The week of September 27 I was writing about receiving messages, and this post goes along with those and the one from yesterday. Last night I went to Site Nite. Those of you interested in unity and oneness in the Pittsburgh area, in connection with other like-minded individuals, and seekers - please go to their website (.org) and start attending events! With my situation, I have to pick and choose which events I attend, from Site Nite and all the others that come my way. When I read what the talk was going to be about, I knew I was supposed to be there last night. I forget what the trigger in the description was and it truly doesn't matter. It was actually a very subtle message. It didn't need to be stronger because I readily decided to go. I love Site Nite and those who attend, and can easily get there by bus so it's not a challenge. As soon as the speaker started, I had it confirmed that I was supposed to be there, and multiple times during her presentation. Because the subject of receiving messages is fresh from the week of the 27th, I noted what I noticed. For me, the majority of messages delivered from the mouth of strangers or delivered by email from sites come in my own specific "language." Further, there are a series of language specific things said in each, or one so profound, that I recognize that it's an important message.
We each receive in our own best developed ways and identifying those ways really helps you receive and validate messages. My other big way is "knowing." When certain things are said, my spirit says, "Yes, I know that's true." The way I receive that is just a feeling of surety, that validates the message. And if I need help with belief, there are other ways I receive the validation, like my specific "language" or the appearance of certain animals. Synchronicities are something else I pay attention to. But back to "knowing" for a minute. It's a feeling of peace, of affirmation of the message, of "rightness," the way I receive it. It can also come as, "Oh, so that's why" or "Oh, that explains it, I understand now." To tell you what I mean about language, I'll give you some examples. The first words last night were about all that happened after she surrendered. You know, that's my most current theme, and I've been telling about all that's unfolding from that. She also spoke of being drawn to Pittsburgh, as I know I was. She talked about the rivers in Pittsburgh, which fascinate me and help keep me here. There were a lot of things spoken in my language last night. Another example of my language is anytime someone talks about "beyond my wildest dreams," since that's my signature phrase. We all have names, words, and phrases that resonate with us in a highly personal way. Important names for me include the last name of my grandparents, the name of the man I've loved most in this world and any part of his name, other special names of loved ones. I can't think of any specific single words at this moment, or other phrases because I'm trying. You simply recognize them when you hear them - they turn on a light within you, and you pay heart-attention then to whatever is said next.
That said, I've been getting more messages steadily in the past few weeks than I ever had in the same time period. Surrendering meant I opened more fully, so it's much easier for God and the angels to deliver messages. I'm listening better and closer to full time now. I even invite them fully into my dream life - I've upped the intent in that, and the belief, plus the purpose. So I've been getting multiple important messages every day and that adds up to clarity and more messages. And all of that adds up to peace. I clearly know who and what I am now. I say that with reservation though. I still have some leftover blockages, like most humans do. I still have some of my past clinging to me, making me say, "Who do I think I am and why do I think I can do this." But every day, less of that clings to me, especially when the more profound messages come to me. Now my regular state of being is quiet excitement and anticipation of the next step in the adventure my life has become. I say quiet excitement because I haven't been given to entirely see, or to feel yet, what's coming. That's a blessing, because it would ruin the "now" and the journey. The travel of getting there is an adventure in itself! And I so love fun travel, the interesting scenery along the way. My favorite travel is where the travel is the event, not the destination. Or better yet, when it totally features both! That's what this is becoming for me. It's also quiet excitement because the messages and revelations are very private and profound, and deeply Loving. And because my being is peace, and so I'm being brought into my own more and more with these messages, into a state of living in grace and peace, living in the flow. I am truly coming to know that all is and will be right with the world and that I am safe. So are my loved ones. I have no reason to fear anything, which brings great peace. Every time the slightest fear intrudes from past training, I immediately register that this is not of me. That's entirely new for me. It would be like picking up someone else's shoes - identical to yours but 3 sizes too small. I immediately know this doesn't fit, isn't what belongs in my life or where I wish to be or stay. And so my first thought after registering that is what to do about it in this instance. I've talked about coping mechanisms before. I recognize the ill fit right away and decide which coping mechanism would work best at that moment to get me out of it fastest. Because now my only comfort zone is not all those old, once familiar past fears, but gratitude, grace, joy, and peace. And this all came about because of surrender as the final step to grace.
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