First, I want you to know that this is a completely channeled message. I'm adding these sentences after channeling paragraphs for you. The message is coming in words and phrases. I'm just typing them. At this time I've channeled the next five paragraphs and I'm not sure what they say, only vaguely know what the message is about.
What are you doing with your life? Our true work on earth involves being and becoming, sharing and caring - spreading the love, and teaching others to do the same. We are here to experience life fully, sharing love and abundance, and Oneness with all creation. We were each created in the image of God but what exactly does that mean? I used to think of it in human terms but now I've come to understand that it's not about form, it's about function. We are each a piece of God and He resides in all of us. I say "He" because that's my perception - fill in your own word here. We are made of Divine Life Force energy as is all of earth. Therefore, there truly is Oneness throughout Creation and with God. How are you living that?
We were each made with a unique set of talents and gifts, then put on this earth. From there, we began a unique set of experiences. These experiences co-mingle with the unique creation of self that is us. Then, with free will, it's up to us what we do with what we've lived and what we've been given. I believe that we each contracted with God for our unique mission once we incarnated (were born). So I believe that we each programmed our lives before we were born. However, we forget this as life experiences start happening once we're born. From birth we're about the business of learning to live on earth - the rules, laws of nature, and navigation here. We also have free will to deal with. The older we get the more we have the power to exercise that free will.
One purpose of our life on earth is to remember our connection to God and Oneness with creation. Another is to remember our unique, contracted mission. The restlessness, boredom, and discontent in our lives comes from not remembering our connection or mission. It can't change and we can't be truly fulfilled until we do. One path toward discovery is to work with your talents and gifts - to be true to your unique self. So first we start with self-discovery. For some, that's a hard enough job as it is. We're taught to think in terms dictated and defined by others. Society has definitions for success and achievement, among others. We are surrounded by expectations of our behaviors, and penalties for not meeting those expectations. It could be censure, loss of love and approval, or worse. It can come from family, friends, even the judgment of strangers. One of our jobs is to develop healthy self-esteem based on our inner values. Then we must learn to live with our own moral code, and define success and achievement on our own terms. Once we develop our own moral code, it's up to us to evaluate our performance.
I have been a harsher judge of myself than most others have been of me. I'm learning to change that daily. That creates nothing but defeat. I'm learning to see myself as God and the angels see me, to truly love and accept myself. We are each perfection in His eyes. He knows all and sees all so He knows what we each deal with every day. He knows what we were created for and with. He sees all that is good in us and understands our flaws without counting them. That's what true unconditional love is. In our human capacity, if you've ever deeply and unconditionally loved, you have a small inkling of what God's love for us is actually like. It's not about loving someone in spite of the flaws. It's more of an encompassing love that covers the flaws and doesn't see them as such. God's love is about recognizing the flaws as opportunities for growth and success. It's also a part of our need for Him - for His help and guidance, for connection with Him.
The true key to navigating life on earth is connection with God. Through connection, all things are possible, including our mission and change. Through connection we are able to do our main jobs of being and becoming. We are able to connect to each other, the earth, all of nature in Oneness. We are able to recognize, develop and use our unique gifts and talents, and what we've learned on earth. We are able to make sense of and use our experiences, incorporate life lessons. We are able to transmute our experiences and become All Love. The goal is to bring Heaven to earth, and to share that Love and Connection with all others. Each of our missions is related to this. But one thing we all share - the mission to spread the Love and Light to all who are willing to receive. Our Father's work for each of us is to love one another as He loves us. This is love without judgment or penalties for "misbehavior." This is love that doesn't count the flaws, but rather, helps the other come to understand and overcome, rather than to judge. Judgment of self and others is not of God. Use it only to see where you yourself want and need to make changes to be in alignment with your true self, and therefore in alignment with God. In alignment we find our unique purpose, and therefore all true contentment and fulfillment, balance, complete healing, and well-being.
We much each strike a balance between navigating on earth and fully living in Being and Oneness - for now. This is the way to bring Heaven into our earthly lives. As above, so below - and as we each do this we create Heaven on earth for all who dwell here. First it begins with each of us. Then we can teach others. The other day I listened to a speaker who has achieved this Being and Oneness, and her light was almost blinding. She was literally bouncing with joy, peace, love, health, and true happiness, with joy at sharing her message and experiences. She was so fun to listen to, and I received much from her message that was just for me, as I'm sure others did. Since then I've had the privilege of reading her book, about the journey to the joy. This was on October 9, and you can look back at the resultant posts, written that night and since. I knew I was supposed to be there that night but not exactly why, as I've said. Right after reading the description of her talk and receiving the message to go, I forgot what triggered that knowing because it truly didn't matter any more. Since, each time I pick up her book I receive more, specific "knowings" and messages. Each time, I more fully understand what I was seeing in her that night. I also understand the reward for the path I'm on more fully, and how close I am already to that Heaven on earth. All the reward for all the hard work to clear and release, the fruit of my steady labors to become and to serve, is beginning to be felt more fully in my daily life. And it's making all the difference in all areas of my life. The rewards are so much greater and more personal, real, and meaningful than I can tell you, than any earthly pleasure I've ever experienced. All I've lived, done, and yes, suffered, has brought me to this point and it is all so very worth it!
The child who was always abused, under-loved, unwanted, not respected, not allowed to be herself... I was seen as a possession, not a person with separate feelings or needs - a projection of my mother, and therefore an object to be used to punish with her self-hate. Now I know how very special I am, how very deeply loved, treasured, cherished. I know that I am unique and wonderful, totally beautiful and perfect in His sight. I have the deep love and respect of soul family, blood family, friends, God, angels, guides, and animals - and those who give me this love increases beyond my wildest dreams as I meet new people and beings. This is just one taste and example of our rewards for doing the work we were meant and sent to do. And all God's supply works this way! Yesterday the message was about truly being rich, but today's so amplifies that message. And I can help you get here too, if you will allow me.
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