Ok, this is again my understanding & interpretation of these terms. And for the second day in a row I'm so excited that I can hardly think! This time, it's because I get to see my Reiki Master tonight! I haven't seen her since January & I was coming to realize that the withdrawal from her, & my soul group, had gotten to the painful stage. My Reiki Master holds Reiki Exchanges & Guided Meditations in 2 different locations & one of those locations transitioned in location & when. My soul group mostly attended this location rather than the stable one. So I haven't seem my soul group since last September or October. I have no idea who will be there tonight besides my Reiki Master but I know there will be the guided meditation & Reiki share. I know my vibrational level is always significantly raised during the guided meditations. I know I'll get to drink in the presence of my Reiki Master, one of the lightest, most loving beings I know on earth. And I know something wonderful will happen that's very needed in my life. How do I know this? Because I sense what I need, know it's coming, know the power of these events, & have total faith in this delivery system (the event, my Reiki Master, those who surround her, the angels & my guides, God). By now I'm not questioning opportunities, I'm simply getting very excited about them!
I've been meaning to cover this topic for quite awhile & certainly all week. It's so fitting that it's today's topic. Your soul group is your soul family, your true family rather than your birth family. In the case of most energy workers, our birth family is a group of people we're related to by blood or adoption, related in the 3rd dimensional sense. Our soul family is the family we recognize immediately or nearly so, & find a deep affinity with, often with shared or similar purpose. Your soul knows when you find one. Usually you feel like you already know the person the minute you meet, feel like you've known that person forever. There are a lot of people out there who are also Lightworkers or energy workers, healers, etc. They'll speak some of the same language & understand a lot of the same things you do but not all are your soul family. If you have to wonder, he or she isn't, in fact. Your heart & soul will tell you who is & who isn't. I was entirely led to mine, wasn't seeking them, didn't know such a thing existed exactly. But I did know I needed community & so in that way had set my intent. I "happened" to be drawn to the Reiki circle around my now Reiki Master, at the old location that has changed, & immediately felt the love & the difference in the people gathered. I was so drawn to them & her, & didn't question that she was the right person to become my Reiki Master. My mentor has urged me to get attunements from & experience others & I knew that was wrong for me even if it was right for others. I knew that I belonged where I was. But once I went to a group event led by another Reiki Master because she was doing something different for the community that interested me. The difference in the atmosphere & spirit was so huge that I never went back. It really cemented the knowledge for me that I was in the right place, with the right group & that it isn't Reiki. As in, not all created equal, not all in the same spirit. It confirmed that I'd found exactly where I belong & with whom, found my like spirits, my soul family. Plus over time my spirit felt & knew it more & more, unmistakeably. These people are my heart's whole home. They know & love me exactly as I am. They know & delight in the child that is me, & nurture that child. She emerges spontaneously in their presence, something so very rare for me. I have to feel entirely safe for that to happen. And they so love that child. They also love to remind me how far I've come, & love it when I share about myself! All the things that are true in an unconditionally loving family & that we don't usually get in our earth families. The way to find them is simply to set intent & open your heart, then accept the experiences & what your heart is telling you. You know how to set intent - pray, ask the angels, write manifestation statements, visualize, write "I Am" statements. You do the same to find your soul mate & twin flame.
Soul mate is usually misused. Men who want to lure women use it. Romanticists use it. But it is a real thing beyond these misuses. You've been with your soul mate in previous lives so when you meet in this life it's destiny. However, I've learned the hard way that it doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to be together from the time you meet through the rest of your lives. I've learned that you can meet your soul mate & he or she is already in another relationship & that isn't going to change. That one is heart breaking! If you don't believe in past lives, you can assume that your soul mate is someone you were destined to meet & love, & I mean truly destined. Forget the popular meaning of all this. It's like the word "awesome." It's been popularized & the true meaning has been entirely diluted. Same is true of the term soul mate. I was destined to marry my first husband & produce the kids we did. At the time we got together, I needed an intervention to entirely change the course of my life or I would have died. I was on a self-destructive search for love thanks to my childhood. But my first husband wasn't my soul mate by any means. I thought my second husband was & who knows. I know he & I have been together in many previous lives & that this was his final time to get it right with me, & he failed. So now it's between God & him & I don't have to deal with him again. I've been told I'll have another husband/mate so this would be a soul mate. Unless it's the first one I mentioned, that makes 2-3 I have or will encounter in this lifetime. I believe that older souls have had many lifetimes so I believe we have many soul mates & not all incarnate every time we do. And depending on the number who do, we may not meet them in this lifetime, or we might not end up together even if we do. I soul mate is simply someone you've known in past lives or at least in spirit & essence before this lifetime, someone you already love & "know." As I've said, it doesn't mean you're absolutely destined to be together.
I believe a twin flame is one you were created with. I'm not really sure if there's another definition for it than that. When I was 16 I had a vision of me (just the outline, like you'd see an illustration of a person surrounded by an auric field) & another soul pressed up against me. I recognized that we were created at the same time, like twins that start as one egg that divides. That's what I believe a twin flame is. Most of us don't incarnate with our twin flame. We are so connected & so much alike that it would be redundant & too powerful for us to be together. Once somewhere I read about this, & my soul agrees with what I read. So our soul mate is not our twin flame. In fact, our twin flame probably isn't on earth at this time. It's probably a trillion to one chance or so.
I know who my twin flame is & I know he isn't on earth at this time. I greet him daily & express my love & when I get around to it, I'll spend more time with him. I am sort of seeking my soul mate at this time. My heart & mind are finally open & receptive, but I also know it's not time yet. I have no idea when it will be. So I just stay open. I also pray for him daily & greet one of his main guides. To tell the truth, I don't always remember to do those things daily. I'm actually pretty focused on the soul mate that I first mentioned & that's a distraction. What I do about him is surrender my love for him to God each & every day. I thank God for using that love for his greatest good & healing; abundant blessings & prosperity; spiritual messages, awakening, & ascension; & his wholeness, balance, wellbeing, comfort, happiness, peace, fulfillment, & joy. I also thank God for using it for my own healing.
Someone in my soul family wrote the following to me in an email, in response to this post. This is being shared with his permission.
ReplyDelete"As far as soulmates go, it is my belief that we each have many throughout our lives. They come into our lives (or we go into their lives) to fulfill Karmic debt and/or teach us lessons.
As far as soul families go, I think they very well could be part of your phyiscal family. I know at least my part of mine is. I also think soul families are a lot bigger than most people realize and not all of them are alive at the same time.
I want to touch on the Twin Flame. You say it is the one you were created with. I disagree in a sense. You are the same as your twin flame. At one time, we would have been one being and split, not two created separately. I also think that more often than you think we do incarnate with our twin flame, but other factors prevent the reunion. The biggest factor being free will. Look at me, I chose to move to Florida. I haven't physically met my twin flame yet. She could be in Ohio or Pittsburgh or Hawaii or Australia or even Africa. My choice to move could affect whether or not I meet her. I strongly believe my move helped my case, but Ill get into that in a minute.
I think another factor is emotions, especially being "lonely". I think many people end up with the wrong person simply because they are afraid of being alone.
As far as my twin flame goes, I have seen her energy. The first time was during my reiki I attunement. I see her more often now (but then again I see alot nowadays) I see her in my dreams. In the dreams I'm not sure if what I see is from this life to come, this dimension, my next life, a past life, I just don't know. I do know I feel safe and loved with her. I see her when I journey and sometimes when i meditate.
My mom has also seen her in while doing a meditation. She has also seen my daughter.
I know that I will meet her in this life. I know I made the right choice moving to Florida. I need to be by the water, by nature and with the dolphins. I know I am in the right place and I am going to meet her here."
Here's my reply to him, in 2 parts because he then replied & giving me permission & the second part is my reply to his reply (ha, ha).
ReplyDelete"You make some important points. Mostly we're in agreement, like about twin flames being one that splits in two. I just didn't say it that way. I left out that part & went straight into created at the same time. I meant both, not just the latter.
I'd like to present the things you've said as an alternate way to see or think about the subject. You're right that it's slightly different than some of what I said, & I'd like to share your perspective on this as you've shared it with me. Like your point about soul family. I think it's cool that your mother is part of yours. I think many Lightworkers aren't that fortunate but perhaps most Indigos are, which I'm sure is you. I'm not so I didn't realize that until you said it - about our blood families. Your ideas on soul mates vary quite a bit from mine too, I so I'd like to present what you said in contrast.
What I presented are my "takes" on these terms so I'd especially like to share what is different, & could be more accurate, than mine."
"You never have to worry about me taking something wrong even if you disagree with me on something. I'm not ego based & I'm open to learning, love to hear the views of others & how they see things vs. how I do. I often end up chaning my views based on what they have to say. You've been at this a lot longer than I have so I'm sure there's plenty you could teach me :) And differing views that stay differing are no problem either. I believe we're all evolving toward Truth & at different places with different aspects of it. I may be ahead of you in understanding one thing & you way ahead of me in another. I believe we're to learn from each other. Plus it's just so good to be able to discuss things with each other without the animosity present in the 3 D world when things like religion & politics are discussed. I believe there's so much more Love & Light, Oneness even when opinions differ, when Lightworkers talk about their views. It's a good lesson for the 3D world about how these things can be handled."