I have my own language. The biggest example I can think of is "beyond my wildest dreams." This has a world of meaning to me & I've spoken a lot on it lately. It's the language of my heart so only my deepest heart actually knows what it means, & God & His Universe. My heart has always yearned for it. I can't define it or name it. It's my deepest language, part of my deepest need. "Exquisite" is part of it. "Shades of grey" is another thing that is a theme for me. My newest theme is barely surviving vs. thriving.
The Universe speaks to us in many ways & from many different sources. This week someone I was life coaching in the past gave me the key I've been looking for about "learning" the ancient healing lore. I've retained the knowledge from past lives but have to "relearn" or recover what I know. She was my Divine messenger that day, told me where I'd find the literature that would unlock it for me.
When something comes up that speaks your language, you know it's for you. Friday I saw that tonight there's a free webinar on surviving vs. thriving in business as a metaphysical worker. I usually ignore offerings from this source even though it's a good one. I'd never get anything done if I read everything that comes to me from my friends & internet sources, listened to every free webinar, etc. But I knew the moment I saw the title, even before reading that it was about business, that it's for me.
The Universe seems to work in themes that it downloads as messages to many Lightworkers around the same time. I've experienced this over & over, since I regularly network with other Lightworkers. We're even given these messages in much the same words!
We have so many sources for these messages. Sometimes they just pop straight into our head, a Divine download when we're working out a concept or working on a problem. It can also come when we ask a question of God/the Universe, or our angels or guides. People regularly ask me how they can know whether this comes from God or them. I tell them it doesn't matter which but I can now easily tell the difference. If I ask a question or express a need to understand something & the answer immediately pops into my head, I know it didn't come from me. I'm not sure who supplies it unless I've directly asked someone in particular, like God or a specific angel. I'm especially not sure who supplied it if the answer doesn't come right away & is supplied through a human or the topic appears in a webinar or I see a thread already about it on Facebook. But I know now that these things don't come from me. What if they did? I'd still trust them. I don't necessarily trust feelings based answers though, or answers that could have come straight from my emotions. If I want a certain outcome & ask about it, I don't trust the answer if it pops into my head. That could very well be me just trying to will it to be so.
I always eventually get my answers, especially if I'm trying to learn or understand something spiritual or about myself. I've gotten answers through classes, readings, hanging around other Lightworkers & the conversations that come up. Sometimes I ask a mentor I trust. I know who all to ask about what, so that I can trust the answer. Not everyone who thinks they know things can help me because all people have their own beliefs that color their answers. I'm very careful about my sources. I've signed on to different metaphysical sites & sites of energy workers that do webinars & things, send out newsletters, etc. I'm on Facebook with so many other Lightworkers. I read books about what I want to know but mostly that's not my source because I can't read fast enough to keep up with all I want to learn & know. Mostly these days I find out what I want to know by knowing who to consult, or because the same themes are coming to others, by figuring it out (knowing myself & going within to analyse & understand myself better). But the biggest source I have is Divine direct answers & guidance. You too can develop that by asking out loud & then listening, expecting the answer. Until recently, most of the answers took a long time to come to me. That was true of my first 18 months or so as an active energy worker. But all the time, it was getting faster, less time over time between when I'd ask & when I'd know. I think we have to learn a certain amount, certain things before the answers start coming more quickly. I also think we have to learn to expect & to listen. And I think that the answers are coming faster in the quickly changing 2012 energies, especially now that the warmer weather & rebirth of spring is happening. I use all I can, every day that I can, to learn all I want to know. And I don't clutter my brain with the things I don't care about knowing. And I don't seek to know it all at once any more. And I've learned to entirely expect answers. If not right away, I've learned they'll eventually come to me. I've learned to sense when to seek, when to expect immediacy or near immediacy, & how to wait.
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