I have been living without adequate funding & income since 2009. Yet I've lived in a nice house with my cats all this time. It's been a constant source of stress & strain, but I've learned quite a lot about myself & God in this time. I just ate a lovely meal of tabouli & delicious wheat crackers, & iced green tea. The tea was given to me by a friend a year ago. The tabouli & crackers came from my neighbor & dear friend, Sandy Davis. Tonight I'll have a lovely dinner of free range chicken breast, rice, & fresh vegies, all courtesy of Sandy. Later, an apple for a snack, again a gift from her.
Creator has been supplying my needs all this time, in so many ways! Last year while looking for a job I realized I didn't have clothes to wear if I got hired. Then I lost so much weight that I fit into all my great & quality career clothes from the 1990s. I bought quality without spending too much back then, & really took care of my clothes. Now I have all I need except summer nightgowns, & I have material from the 1980s to make one. Last year a friend was moving & gave me some of the old food in her pantry. Just the other day I made lasagna with the last of what she gave me. Sometimes my friends give me money. Sandy gave me a plastic container of loose coins & there was more than $10 in it. I found lots of loose coins going through my mother's things, & the other day I found the last of that, again around $10. Friends have given me kitty litter & cat food. Last year I sold off my ex husband's family furniture & paid rent & bills with the money. I got rid of all that no longer serves me & lived off the money. I've been drinking iced tea made with tea bags bought years ago, having sugar free jello & pudding I bought years ago, etc.
Every day I do my part. I am a good steward of what I have & what comes to me. I am grateful for everything, including the nickle someone found in my garden yesterday & gave to me. I never fail to thank God for even a penny found, to consider it a windfall, a blessing, a promise, a gift. I use everything that comes to me or I have around the house for the best purpose possible. I make things to sell with what I have around the house. I get rid of what no longer serves me & pass it on or sell it. I work in all the ways I can to make things work out.
Sometimes God supplies through services I get paid for. Sometimes he supplies through a gift from friends. Sometimes He supplies through things I already have in the house. Sometimes He supplies by eliminating need. Just over a year ago I was paying $400 a month out of pocket for 2 types of insulin, because I don't have health insurance. Then, thanks to a Shaklee product, I began lessening my need for insulin & losing weight. I'm out of one kind now but don't need to buy any. I was taking well over the maximum recommended amounts of both last February, & now I seldom taking any at all. Sometimes I don't have very interesting food in the house & go around feeling pretty hungry but I never run out of food. And curbing my need for snacks & fun food is good. I'm evolving from craving cake to craving fruit this way. He's also supplied labor & services when I need them, & given me the physical strength & capability to do a lot of it on my own.
He also supplies messages & information creatively. I never know what will come or from where. I only now know that in the proper time, it all comes. Sometimes I get direct messages while talking with Him or from the angels. Sometimes it's supplied from conversation with others, or via one of the websites that sends out messages. The other day I listened to a great webinar on shifting from surviving to thriving in your spiritual-based business, which contained important information toward shifting my energy this week. The messages have been coming in from a variety of sources. I realized last week that I'd been on a downward spiral for awhile & no matter what I did right, I hadn't been able to change the direction of the spiral. I've prayed & worked toward clarity of what was holding the direction change back. Now I know one of the things was that I was putting everyone else before me, not aligning my time & energy with the proper priorities, neglecting my needs. Before that, one of the problems was that I was sick due to lingering abuse issues & a closed base chakra, heart & other chakra issues. I was closed to romantic love, for one thing. That opened about a month ago but it wasn't the entire key. Now I know I've shifted the energy, am in the process of healing, have opened the doors to manifestation.
Yesterday I was given a Bible verse through a friend that really, blessedly, confirmed this for me. Deuteronomy 8, quoted from the New International Version Bible. "Be careful to follow every command I am giving you today, so that you may live & increase & may enter & possess the land that the Lord promised on oath to your forefathers. Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the desert these 40 years, to humble you & to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands." (Less testing & more redirection lessons, in my case.) "He humbled you, causing you to hunger & then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord." (The supply of food that has been dropped off to me, & I never know what great things that will be.) "Your clothes did not wear out & your feet did not swell during these 40 years." (I already mentioned the clothes, & the added strength & physical health is the feet thing.) "Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you." (I needed some of that, since I'd shut my eyes & lived a lie all along with my ex husband. But mostly, it was more that I had lessons to still learn.) "Observe the commands of the Lord your God, walking in His ways & revering Him. For the Lord you God is bringing you into a good land - a land with streams & pools of water, with springs flowing in the valleys & hills; a land with wheat & barley, vines, & fig trees, pomegranates, olive oil & honey;" (All very healthy foods, by the way, & Pittsburgh is a city of valleys, hills, & flowing water & He brought me here.) "a land where bread will not be scarce & you will lack nothing; a land where the rocks are iron & you can dig copper out of the hills." (Hard work.) "When you have eaten & are satisfied, praise the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God, failing to observe His commands, Hi laws & His decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat & are satisfied, when you build fine houses & settle down, & when your herds & flocks grow large & your silver & gold increase & all you have is multiplied," (What beautiful promise, confirmation that yes, I've learned my lessons & shifted the energy.) "Then your heart will become proud & you will forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. He led you through the vast & dreadful desert, that thirsty & waterless land, with its venomous snakes & scorpions. He brought you water out of hard rock. He gave you manna to eat in the desert, something your fathers had never known, to humble & to test you so that in the end it might go well with you. You may say to yourself, 'My power & the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.' But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, & so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your forefathers, as it is today." (Very good warning about humility. None of the power or abilities I have come from me, truly. And I know that. They all come straight from Him.) "If you ever forget the Lord your God & follow other gods & worship & bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God." In the metaphysical community, we encounter many different belief systems & this too is a good warning, so I have taken this whole chapter as given, unto myself. It is a very special & personal thing when you are given a Bible passage. I have taken it into my heart, & reprinted the entire thing here, not adding or subtracting words, as is covered in the Bible. I've only added what it means to me, since it's all about it being given to me, & an example here.
There are some keys to the flow of abundance & supply. First, remember that it is a flow, & trust that. Don't struggle & resist, concentrate on lack because that keeps you out of the flow. At that point you're planting your feet rather than flowing. Recognize every bit of supply as such, a gift, no matter what it is. A nickle doesn't feed you but is still supply & enough of them happening does feed you. A little help here & there, a lawn mowing or leaf raking, is supply. A neighbor letting you use the lawn mower saves you from buying one. Even hard lessons, once learned, are necessary & valuable. It's all supply! Finally, let recognition of the gifts turn to gratitude. Gratitude greases the wheels of supply. It's not that God really needs our gratitude. We're the ones who need it. Praise God, our Father, the great Creator & Provider!
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