Many things can cause a lack mentality (where you're focused on what you don't have rather than what you do). It all boils down to fear, though. We fear loss, failure, ourselves, punishment, success, being overwhelmed, not being able to handle whatever comes to or at us... Lack is a fear-based mentality and it becomes pervasive and self-perpetuating.
I understand how hard it is not to focus on lack. It's only natural to try to find ways to solve the lack, but that usually keeps us focused on the lack. The Universe reflects our most prominent thoughts back to us so when we focus on lack, even focus on solving it, that's what we get back - lack.
It's one of the hardest things in the world to do but you need to get to the point where you focus on faith in supply rather than lack. I know so many people, and I was one, who lose sight of that as lack continues and becomes a downward spiral. And remember, I've been working at positive thinking and manifestation for about a year now. I'm not saying there's a quick fix here, but it can be done. I've also been working on cleansing myself and my thoughts, feelings, and past "baggage."
The final thing that propelled me forward was discovering and facing my fears, first of all. For me, it was a fear that I don't have enough talent in any one area, enough drive and will to follow through. I was afraid of myself. I'd internalized years of messages that said I couldn't and don't. A dear friend helped me see that I still had fear holding me back. I journaled and got in basic touch with what the fear was and where it came from. Then I worked with Archangel Michael, asked him to help me through dreams to further identify. That night he did and the next day I faced those fears and talked them down. I already had "I Am" statements to counter them, but they hadn't worked yet. But when I absolutely set the intent to overcome them, I started to. I specifically set my intent to work with Archangel Michael and made it my next forward step. Now when I read my "I Am" statements I made sure those sink in, that I continue the forward progress. I know I've told you that I have trouble keeping my mind fully present when I read my "I Am" statements. That's why they weren't working in those areas until I truly set the specific intent. Please learn from my mistake in not being fully present. I've also spoken of how every trait we have is a double edged sword. On one hand my mind is marvelous, great at working out problems in my subconscious while my conscious mind handles other things. I multi-track like crazy in my mind. The downside is that my mind isn't always fully present in my activities. That can cause accidents, and things like not being fully present during routine things like reading my "I Am" statements. I also tell you to know yourself. I know my brain works this way so I try to be as aware as possible so I can control it and avoid problems.
Once I faced down my fears, I was able to switch my focus from the lack to faith. I began totally surrendering my needs to God. That doesn't mean I didn't figure out whatever I had to financially, but I didn't dwell. I planned the next step to meet immediate needs, then let go. I didn't go into elaborate prayer or pleading either. He knows my needs even better than I do, and how to best meet them. So I simply surrender them to Him every day - all my needs. The first results of this were peace! I moved from fear to faith, to serenity. I can't tell you how good it feels to not dwell in fear! I am living more from a space of gratitude now. I'm also starting to appreciate the luxuries in my life, do nice things for myself, and take better care of myself. While I was in the energy of lack, I was so shut down that I was denying myself even what was available, out of fear that I'd run out. I shut down to the point that I really wasn't taking minimum care of myself. One of the things that's changed is that I am doing the basics for myself now, like hydrating. I was so in strict survival mode that I barely was, and I'm changing all that.
Literally as soon as I faced down my fears and began switching my focus, things started to happen one by one. It took several weeks. First, I came up with some really great craft ideas and started working on them. I had been so focused on working out of the hole I was in that I didn't allow myself to do what I needed to creatively. Yet working with my hands is absolutely vital to my well being, my art and crafts are vital to my soul. Then I was led to enroll in college, and found a great school with help. A lot of research, thinking, journaling, and specific prayer went into that and I got a lot of help. The impossible happened! I finally know what I want to be when I grow up! (Those of you who know me are laughing, I know. I'm laughing with you.) Then I got the job interview I wanted, three weeks later than promised. (I'd forgotten about it and moved on, figured they hired someone else). Now this week I've suddenly earned $300 for doing Reiki attunements! I haven't earned $300 in a month in years!
Of course I've got a long way to go yet to get to where I want to be - thriving in all areas of my life. But I'm finally on my way. I just have to keep doing what I'm doing now and do more of it - dwelling in gratitude for all that is, surrendering my needs to God truly (which means you don't take them back and worry over them), taking care of me in all the ways I possibly can (including allowing myself time for my creative projects), and taking care of business as it arises. I was sort of taking care of business all along, but lacked a lot of the energy to follow through and keep up with it because of being in the energy of lack. Get it? Lack mentality/energy was causing lack of energy for the things I needed to do. I had to keep forcing myself to do those things and then there wasn't enough left over for me. The energy of gratitude and abundance creates an abundance of energy for all you want and need to do!
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