I've recently been working with my daughter on very serious life issues. One of them is worthiness. Poor thing, she is so my daughter! She puts the wellbeing & happiness of others before her own, feels she has to do this. Lately we've had some very long phone conversations about this, as well as "chats" on Facebook, & some emails. In one conversation I was telling her that it's right to set her intent for what she needs to thrive & she asked, with deep pain in her heart, "But what about taking away the happiness of someone else if I do that?" I had to explain to her that those closest to us are not truly happy if we're not, especially at our expense. She saw it as her happiness or the other person's, but not that both could be achieved. I pointed out that each person is responsible for his or her own happiness. And that going for her own is not at the expense of someone else's when all you're doing is setting intent for happiness & what you need. If you are general about it - for example, request true happiness from the Universe, that encompasses the happiness & needs of those closest to you. The Universe never delivers at the expense of others & always delivers. So what happens if you really set your intent for happiness & the others around you don't? You get what you need & they don't! And that's not what you did, it's what they didn't do. What happens if none of you set your intent for happiness? No one gets it & nothing changes for the better. So if you set your intent, at least you get what you need & you're doing what you're supposed to do. You can't control what they do!
In all ways I'm the right person to guide her in this. I know her better than anyone else. I know her entire history. And I've fought the same demons she is, exactly. If you regularly read my blog you see that I still have trouble putting my needs first, & the barely surviving vs. thriving she talked about has been a recent theme for me too. I'm still thinking about what she said about me being a master of control of myself. When she agreed to me saying that, she was so emphatic that I had to ask why. She said I've always done the "right thing" no matter the cost to me - in my marriages & toward my mother for example. I control my thoughts, emotions, & needs in order to keep doing this. I know somewhere in this there's some profound truth I need to better understand but it hasn't come to me yet. So her words have stuck with me. Sometimes I tell you that I eventually learn all I need to, get all the messages I need to. This is a great example of that "eventually." It doesn't always come right away, but it always does come.
She started out by asking me how one knows how much they need to survive, so she could figure out what to settle for. But like me, she's rather tired of just barely surviving. So I started talking with her about manifestation statements. Now, she reads my blog every day so she should know all this without being told now. But she wasn't ready before. Messages only sink in when we're ready for them. It's funny to me how many messages from the past, including Bible verses, have taken on new meaning for me in the past 19 months. Things I thought I knew & understood are finally crystal clear & real for me, alive in ways they never were before. I started her with some manifestation statements & then we'll do the "I Am"s, which is what she needs most. I'll also give her information on specific angels to work with. This is the same as I've offered to do with each of you in the life coaching phase but no one has gotten to the point that they've asked me for it. Most of you are told to write your manifestation statements & then get back to me with them for editing or tweaking as needed. But I actually wrote a few for my daughter to start with. She said one of them made her cry, in an email. And this is what I wrote back to her: "The tears are good, a release as part of changing your life. You're releasing old pain & coming into the new. This will help you transform your expectations & therefore your life. It is entirely safe to do this. You are opening yourself to Universal peace, love, happiness, wholeness, all blessings. Unless you greatly altered what I wrote, you have left entire room for the universe to fill in the details in the best way possible for you & those whose lives touch yours. There's nothing selfish in this! You are not asking for happiness at the expense of others in this way, only working on getting your own needs met, as you're supposed to do. It's the responsibility of each of us to realize that we are worthy & deserving, & that's what this is about. Each of us is responsible for our own happiness & needs no matter what relationships we're in with whom. It's a private journey to wholeness."
I don't have the statements I wrote for her at this point. I'll have to get her to send them to me so I can give them to you, because I know many of you have this same problem & they were very good. I'll also share the "I Am" statements I help her write, but not whichever ones that are deeply personal that she writes for herself. The manifestation statements set intent that will transform your life. The "I Am" statements set intent to change yourself, your beliefs about yourself & life, your outlook. So they're both very important. The angel work calls in God's messengers & helpers to help you do it all. So it's all very important. As I do with all of you, this will come about in phases so she's not overwhelmed, & neither am I. There's a lot I put into this for someone. There's a lot for the person to think about, a lot of self-examination, so it's a process not to be rushed. Once I have all that done, I'll share.
"I am manifesting truly thriving in my life. I am manifesting true happiness in my life and all the blessings that go with that including unconditional love, matching passion, joy, peace, harmony, fulfillment, and contentment. I am manifesting healthy, full term babies from my womb without detriment to my health. So be it!"
ReplyDeleteYou can add or subtract whatever you want for that, including writing more statements if you wish.
Then turn it into a prayer: "Thank You, Father, for the true happiness in my life and all the blessings that go with that including unconditional love, matching passion, joy, peace, harmony, fulfillment, and contentment. Thank You, Father, for the healthy full term babies from my womb without detriment to my health."
Thank you, Sweetheart :)