I've often been in conversation with a gentleman older than I am who is stuck in his life. He gets stuck in his head all the time. He's trying to control every little detail & every eventuality & therefore doesn't get things done. His mind is a maze he gets lost in regularly. His house is a mess, especially his office. He can't find things he just put down, doesn't see the forest for the trees.
I am big on change, controlling self, action, & organization. I have overcome much in my life by making needed changes when I identify & face them. Those who know me most intimately also know that I have coping mechanisms I'm only partially able to control & that's what leads me into trouble. I am so good at burying my true feelings & perceptions, putting on rose colored glasses to make it through. I have to really work at knowing my true feelings & needs. But eventually I am brought to crisis points where I have to dig up the buried causes & feelings, & make necessary changes. I know how to do these things & do them regularly, whenever the need becomes apparent in any way. These days it usually takes physical manifestations like hives or the heat not coming on in a relatively new heating system to get my attention. I know now to take notice of these things & look for the cause within me. And I know how to make the changes when needed. In these blogs, I try to teach these skills to you. Every time I talk with this gentleman, I try to help him see the process for change in his life.
He is resisting change. At first in every conversation, he makes excuses. He's always telling me the problem - how he gets locked in his mind, how he gets distracted, how he gets called away to do other things while trying to work against the problems. His next fall back position, lately, is to tell me that whatever I'm suggesting is not him or doesn't feel right. Of course it doesn't! What feels right is the same old pattern. But the pattern has gotten him into the state he's in & he's not functioning very well that way. You & he & I have to quit resisting change, step out of our comfort zones, & open our minds & accept new ways & ideas. When what you're doing isn't working for you, the only thing that will work is to make those changes.
Resisting anything keeps it in your life. So does dwelling on it. Instead, see what you want & go for it. Don't concentrate on the current, on the problem. Concentrate on having what you want in your life & then start moving toward it. Don't worry about making a mistake or whether you know how to get to what you want. You don't have to know that. All you have to do & know is the first reasonable steps toward it, & make them. Then, the next steps will be revealed. And if you made a misstep, at least you're in motion. The Universe will arrange for you to be guided to the best path for you. I see this all the time in my life. I chose a novel on Friday (the blog about this will appear later in the week) that I'd had in my possession for some years & never read. The ending pointed out to me unfinished business in my life. It ended up being a theme for about a week or so. My mentor mentioned working on it with his ex husband. A woman I talked with during a break in a healing circle at Sandra Bear Davis's house "saw" that I still held anger toward my mother, & the heat not coming on made me address it. (That too is covered in a blog, either recent or upcoming.) Then this novel brought out unfinished business I mislabeled & pushed down months ago. You can truly trust that if your aim is to change your life, you will absolutely be guided in your path. But you can't resist as my friend does. You have to actively want it, meaning, take the action steps & be entirely open & listening for the prompts. I could have taken the heat not coming on as a physical thing without meaning, same with the hives. But I'm entirely open & I know better. I couldn't have taken the ending of the novel any other way at this time in my life, but if I'd read & discarded it too soon I would have. Back then I wasn't ready or open enough. When the heat wouldn't come on I did all I could to make it happen. Then I called on Archangel Michael's help. Then, cold & miserable, I starting talking with God. He said it was because my heart was cold, & I knew immediately it was about my mother. This was after that woman mentioned seeing anger within me. I finally went straight to God & talked with Him, said I needed a direct message because I wasn't entirely getting it & He told me to call my mother. As soon as I came inside, the heat was on!
One way to quit resisting is to entirely accept all that is in your life with gratitude. And live in the now, work with what you've got, with every tool at your disposal. Learn to cope with the now. But while doing that, visualize where you want to be. Write "I Am" statements & manifestation statements for where you want to be. Make it your job to make change happen. Read your "I Am" statements & manifestation statements every morning, out loud. Use prayer, but instead of asking for what you want, thank God as if it's already in your life. Spend 3-5 minutes a day visualizing with full emotion, detail, & clarity exactly what you want in your life. If you want many things to change, you can visualize a total change or you can work on one aspect of it a day. Today I simply visualized a life with "him, whoever he is." I visualized the relationship, the sharing & tenderness, touching, passion, the life together - laughing, playing with grandchildren, making a home, life, & work together, in abundance & prosperity, harmony, peace, true joy & happiness. It took 3 minutes. Mike Dooley says do this once a day, 3-5 minutes or less before your mind intrudes with other things. That's all it takes. Since he's a master at manifestation & at teaching it, I'm doing it the way he says.
One major key to making changes is using every tool at your disposal. Listen for every cue & clue. Learn from all the messages. Mike Dooley's teachings are a valuable tool for me. I use God & the angels. I learn from messages & encounters with others. I go to Sandy for help, talk with my BFF & significant other about everything. She is my trusted advisor, with only my greatest good at heart & I use her regularly. Here I am talking about using people. Understand that I mean utilizing what's available to me, & they do the same with me. We all use each other in various ways. It's the intent & spirit behind it that makes it harmful to the person or not.
People are unique in that they have several lives in one. We have the physical life, emotional life, mental life, & spiritual life. Within each of these lives, we hold the power to entirely change our lives. To truly make change happen & have the lives we want, we have to work for it with all these life aspects. They have to be in harmony with each other. We have to take full & entire responsibility for all & consciously use the power given to us. Wherever you are in life, you didn't "happen" to get there. It took my friend many years to create the mess in his house & it will take a long time to clear it. Change is absolutely hard work & requires consistent work & effort. You can't work at it a little here & there & expect anything to happen. If he clears 5 pieces of paper from his office & then quits, he's going to add 10 in the time he isn't working toward his goal. He has to quit adding papers as much as possible while clearing out the unneeded. He has to let go of his need to control every detail & eventuality for several reasons. For one thing, we simply can't! We don't have the power to anticipate & control every little detail. Mike Dooley calls that "the cursed hows." When we try to control the details, they end up controlling us. The only way to make changes is to put forth consistent effort in all life aspects. That means in the physical, doing. In the emotional & mental, controlling your thoughts & handling & changing your feelings. Gratitude is the key to that, as is the spiritual. You can't really change your life much without the spirituality. You have to have faith, understand the workings of the universe & have faith in them & in the overall goodness. You have to tap into that daily. I not only read my "I Am" & manifestation statements aloud, I pray, talk with my angels, teachers, & guides, & call on specific angels to help me change what needs to be changed. Doreen Virtue's excellent book, "Archangels & Ascended Masters" has an index in the back that lists problems & which angels & Ascended Masters to call on, & how. Her book, & angel oracle cards, have been an excellent guide for me in this.
We are unique on this earth in that we each entirely possess within us to power to change ourselves & our lives. Don't waste it! Don't bitch & moan about your life & circumstances, take responsibility for the choices you've made that put you there. Then don't do what my friend does & dwell on the waste & loss - make a conscious decision with intent to change whatever you want & need to. Then take the above actions & move forward. Release what you don't want in the current with gratitude for the learning, growth, change & lessons & just do it! So what if it takes a year or 5 or 10? Where are you going to be in a year or 5 or 10 if you don't? Time is going to pass anyway, & if you don't do this, your life will be the same as now or worse. So don't even think about the time. You'll be so busy doing & coping that you'll be successful in whatever measure along the way, & happier during the process than you are now. A momentum takes over, & you receive joy in the doing & changing, the progress along the way, even the process. Mostly you may not recognize the changes taking place but keep going with it. Always remember that it takes consistent action & use of your powers over a period of time. When you're going some place you've never gone before, you don't recognize the way or the true progress toward getting there because it's entirely unfamiliar. It's that way with these changes. But as long as you're moving forward with intent, you are making progress & getting there!
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