This question comes up a lot too. We are all created with free will. So how much does God intervene on our behalf? What about the angels? How much of our lives is destiny vs. us exercising our free will?
I have been told & firmly believe that the angels will not intervene on our behalf unless we ask them. I've been told that they are bound by God to stay out of it unless we ask, but that they're there for whatever we need when we need & ask them. I've also been told that there are specific angels for specific things. I believe all of this. I work with specific angels every day. I grew up thinking that guardian angels were a warm & comforting concept but I was wistful, thinking if they exist, I didn't have one. Now I know better. I know I have a full council of angels, teachers, & guides. Some are my dearly departed, like my beloved grandparents. Others have never walked the earth. These are angels. We also have teachers & guides & they have walked the earth. Sometimes we think of our departed loved ones as angels in heaven looking down on us, watching out for us. But by definition, "angel" were never on earth. Our departed are our teachers or guides. We also each have at least one guide assigned to us for every day things, someone who once walked the earth. Usually it's not someone you walked the earth with this time, like my grandparents. I fully believe in reincarnation & I believe in some instances if not all, we may have incarnated with our daily guide in at least one lifetime. I won't swear to that because I'm not really sure, haven't really cared. I don't actually have a real feel for Ana, my daily guide. I'm so connected to some others in my life, angels, my departed grandparents & such, that Ana & I are barely acquainted in my awareness.
And that brings me to the question of destiny. I believe that most people on earth in this incarnation are here for experience life & progress in their spiritual evolution & journey. I believe that younger souls are simply here for the experience even more than spiritual evolution. Older souls who still have spiritual progress & learning to make, or karma to work out, are here for that. These older souls have come with a set purpose in their spirits, have made a blueprint before they were born for what they'd like to accomplish & learn in this life. I'll come back to them later.
There's a lot of people on earth now who are very old souls who have come for earth mission. For them, it's less about their spiritual journey or karma & more about what they came to do on earth as an emissary of God, to mankind. All of these people preplanned their lives - who they would be born to for what experience & result, how long they'd live, who they'd partner with, what they'd do, & more. Sylvia Browne has a lot to say about this in one of her books or more. I can't think of the title right now & don't feel like going to look it up, especially since I'm many hours late writing & posting this. (Had to get a grant finished & turned in today & started the day with way too much still to do on it. I apologize.) But if you want to know what book, just post a comment here or on Facebook & I'll look it up for you. The people in this category have been talked about a lot recently & there are many labels including Indigo Child, Earth Angel, & Lightworker. This encompasses all of them, & I haven't named every category labeled. All of these people are born as humans, part of the 3rd Dimensional human condition with free will. All quickly forget, after birth & assimilation into the world, where they came from & what they're to do. All are immersed in the struggle for love, warmth, family, security, etc. But all are here for a purpose, & carry an urge inside them they don't understand for many years. They are therefore more open to messages & promptings, part of them always seeking, wanting to go about God's business. Many don't think of Him as God or as a male at all. Please understand that's just my chosen language. They all have free will & make choices, but are more open to & subject to the guidance toward their path & mission. Now I'll say I fall into this category, someone with a mission, because I'm tired of the awkwardness of saying "they" instead of "we." I'm not sure how much of my life as been determined by exercise of my free will & what I preplanned. Certainly it looks like I've made a whole lot of really bad choices in my life. Yet I am who I am today by cumulative effect of these choices, in part. And I've learned & grown from all of them. In fact, I've learned way more from the "bad" stuff than the happy stuff. So I don't know to what degree my free will choices have determined my past & current life vs. what I preplanned. I only know it really doesn't matter. All that matters if where I am now & where I'm going. And I do know that now that I'm enlightened to my path (working for God), the messages & information I need to do that come as I need them. I know that I now consciously learn from everything in my life, including others, things I read & encounter, & all the "problems" or pain in my life. It is my intent to do the work I contracted to do, so not only am I open to the messages & lessons, I seek them. Whenever anything seems to happen, I realize that there's a message there & look for it. I use my free will now to learn all I can, all I need to equip me for my work & further it.
Back to the older souls I mentioned at the end of paragraph 3. I believe their reality, free will vs. destiny, lies somewhere between the young souls & those mentioned in the 4th paragraph. So I believe we all have free will. I believe we all have a reason to be on earth. I believe that young souls didn't have to do a lot of detail planning before being born this time. I believe that older souls did some detailed planning because of what they wanted to accomplish to more forward in their spiritual growth cycle. And I believe that those of us on earth who contracted to work for God put a whole lot of detailed planning into our earth journey before starting it. I'm just not sure how much. I happen to know I chose my parents & the abuse, chose my last husband, although perhaps not the abuse. He had a choice & this lifetime was his last chance to work out his karma with me. He almost did it, almost changed his life once I entered it. But he was too weak willed, too entrenched in some really unhealthy things to do it despite his love for me. So I suffered the sexual abuse. Could be that part was going to happen anyway, just part of all I signed up for. Could be that God is now using what happened to help me learn a needed lesson, & I won't have to learn it another way. Could be that I contracted to learn the lessons but not how. As I've said, I don't care, don't need to know the details about these things. I know the general principles now & that's finally enough for me. I used to want to know it all - exactly who, how, & what God is, all the whys and wherefores. Now I know the essence of, & no longer feel the need to know the rest. Plus I'm learning more all the time.
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