Years ago I learned to recognize and be grateful for all the little joys. If you wait for the big things to happen to be happy, you so seldom will be. The big things are few and far between, but the little things come so often. It's one of the main differences between happy people and those who are always dissatisfied. As I've said and you've always heard, all we have is now. Happiness is a choice, and if we are always looking back or forward we miss the joy of now. Our main job is to be happy in the now. So it is with miracles and blessings - and all blessings ARE miracles. Mostly we don't have big miracles in our lives. Mostly we don't need big ones. But if you recognize and are grateful for the small ones, you soon see them quickly add up to so much.
The little miracles have been happening so much more since I started trusting in God more fully and surrendering my needs and wants. The total philosophy behind this surrender is that God knows the best way to get me from where I am now to where I need and want to be. I fully understand that, and have. All I can see if what seems to be in front of me, the now. All I know is the human way to get from where I am now to where I want to be. I recognize fully that my vision is clouded no matter how many messages from God and the angels that I receive or how often. Through the years I've said, "Thy will be done," knowing He knows better than I do. Yet I kept trying to direct and force things, assert my will. That's because I didn't fully trust or believe. I believed in Him but not in my own worthiness to receive. I kept feeling that I had to earn His Love and gifts, and that I never could.
Now I understand that we can never "earn" these things. They're already ours. What we have to do is surrender and get out of the way. We have to trust and believe in Him, His Goodness, His care for us. He tells us that we are all already perfect in His eyes, deserving, and that He is eager to supply our true needs. We just have to trust enough to allow Him to deliver in the best fashion for our highest good. I've now started putting it all together - my faith in Him with my trust in His promises, my trust that He can and will deliver. I took the understanding from my head and have been believing it in my heart lately, or my spirit. I've replaced the fear with the belief and gratitude. And as I said, the little miracles are now beginning to happen. I'm recognizing them with gratitude, so they continue. If we don't recognize them and get into a right state of being, they dry up. It's not in punishment, it's the Law of Attraction - you get what you expect. When you start recognizing them, they continue to increase.
I'll share some of my little miracles with you so you can see what I mean. Some are messages that have put me at the right place at the right time. An example is that I knew to go to Site Nite on Tuesday. That yielded information about Pittsburgh and my role here that's still unfolding. Often I'm prompted to attend events that further my mission here on earth and what I need next. That's a huge blessing to me, a miracle. My fondest wish on earth is to fulfill my mission. That brings me back to surrender. Fulfilling my mission is actually my greatest need, but survival needs can cloud that vision and crowd out that need. That's where God becomes so necessary in this. He knows my mission even better than I do and how best to get there. One of my needs is for physical healing and of course I want it yesterday. But I recognize that there may still be lessons and benefits from staying dis-eased, inner healing that needs to be fulfilled through the need for physical healing. So if I got my desire for physical healing in this moment, I could miss out on what I need more. That could lead to worse dis-ease later.
Some of my little miracles are of supply, and end up being great reassurances. This week I rode the bus for $1 on my outbound trip to Site Nite. That means I ended up not paying $1.50 extra as a result of not getting full bus money earlier in the day. Instead of it costing me for not being clear thinking in the afternoon, I was rewarded for faithfully listening to the prompt to attend Site Nite. And for listening to the subtle confirmation that I was supposed to attend. I've already told you that after participating in service at the charity event the week before, I found $2 on the sidewalk when I left. A bigger one came this week when I was feeling low in energy, trying to figure out how to get my energy up. I decided to tackle the new problem of the day first thing - a notice from the gas company about scheduling a safety check. When I called, the representative mentioned my past due bill. That bill was a concern for the week too. I was two months past due on my budget plan and determined to find out what I had to pay when, so I could gather my resources and get help. I wanted to be responsible and pro-active rather than come to crisis. So when he brought up the bill, I was happy to speak with him about it. Almost immediately he said the magic words - "Let's see how we can help you." Then he told me that if I switch out of the budget plan for now I'm better off because I actually have a $6 credit! In one minute I went from two months past due, about to face a cut off notice, to no bill again until November. If I'd avoided the safety check phone call because of fear of the bill, I'd have not only missed the miracle, but caused a gas cut off and much larger payment.
Sometimes the blessings are much more private and personal, but still miracles. You need to understand that my life used to be nothing but a search for love and acceptance, including good feelings about myself. And when you think about the things I've told you about my current living situation, there's a lot there that could bring me down and erode my self-esteem. In fact, I've had to work hard to heal from low self-esteem in all areas of my life, all categories. (I think for most of us it's an ongoing battle and we can't come into our own until we heal this. In our human condition, we absorb the wrong messages about ourselves - often from our parents and family, school, work situations, peers, and society. There's negativity all around us, including messages that everyone else is greater than us and can do better.) Certainly my ability to surrender in trust that God's supply and goodness applies to me wasn't possible until I'd reached a measure of healing. I've gotten this far through a measure of small personal miracles. Through many small blessings and kindnesses, I've learned that I am worthy of care and love. I receive so much through the kindness of strangers as well as those who have become important friends (family can be included as friends, and friends become our heart-family, please note). And part of receiving these blessings and miracles is being an instrument too. I find that regularly being an instrument creates miracles for me too. It can be as simple as smiling at someone on the bus or starting a little conversation. My mailman really likes me because when I see him I'm nice and talk with him in a friendly manner. I take an interest in him. I've had bus drivers go out of their way to take me closer to home when I ride at night or with heavy groceries. This is because I'm always nice and friendly with them.
The Law of Attraction brings miracles, large and small. The little girl who was so under-loved and respected is now very highly loved and respected. Most people who encounter me like me and treat me with respect now, and that opens doors. Most people who know me love me in some fashion and respect me. This is because I give them caring, love, kindness, and respect. Give is an action word that includes delivery. I am outgoing in this - I actively smile, talk with people, say nice things to them. I give words of encouragement. I give what I want and need and therefore receive it. But I give it from my heart, rather than with the motive to receive, which is from ego. I try to keep ego out of all interactions with my self, God, and others. In this way, I get out of His way and mine, and stay out of the way of others as much as possible. So I become an instrument of little miracles. That's led to self-respect and self-love, belief in deserving and good coming my way. And that leads to recognition of the goodness in life and the little miracles. I add them all up in gratitude, and use them to be happy in the now, no matter what my current circumstances look like. I understand that appearances are illusions rather than truth and that we can choose to be happy with whatever we have. When you are open to the miracles you recognize the ones you haven't seen that are right in front of you. It gives you the courage to move forward in new ways, to make true progress, which is a huge miracle in itself. And thus you create new ones for yourself, and are open to supply from God and the angels.
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