was there! So that was manifestation #2, #1 being that I got married there on Groundhog Day in the first place. It took several years for these things to happen, but they did. I never wavered in what I wanted.
In 2004 I met a woman in Punxsy who's mother raises sheep nearby. Her mother spins, knits, has a shop there, & ran a B&B. I met the mother, stayed at the B&B, became friendly with her. The following summer I made a last-minute decision to go to a jazz concert & met a woman who raises alpacas. We got to talking & she invited me to her farm, offered to teach me to spin (another long-held dream of mine). A week later I was back at the B&B & "happened" to tell the owner that I wanted to start a shop called Cattitude & wanted a unique product to sell. She suggested I start spinning cat hair for people, said it could be a big business as few do it. I went back home & talked with the alpaca lady & found out where to buy a wheel nearby. The place also had formal lessons & all kinds of resources. I was on my way! All this just "happened," but not really. Positive intent set it all in motion - met the daughter then the B&B owner, met the lady who knew where to buy a wheel locally & learn all I needed, then was given the idea of why to do it from the B&B owner again. Amazing! That's #3.
One summer later came my first encounter with baby tigers. My son had just come home from his first tour in Iraq (or was home on leave, I forget) & with us for a weekend so we went to the local carnival. A private zoo owner was up from S. Carolina with a 2 1/2 month old baby tiger! I hung around asking questions & observing for the next hour or so, until the carnival was closing & the guy asked me if I wanted to help out with the tiger for the rest of the week! He had a lot of young helpers so I didn't get to do that much but still - I was in heaven. The next summer he was back with two 2-month old baby tigers. I went the first night, hoping, & was asked to be the main helper all week because of my maturity. I spent 5 nights giving them their bottles, holding them, rocking them in my arms when they got restless, etc. It was my wildest dream come true!
Nowadays I mostly see intent working in little ways, but recognizing it as such is important. You know I've been swamped with the move & such, so you can imagine that I've gotten behind on business matters. I do things on a top priority basis, & push lesser priorities aside, as we all do. About a month ago I realized that the refund from the old electric company was about a month late & I needed to call them. I set my intent to do it the next day during business hours & the mail came first. In it was a statement from them showing my refund, so I knew a check was in the mail to me, no need to call. That's the power of intent. I thought the amount was wrong & that they owed me around $25 more but again set it aside for more important chores. A week ago I again set my intent to call the next day during business hours & again a statement of refund came in the mail before I could call the next day. I was again grateful for not having to do the chore of calling, grateful for the positive manifestation. But I also saw intent work in a big way last year, especially in the move to this house. I asked for a cozy home of my own with the cats that suits us entirely & that's just what I got. The other day a friend was here & wrote me an email afterwards, thanking me for having her. The one word she used to describe my house was "cozy." I had that exact word in my manifestation statements because it's very important to me, so it's meaningful to me that it's the word she used. The other word of great significance to me is "nest" & I didn't use that in my statements, & I'm not hearing it. I'm feeling it, but not hearing it. Funny how this thing works! More tomorrow.
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