I have no other title for this one. I'm going to give you parts of an email to me from someone I deeply desire to help, and my reply. Of course all the names and such have been edited out. So if something seems to be missing at any point, that's why. First, I've copied part of what was written to me.
"I marvel at how very grounded you seem to be in spite of the
challenges in your livelihood you face everyday! I am certainly not
living in the same overt faith you are. My faith is deep and it does prevail but I am solidly in the mode
of panic about my own future and livelihood. I am dealing with it by
staying in a state of denial and living my day-to-day life." (Note: this person is about to lose his/her job/career.) "By the time I am finished with my work day I am exhausted. My
evenings are spent eating right and exercising right now. I
am considering a career in... instead of..." (a business arena instead of what is in this person's heart and desires). "...but am scared to death
(financially) to start my career over at this age and am going through
serious resistance to leaving my house and neighborhood. So
- I am paralyzed at this time. I am being encouraged to stay with the
paralysis and accept it may not be the time for me to make those big
decisions. I am trying to work though it all while I keep my life up and
my energy up. So
- again, I admire how you have grown into your ability to live in
faith. Maybe out of necessity. Maybe out of maturity. Good for you!!!" (What follows is my reply.)
How I want to help you! I pray for you every day with your situation in mind. Except for what you face on your job, I so know exactly what you're going through. Those decisions on where to live, what to do, school - all of it.
You have to understand that I am so very intuitive now that it influences my entire life. What I'm getting intuitively is that you have to step out in faith and be true to your heart. This is your opportunity to restart your life as I have. Yes, it's very scary. You need to be able to financially provide for yourself, as you have been doing. But I've known for a long time that you now have the same chance I was presented with a few years ago. This is your chance to figure out what you're supposed to be doing in life (which is within your heart - you do know this) and go for it. Quit basing everything on what you've done before and how you survived. Now it's your time, time to do what's going to fulfill you. All that was a channeled message, by the way. I didn't write any of it, only was the typist.
I can so help you find your path and get over your fears! I can help you identify what you really want and need. And you were given those needs for a reason, those desires. It's actually the heart and key of/to what you need to be doing. (Again, those last 2 sentences were channeled.) I've also been told that there's no need for you to fear. Once you identify your bliss and start following it, the money you need will be there. You aren't at all going to go through what I have. (Again, I'm channeling all of this. This whole message is basically channeled, so take all but my most personal sentences as such.)
I set intent to answer you today - wasn't up to it when I read your message last night. I knew today that the time had come to write the blog on being in the flow and help you at the same time. This is the key to getting where you want and need to be - setting your intent. Even if you don't feel you know where and what that is right now, just set the intent to find out. All the answers are truly already within yourself.
One way to do this, if you truly don't feel you know, is to write out your dreams for your life. I did this again recently, and now I need to set up a dream board to make them all come true. I've been cutting things out of magazines to represent them. I've heard of them for years in MLM but a dear and trusted friend says they work like magic when you put it some place you'll see it first thing in the morning and multiple times a day, including before you go to bed. I know she's talking from experience that it works so I finally listened. My dream list was interesting to me. I know my dreams have changed over the years. I no longer desire foreign travel, for one thing. Yet I still intend to have a shop of my own called Cattitude - a physical shop from my home devoted to "all things cat." That's still entirely in my heart.
I understand that work is stressing you so much that you can barely cope. But you truly are doing the right thing with eating right and exercising. Do you realize that you're really taking control of your own health, which is the foundation of life? So you truly are already moving in exactly the right direction. But I suggest that during your exercise time or as you're going to sleep, imagine what your ideal life would include, picture it. Where would you be living? What would you be doing for work? Who and what would be in your life? Rather than stressful, this will be inspiring. Don't force it as part of decision making. Instead, open your hear to beloved (inserted his/her name here) and hear your self!
Yes, it's not time for you to make the firm decisions yet. First you absolutely truly need to get in full touch with your heart and what YOU want. When you write your dreams and get in touch with what you want, don't censor yourself! Think ideal world - create in your mind your own ideal world. Once you settle your heart on it and fully realize what you want, the way it will happen will unfold. The Universe, Creator, is unlimited and well, creative! (Insert whatever state you'd like geographically here as I've edited this ) doesn't have the only program for your education. Not everything that appears either/or really is.
My ability to live in faith was born of necessity that created the maturity. It's that way for all of us if we so choose. Faith is a choice we make every minute of every day, or not. We choose to live in fear when we do. The same faith is available to all of us. That's not a criticism, just something I was supposed to write to you.
Once you've determined what you really want without censorship, the next step is setting your intent and writing positive manifestation statements that you read aloud daily (preferably at the start of your day) to start the Universe working on it. There are other steps too. I can help. When you're ready to work on this, please call me and talk with me about where you are in this and let me help. Every day I work with prayer and a full council of teachers, guides, and angels. I read aloud positive "I Am" statements designed to clear emotional and energetic blockages within me. I then read aloud my manifestation statements and request specific help from special angels to cover my areas of need. That's how I got to where I am. I've basically given you the whole life lesson in one. Ok, except for editing out the personal stuff, I see I have my blog for today! I thought it would work that way.
(Note to readers: my last ex husband just died last Friday. There will be a blog that references that next week I think.) I'm so not surprised that my ex has been on your mind and heart. Mine too. I believe (not sure if I told you this on the phone) that he's now one of my guides, and able to give his love to me purely now and repair the karmic damage he did, redeem himself in this way. Suddenly everything is on the move at once in my life and I'm not sure where it's going. But I'm staying in the flow, grateful. (The next part of this involves a man who has reappeared in my life, whom I met through my ex. Although I'm not entirely ready for a whole relationship with a man, my heart has been preparing. I next tell the person I'm writing to some details about life changes this man is working toward. And now I'll add in the rest of that.) Funny thing is, if he goes this route and makes it happen, we're working parallel paths. Between us, we'd be close to a whole holistic packages of goods and services. So we'll see. I know I'm supposed to join with my true intended mate and partner, in passion, love, and mission. It would be very interesting if it is him, since my ex actually put us together at the beginning!
As I said on the phone, I don't have to know anymore what comes next. In fact, I really don't want to know. That creates impatience and discontent with the now. I am in the flow of gratitude for the now while coping with the reality of it. Each day, I'm given what I need to cope with that day. This includes the purging of all within me that no longer serves me, all those messages and experiences of my past that are no longer valid or weren't at the time. I take it all as it comes, with gratitude. Seems like almost every day something new is released. Sometimes I'm aware of what it is. Other times an issue appears through a dream, or in conversation with a friend, or I identify an uncomfortable feeling like recurring annoyance. I pay attention because I know these are important messages on something else needing release. I work on it mentally and ask for God and Archangel Michael (my go-to guy) for help if I need it. Usually within 24 hours now, often much less, the issue is identified and gone. I ask specific angels for help and release, and always God. Because every day my intent is to remove all blockages so I can truly thrive in all areas of my life.
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