This is being written on Thursday & I just had an example of being open to change, being in the flow. Earlier my neighbor & friend asked me if I wanted to go to a produce stand with her & I said I'd love to but "no." I was in work mode & didn't want to spend money either. Then she called me while I was on what is now the 3rd paragraph here, asked me again. (Earlier it was via text.) I could tell she really wanted me to go so I asked her about that, opened my mind. She didn't say she had a message for me, just said she really wanted company. I know she's a powerful healer & very open to messages so I went. (Sandra Davis, the one who did psychic surgery on me.) What I found was that I needed the break, & something profound happened while I was with her. We bought a few plants & when we got back she showed me some things she'd just planted. I felt a deep connection to her in that moment. It was relaxing for me & affirming. I know that we deeply connect sometimes, & that it's beneficial for me. She knows me well & senses me very well, so is often a great source of messages & insights. Through her I've learned of my need to work in community, & to connect to the earth. I've learned something vital about my nature. This is something I'm still processing. I also saw my yard from a new perspective. I have a rose bush that's blooming & you can't see it from my side. I just went out there & saw how much tending it needs, now before it's too late. And I was called to weed & plant & connect with the land I live on, put down my roots. All this is key for healing in my body & life. She's said it in so many words & I've had the message from somewhere else too. It will help me not worry about whether I can stay here, for one thing. Also, a vital part of me is the gardener, & this will help me connect to my self more fully. It's part of the key to unlocking the healing energy I need in my body & to move forward. All this just because I paid attention to the prompting & went for a short drive.
Creator, whom I call Father God, wants us to thrive rather than simply survive. He wants us to have true happiness, fulfillment, contentment, joy, peace, harmony, abundant blessings & prosperity. He has put the angels at our disposal to help us, given us messages & signs, taught & led us.
When I did the angel card reading on myself this past Saturday I came across some angel work that I added to what I was already doing. Thank you again, Doreen Virtue. This is straight from the book that goes with the cards I was using. "Dear God & the angels, thank you for helping me see myself as you see me - through the eyes of love. Thank you for honoring & respecting me - please guide me to do the same for myself, & grant me the courage to speak up on my own behalf. I ask for your protection in all of my relationships so that I am surrounded by loving & kind people, in harmony & peace." I recommend this prayer for all of you who ever have any issues with putting others first too much or not feeling worthy or any self esteem issues!
Long ago I wrote out my angel work, in December. I kept getting Doreen's "Law of Attraction" card & paid attention. I've changed the prayer a little, & continue with it because my life is constantly changing & evolving. It is: "Archangels Raguel & Chamuel, thank you for helping me stay true to myself as I experience the important changes in my life. I ask for your complete & thorough assistance in sorting through relationships, my career, & other areas where my tastes are changing & my life is changing. Please guide me through these changes with grace, compassion, & integrity so that everyone involved is blessed. Thank you." This helps me every day. Every day is different for me. Remember, I start my day by telling God that I give my self, my life, & my day to Him to do with as He will, to guide & lead & direct. And He does. My days absolutely never go as I expect them to any more. I mean, wow! Every day is quite an adventure because I've come to accept & expect this totally. I've never been a morning person so I used to be very slow to face the day, & it used to be grim. Now it's exciting because I never know what's coming. Some of it can be uncomfortable but it truly is new & different every day & so full of possibilities that I usually easily handle whatever happens. Saying this prayer daily helps me navigate, grounds me, assures me that only the highest good will come from the day's events, for myself & others.
I recently listed my new "I Am" statements for you, thanks to the teleconference on thriving instead of just surviving by Cari Murphy. There are some that are especially good to help you navigate change & have faith. My favorite is: "I am succeeding on my personal journey to wholeness & I'm doing it at the rate & speed that is perfect for my personal spiritual evolution." "Life is unfolding as it should, in the best time frame for my greatest good." The next 2 speak to what I'm saying about what God wants for us. "I was created to thrive & succeed rather than struggle. I can & do call upon angels instead of struggling, doing it all my way & on my own." "Abundance is the natural state of the universe & I am abundant & in the flow, grateful for all that is in my life." Here are some others that are very important. "I use my free will to rise above all of life's challenges." "I am releasing all resistance to life's challenges, living in the flow of awesome abundance, prosperity, joy, fulfillment, & success." "I am grateful for all this is in my life. I learn, grow, & heal from all of it."
I consider these last 2 to be the most important of all. Of #1 importance: "I always take full responsibility & accountability for my energy, thoughts, emotions, & the quality of my life." I've recently talked with someone who is in a failing relationship because the spouse refuses to take this responsibility, has put it off on the partner. Person #1 has made person #2 miserable & doomed the marriage in this way. Person #1 uses blame to try to make #2 take care of him/her. One of the results is that person #2 has had his/her self-image very harmed, has worked so hard to take care of the other that his/her needs have suffered to the crisis point, & has had several rough years of walking on egg shells. Person #1 didn't benefit from the self sacrifices of person #2 because it never works out that way. The only way to feel worthy, loved, that you measure up or matter, is to find it within. The only way to get there is accountability & taking responsibility. No one else can make you feel anything at all! We've all heard, "You make me so angry." Wrong! The other person may be the trigger but no one makes you feel or do anything. Boy do enlightened abuse victims know that! And trying to put the responsibility off on another is ultimately abusive toward that person. Enough soap box. Here's the other important one: "I am one with the Universe & I open myself to the Divine flow of all that is & the blessings all around me."
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