I have taken classes through Dr. Marjorie Rivera & Sandy Davis in the Pittsburgh area, & had readings. I've also been given private messages from God & the angels about my life's work. One theme that keeps occurring is that in this lifetime (remember, I totally believe in reincarnation) we've brought our gifts, talents, & experiences from other lifetimes within us. We've carried forward the knowledge of past life skills to use in this lifetime.
This really explains a lot to me. I always felt like I was a "jack of all trades, master of none." I have so many different talents & skills in this lifetime, as well as passions & interests. I have more than I know what to do with. It's been a great source of discomfort all my life. It's been & is very hard to settle down to doing things because I tend to flit from one thing to another without mastering any. These urges & passions regularly bubble within me, sometimes to the boiling point. And I'm meeting many others who experience the same thing. On one hand, between all my skills & the various jobs I've had in this lifetime, I'm able to function really well in the world & in all kinds of jobs. And the things that I've pursued & obtained some mastery in have led to some wonderful experiences & joys. I'm just not sure what to do with all of this.
I started playing clarinet in 4th grade. By high school I was very good & music was one of my only passions. I also played the organ, & did some choir singing, conducting & composing. I truly enjoy my musical knowledge. I can name many pieces as soon as I hear them, tell you the name & the composer. I know a lot about classical, jazz, easy listening - I know music from the 40s through the 70s & enjoy it. Yet I never play an instrument any more! I also have talent in drawing & painting, & took lessons for awhile when I was 15. Painting has replaced playing music as my bliss, & seems to be a theme in the second part of my life.
Many of my interests & talents are related, fortunately. I'm very scent oriented & into flowers & gardening. I work with the healing properties of essential oils, make beautiful bouquets, grow roses & other flowers, harvest & preserve them. I have a deep passion for natural harvesting & uses of plants for healing, scent, wreath making, dry arrangements. I've been an herbalist in at least one past life & carry that within me but haven't had a chance to learn what I want to know. I have a deep desire to remember the things the American Indians knew, the pioneers, the "ancient healing arts." I say "remember" rather than "learn" because I believe & have been told that we carry this knowledge within us in this lifetime. Sandy Davis certainly has said it on many occasions.
I also love wreath making & basket weaving. The kin to that is spinning yarn & knitting & crocheting. I love creating with my hands, things of beauty & use. I want to learn more about using plants for natural dyes for yarn & basket making materials. I've gotten into a little of it & it's in my heart, as is all things plant & herbal medicine related, natural harvesting. If you break everything down to colors & scents, you have my current interests. That's the common thread that doesn't take music into account. I listen to music when I do some of these things though. My sense of colors & love of them, & scents, plays through my decorating & the things I love to do in life.
Then there are the healing arts. I am by nature a healer of animals & people. I work with essential oils & have the desire to work with herbs. I am a Reiki practitioner, for helping animals & people. I spend my life giving to others, advice & help, empathetic listening, coaching. I take in cats that have been wounded in spirit & sometimes physically wounded, abandoned. I give them love, stability, security, total understanding. I am careful of my actions, words, movements, & voice. I perform Reiki on them & do all I can to heal their pain. I do that with people too. I was given powers of perception & abilities to touch others with my words & spirit. I was given a gentle, kind, & loving spirit, a huge heart & capacity for loving. I was given a great depth of caring. Reiki has been a wonderful way to channel the needs to give, some of the power that's been given to me to help others. It has never been comfortable for me living with myself but that isn't what I contracted for in this life. I can feel & hurt too deeply & always carry within me restless urges to do more than I'm doing, to be able to do it all, be it all, work it all, live it all.
I have no true idea of all that I am able to do or what all I carry within me in this lifetime. I'm not sure how to unlock what's in me & gain what I need to do these things in this lifetime. And I'm so eager & restless to learn & do. I'm not at all sure what message you will take from this today, but this is something that's been a "topic in waiting" for quite awhile & it seemed the time to tackle it. I hope this somehow blesses your life.
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