I was given so many blog topics today! I'll be posting them but I'm not sure in what order they'll appear. I try to give them order so they flow but I'm bursting at the seams with these and they might just spill out at random. Last night my life was transformed and propelled forward. I've been on the brink of living in the flow of abundance and gratitude, have been waiting to write about it until I got there. I've been working toward this with full intent for quite some time. The reason this blog is today is that this is the beginning of something big. I need to share this today so you can watch the journey and learn.
Let's go to intent first. I talk a lot about intent. I set my intent August of 2010 to live my gifts and talents fully, to make that what my life is about. I also recognized then and the month after that it was time for a total re-do of my life and that this would be the last one for me. So it was time to answer God's call. When I listened, I knew He was calling me for most of my life. By then I'd raised my kids and was ridding myself of my marriage so my life was becoming mine. I was becoming my only consideration besides the cats I'd taken on, and temporarily, care of my mother. So I was finally free of all other labels (mother, wife) and the obligations that I took on to be those things. I took those obligations very seriously and fulfilled them as best I could. For example, I gave my all to my kids while they were in my home. I knew the time would come when they'd no longer need that, but that they needed and deserved all I could give them of myself at the time. I knew one day they'd fly off to their own lives and then my time would come. I knew that time had come.
So in 2010 I set my intent to find out my mission for God and to become what I needed to be. I also set my intent to center my life in Him and knew the talents I'd been given were a part of that. So I set intent to work with them. September 2010 that led to be Reiki, and I took my first attunement at the beginning of October, 2010. That opened the spiritual floodgates, and everything started happening. I began to meet my soul family and connect. I was given Doreen Virtue's book on "Archangels and Ascended Masters." I started learning about angels and all I could learn. I wanted to learn and know and understand it all. My Reiki Master can tell you how eager I was for every new experience, and to learn. So I had set my intent to learning and growing into my mission, into my purest self. I was also working on healing from my childhood of abuse and abusive marriage. April 2011 I launched my own business selling my essential oil products. I also got readings from a gifted woman who told me who I am and my life mission. It added to my intent. So I want to make this clear. My intent has been to fully live my gifts and talents and be the most I can be, in order to fulfill my mission. Fulfill is a very important word for me. All my life I've craved fulfillment - using my talents, living what I was meant to live, being the most "me" I can be. It's at the heart of my life force, has driven me.
So lately I've been writing about removing blockages and what's come from that. You needed to understand a little of the intent that's gone into this. My intent is all - to thrive, be entirely free of baggage to be the most "me" I can be, to do my work. And there's so much more there. This theme will keep emerging. Last night I was drawn to go to Site Night. If I've got it straight, "Site" stands for "spiritual, intuitive, telepathic energy." The group meets in Pittsburgh twice a month, with different speakers each time, different programs - fairies, spiritual healing, healing dance, all kinds of topics. It's a beautiful group of people and my favorite psychic teacher invited me into the group. I got to go once before I wrecked my car and lost my convenient transportation.
I was led to go last night but didn't know why. When that happens, I pay attention. That's a lesson of intent. Intent is an action and causes things to happen. You then have to LISTEN and FOLLOW THROUGH. We all have free will and make choices every minute of every day. We decide what thoughts to think (often subconsciously), what actions to take every moment of every day. When you set intent you haven't really done it unless you are actively listening and following through. My intents would have come to fruition faster if I'd been fully mindful of that. But with the work I've been doing lately, I've become more mindful and purposeful. So I was led to go last night, and I'm not sure all that happened as a result. All I know is that it truly gave me what I needed at the time and propelled me forward. I was reminded of who and what I truly am, for one thing. I finally came to understand that I AM worthy. My view of who God is was refined. And was reminded that I draw great energy from my soul family and need the contact with them, and that I'm in Pittsburgh for a reason. "Reminded" is quite a word. I was literally re-minded last night! I set intent last night for Archangel Michael to continue the process as I slept, and through my dreams. I don't remember most of them but I do feel that most of the night I was processing that night's events, experiences, and messages. And today I see the results - all the blogs, huge progress in what I've set my intent to achieve in my life, a whole change in attitude. I've been in a state of gratitude so that I floated through my prayers and devotional time. It was transformed, and even more was given during that time and while I journaled all I could about last night and what was coming to me.
I understand that this was a huge leap forward in what I've been trying to do toward where I want and need to be. And so I had to share this message with you first. I have no idea what comes next. It's such a grand and glorious adventure! I don't need to know. That's part of the state of grace. All I know is that this is what I've wanted, what I've worked for, so I'm very excited. Ah, I see I still have a little bit of fear based energy left. I almost didn't want to write this last sentence for fear I wouldn't live up to it. But I will, because I am eliminating all fear based energy and thoughts with full intent, action, and will. So here we go - watch me soar!!!
A final word I always feel compelled to add. I am no special or highly gifted person, no angel. You truly can do the things I do, get to where I am. I've basically told you how in this blog, have been telling you over the course of many blogs. And if you want my help, I'll help you in all ways that I can. As I express the wonders, I realize that many are not what or where they want to be in their lives. I have to tell you that you, I, we can be it all and do it all. Yes, it's work. You do have to set intent and follow through. You have to clear out your ego and baggage. It takes some of us longer than others. But that time is going to pass anyway. I've chosen to take control of my life, thoughts, state of being, intent. That's the only difference between the "haves" and "have nots" in this. You can do it too!
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