It's actually Sunday, April 29 as I write this & the theme for today is unfinished business. During the past week the heat wouldn't come on because I was being cold hearted toward my mother. It took me hours to get the message while trying everything to get the heating system, only 18 months old, back on. There's no earthly reason for it not to work so I knew to look elsewhere for meaning. I was so cold & miserable I finally asked God for a direct message. Come to think of this, I think I already wrote about this. If so, forgive the repeat, but again the heat won't come on & it's an example. I have unfinished business with my mother & still have unforgiveness & anger in my heart. A woman entered my life just over a week ago & "saw" it & told me that. It's so buried that I denied it, but then gave it further thought. We often do that, or at least I do. Something seems off base at first but stays with me when there is truth, until I see it for myself. So I tried to call my mother & was relieved she didn't answer the phone. The heat came on & I'd done my part. I even left a message with the home she's in, for her to call me. Days passed & she didn't I don't know what that's about, whether she's hardened her heart against me. It's definitely unfinished business & this is definitely the time for resolution of these things. Recently my mentor mentioned his efforts to clearing a piece of his too. So I'm meant to share this with you, so you can be about this too.
I also have unfinished business with my recent ex, although I don't know what to do about that. I'll have to figure out who else, search my brain & heart. But I do know that there are other men in my life I have unfinished business with, & I have to figure out how to do all this. I'll have to ask God for help & guidance in some of this, since this is truly about preparing myself for my current & future mission, ascension, etc.
What really started this theme of unfinished business today is the love I have for a man no longer in my life. I had some wrong thinking about the amount of love he had for me & decisions he made concerning whether we'd have a life together. I felt robbed & undervalued, under loved. God set the stage for this healing many years ago. I bought some novels & never read them, about 5 years or so ago. Now I'm craving pleasure reading & running out of books here. So I picked up one of them Friday night - thank You, Father, for prompting me on a weekend! Last night I became engrossed & stayed up all night finishing the book. At the end I came to understand the message for me, about his choices not having to do with the amount of love for me. Then I realized how deep the unfinished business goes. This dominated my dreams & the relationship was the subject of hours of journaling today. This led to great insights & a greater understanding of the love than I've ever had before. It also caused the feelings, buried so deeply that I no longer felt them, to resurface. I ended up doing Reiki on myself for physical healing, & coming to the point that I entirely surrendered to God my love for this man. It is a huge, all encompassing love, extraordinary & enduring, & truly occupies the largest part of my heart space for this kind of love. It stood between my 2nd husband & me at times, is the measure for all other relationships & men. And what to do with such deep & profound love when it can't be given or shared? I was inspired to give it totally into God's care & Hands. I gave it to Him to use entirely for the man it belongs to. Then I realized I also needed to give Him the mixed bag of feelings surrounding my mother & my most recent ex, to do with as He will.
Some of my unfinished business has to do with those who have passed on, like my father. I greet him every morning & tell him of my love for him. I sometimes talk with him about the relationship we didn't have while he was alive & one day last week I told him I thought it was about time we worked on having a relationship. I felt something briefly but that was it. But that's the way to handle that one, earnestly seek that. You can get resolution even if the person has passed. If necessary, get help from a medium. But you see, I am one. We'll see if I can do this on my own or whether I need help. I believe I can, because a gifted area medium, Dr. Marjorie (ChiChi) Rivera already channeled him for me once. The message was his regrets to me, how he has changed & moved on in the afterlife. And I already talk to him, just not with him.
I know this is just the first message about unfinished business. I know it's just the beginning of my work with it. I know I'll have to ask for help with this - others around me who are gifted, God, the angels, my guides. It's a process, but one we must be starting so that we can release & move on. Disease is caused by dis-ease. Unfinished business & dis-ease, low vibrating, & holds us back. So it's very important now that we do anything & everything to heal these things & move forward. Of course I'll be sharing my progress & process with you, so you can learn to do it too.
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