We all need to be doing all we can to improve our lives and our health. In this message I'm going to speak to Lightworkers and all others. Mostly this message is for every living person. We need to be working to free ourselves of negativity and what no longer serves us. All adults have "baggage" of one kind or another. These are messages about ourselves absorbed in school, through parents and other family, perhaps organized religion, from peers, and the things that have happened in our lives. Often we've internalized the wrong messages about ourselves, life, God, our Universe. Most of us have been taught things based on tradition and the past, and these things aren't necessarily valid in the now. But the messages have become deeply ingrained.
We all have primary jobs in life. One is to take care of our bodies, minds, spirits, and emotions. We need to purify and feed these daily. This is our number one job in life - self care. Only you can do it for you! We need to be transforming our thoughts from negatives to positives with intent and will. And it CAN be done! I've done it and I know many others who work on this. It's a daily work in progress. It involves paying attention to your thoughts and feelings, and consciously turning away from and replacing the negative with the positive. When I have an unkind thought or feeling about someone else, for example, I don't allow it to stay with me. I immediately tell myself and the Universe that I don't mean it, and turn it to a positive, often with an "on the spot prayer" for that person. I also figure out why it came to me. These are opportunities to become a kinder and gentler, more loving person. When I find myself worrying about money or even dwelling on my needs, I stop it and turn it. I pray or ask angels for help or both. I remind myself that God wants us to live in plenty rather than suffer. I put my faith back into play.
I work daily to bring up and remove the messages from my life that no longer serve me, including those that come at me every day. They come at me from well-meaning others, the media, and from within. I've set the intent to heal entirely and work toward it. One of the nice things is that I don't have to relive things from the past for them to bubble up and heal. Often just by intent I'm able to release these things without having to examine them. All this comes from years of internal self-healing work. My journey to wholeness started in 1990 when I first remembered the sexual abuse from my childhood. Until then I had very few childhood memories, and I still don't have that many. In the initial stages I had to relive what I'd lived through and have counseling to deal with it. I also had to relearn about myself because I'd been brainwashed. The counselor helped me through all this and also gave me the tools to help myself continue this work, which I've done ever since. The reason I still don't remember that much of my childhood is that now I don't need it remember the really painful parts. I've done my work as much as possible with traditional counseling, journaling, and self-discovery. Now I'm in the phase where I can help myself just with intent without having to relive. I work with angels, God, and Reiki to do this. I've learned more about who I truly am. I use my daily interactions and messages from God and angels to reinforce this. I use my positive "I Am" statements to reinforce the good messages, and continue changing my beliefs about myself and my life.
I set positive intent for myself with strong will less than two years ago. I used to think this kind of thing was real work. Years ago I could never see that I'd get healed, get to where I wanted and needed to be. And it all just seemed so daunting, too much effort and work, too many years to get there. I have to tell you how wrong I was! Once you set your intent with your whole mind and heart and start working toward it, it gets easier and easier. It quickly becomes a habit that then becomes a way of life. It then entirely transforms your life, your self - everything in your life. It truly sounds like way more work than it is. But you do have to fully set intent with your whole being. Anything halfway or part time is going to fail.
It's been harder for me to set boundaries and take care of my physical needs. I was always putting the needs of others first and a self- and society imposed "should" before my needs. I came last and least and my health reflects that. Now it reflects my beginning changes toward taking care of business - which is ME. I'm not going to go into the details but our internal life (mental, emotional, spiritual) totally affects the physical. So does how we care for the vessel (body) we were given.
I've come to understand my needs and jobs better. One of our jobs is to do all we can every day we can, whatever is in front of us, presented to us to do. If we let things pile up they become mountainous burdens that take much more time and energy to handle. So my job is to do all I can every day I can, and to take care of myself in all ways - body, mind, emotions, spirit. These things apply to all of us.
And as a Lightworker, it's my job to teach others how to do these things, and the importance of them. I'm to show the way, and show myself as proof that it works. It's my job to be the very best me I can be and tell others how to get there. I've come to understand that some of the things that I enjoy most are also part of my job, including things that are my bliss like crafting and art, and socialization with other Lightworkers. I need the creative outlet of my crafting and art. They keep my energy flowing properly. And the socialization keeps my vibrational level up. I also learn, grow, and heal from these contacts.
Finally, as I Lightworker I'm finding that it's my job to put the tools toward obtaining wholeness and wellness into each set of hands I can. I've touched on this above but I see that I also need to be attuning as many as possible to at least Reiki I so they can work on themselves regularly.
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