For most of us in Pittsburgh, Superstorm Sandy has been a non-event. It's caused some delays, inconveniences and postponements but has been nothing major compared to what others are coping with. That said, I've been affected, as has many of the metaphysicals I've checked in with. When the energies shift significantly I often experience dizziness and feel foggy, have trouble focusing. I usually don't know why until I hear other friends talking about experiencing the energy shifts. Usually I've chalked mine up to a headache or sleep patterns, wonder what's going on with my body. But I've had a marked and dramatic reaction to this storm that's been unmistakable. The energies of the storm started impacting Pittsburgh Monday, late afternoon. That morning was fairly typical for me, only more so. Saturday was a phenomenal day for me, and I was still processing it. Monday morning my heart was so full of love and gratitude that I was in tears much of the time. And I had plans to reach out and express that love to several important people in my life. I had so much energy from this, and realized that reaching out and giving that love was what I always need to do to handle that overflowing heart. I have a habit of doing that, but realized that it's a strategy too. I realized that not only do I then bless others, but it gives me a way of handling my feelings, an outlet. It was a morning full of messages like that, and much more important ones.
Then the energy of the storm arrived, and I was entirely sapped. All that energy from the morning was no longer being felt. It's not gone, but I no longer felt any of it. In fact, I took the rest of the day off, didn't even feel like communicating with anyone. It was actually a great experience in itself, because I indulged myself in ways I haven't in a long time. I ended up working sudoku puzzles, something I love but haven't done in ages. It was a great experience, doing something recreational just for me because I love it. I'm still having trouble putting this into words. Usually I'm so very focused on using my time constructively, and taking very little time for any recreation or true leisure. Usually I make sure my time is spent in something with meaning, and give myself very little "down" time. I know I need to change this, so Monday evening was a great lesson in the benefits. But back to the energy sap. It's continued through the week, as the storm energies have continued in this area. My friends are experiencing it too. Because of the contrast - before the storm energies arrived and after - I've been able to see exactly what's been affecting me. When the winds really started here, I felt the energy shift, had visible evidence of what was affecting me. This has enabled me to just work through it as best I can rather than question why. It's also enabled awareness. As I've said in the past, realizing is at least half the battle. The reason why there was no blog yesterday was this energy sap. I was in bed last night when I realized I hadn't written or posted a blog. It was on my mind at various times, but not long enough to follow through with it.
Today I was still feeling very unfocused, and knew I had school work and other things to do. So I grounded myself and felt much better. However, since the energies are continuing to be chaotic, it's something I'm going to have to do again. For those of you who don't know how to ground yourselves, I'll give you a quick visual. Picture as best you can, your seven major chakras. The root chakra (#1) is red. Picture it spinning and glowing, bright and large, in balance. Picture sending root from it down through the earth, to the center of the earth, and rooting there. Then do that with the rest of the chakras. The second is bright orange. Picture it and all others as spinning in balance, clear, the same size as all the others. Picture it too rooting down in the center of the earth. #3 is yellow, #4 is green (or some picture pink - this is the heart chakra). #5 is throat, sky blue. #6 is third eye, indigo. #7 is crown, purple. Once I grounded I was clear enough to pray. Whenever you feel imbalanced, fuzzy, or dizzy, you can use this method to ground yourself and clear.
There are a lot of theories going around about this storm, and I've been asked for my opinion. Those of us who are looking for the major earth shift to occur, see the storm as part of that. Some believe that forces working against us have set it into motion to manipulate events. I have friends who regularly "see" conspiracies going on around us. I listen but never worry or try to figure any of it out. I firmly believe that God is totally in charge, and has His own plans. I do believe there's a huge shift coming, to bring God's Heaven to earth. I believe that many of us are energetically prepared and preparing for this shift and that for us, it will be awesome. I do all I can to clear and release, heal spiritually and emotionally - to be ready for the shift, to change my life, and to fulfill my specific purpose on earth. In my heart I know that as long as I'm doing that, doing my part as called and led, that I'll be fine. I'm doing my best to teach others to do the same, individually and through this blog. As far as what and who's behind this superstorm, I'm not concerned. No one on earth and no power from outside is greater than God, nor can they thwart His purpose. And He can use anything made by anyone else to ultimately bring about the greatest good according to His plans. I also believe that if this was purposely made, He knew of it in advance and already had His plan in place.
In my life I've begun truly seeing His patterns. Sometimes money arrives unexpectedly, exactly when I need it. That happened Monday, before the energy came in. I realized I had a need, then opened the mail and it was there. Now, it turns out God put it on my friend's heart to send me $40 a few days before, and she did it. So it was set in motion before I recognized the need. I was set to do a focus group and receive $30 the day after the money arrived, and found out that it was canceled. Before I found out, I received $10 more than that in the mail. That's the way He does things! It's a plot more complicated than a chess game and we don't usually see the events in motion. But God is definitely at work in our lives, in wondrous ways. I'm seeing it more often and clearly now, and my life has turned into an exciting adventure because of it. Most days I awaken with that sense of adventure, and spend my days in awe as I watch the day unfold, the events. I live now in expectation of the wonder and joy in each little happening, each piece of the puzzle. I never know what will happen next, only that it's another piece of the unfolding, and therefore very exciting. I don't know what pieces are just background and fill in, won't know until the puzzle is completed which pieces were actually key to the picture. But all the pieces are key to the whole and the completion, and therefore exciting. They can appear dark, colorless and joyless, but I know now that they're necessary to the puzzle so I joy in their arrival. I'm now enjoying the adventure of the individual pieces. I don't know when they'll appear or how, only have complete faith that they will continue to appear, and that it's all good. It's all part of piecing together my greatest good, and the most exciting events and adventure of my life. I've begun to see how "beyond my wildest dreams" is possible, and is coming to fruition, and I'm in awe every day!
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