Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Angel Baby Ornament sample 1

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Answer to All Fear

One way to eliminate fear in your life is to be right with God & within yourself. Part of how to be right with yourself is to balance your own needs & care, to be a whole person within yourself. In many ways I'm entirely self-sufficient, & totally not. I don't need any one person on this earth, so I'm self-sufficient in that way - whole. No one person can make me or break me. Therefore I don't fear losing someone. It would crush my heart if someone I love dearly died, but I'd be able to triumphantly survive it. I know because I already have, & because I have faith in myself & my spirit. I lived in fear of various things until recently, when faith in myself & the rightness of all, of God, took over. That's when I finally became whole, & in that way, self-sufficient. That said, self-sufficiency, like all else, is a matter of perception. I don't meet all my needs. For example, I don't produce all my own clothes, food, & utensils, or supply all the love I need. But I directly attract all that, so in a way I do supply or produce it all. I attract those who need my services or products & those who supply me with love & spiritual guidance. I also directly communicate with God, our Creator, & His angels, & they supply a lot of what I need.

Another way I've eliminated fear is by doing all I can on a regular basis. I take the best care of myself I can, physically, spiritually, & mentally. I'm far from perfect on any of it, but I always do my best. That doesn't mean that I've eliminated every food I like, exercise as recommended, or live a rigid or restricted life in any way. In fact, it's the opposite. I just keep on doing whatever needs to be done most in response to what comes at me or from within me. I go with the flow & handle whatever arises, when it does. My life is therefore very fluid & varied. I never know what I'll be doing from one day to the next, to a large extent. One of the causes of fear is the feeling that you have to control all that happens or it's going to be bad. I expect the unexpected & welcome it. I trust myself to handle it, & I trust God & the angels to help me if I need it. This being in the flow & being fluid in response leads to balance. So I get exercise by doing what needs to be done each week. I achieve greater physical, spiritual, & mental health by handling things as they arise. This helps eliminate guilt & regrets, which are draining & lead to fear. Doing my best doesn't ever mean perfection - it means doing MY best. I sleep better for it, & sleep is vital. I no longer go to bed worrying about what will happen next or feeling guilty as I did when I lived with my ex. Then I knew I wasn't facing the problems, didn't even know just what they were. So I lived in total fear & guilt. Earlier in life I lived in fear because I wasn't facing the unhealed issues within me.

The way I start my day reinforces all this. It puts me in the right place at the start. First I thank God sincerely for what I know for sure He's doing for me. I thank Him for the abundance & financial freedom He's bringing me. I thank Him for the healings & heath, the balance, wholeness, & wellbeing He's bringing me. I also thank Him for other things based on the day before, dreams, or a gorgeous day. I also give Him myself, my life, & my day to guide & direct, & do with as He wishes. Then I pray for the needs of others. Then I greet Archangel Michael & thank him for his protection each & every day. Then I call on him again for protection for the day. I ask him to protect my energy & to protect my body, mind & spirit. I ask him to protect the cats, my friends & family, my home & property. To cover my innate fear of bees, I ask for specific protection against them during the summer. Then I'm not afraid of them! I also ask him to cut the cords of fear & pain that have blocked & drained me in the past, in regard to specific people or things I've done. I greet my angels, teachers, & guides & departed loved ones who watch over me, & open myself to any & all messages they have for me. Then I read my "I Am" statements (there's a blog on file about this) & what I'm manifesting. Then I ask the angels to surround my heart with healing & protective pink light. I call on other Archangels & Ascended Masters that I've learned about from a book of that title by Doreen Virtue. It all takes about 15 minutes & is so worth that little bit of time because I set my intent for my day, & set up my protections. I've been doing this for more than a month now - I forget how long. I've never had the discipline before to start my day with any kind of "devotions" but I'm sold because I see the difference the days I don't get to start that way. Those days tend to involve some stress or chaos, & I often am too scattered to be as effective as usual. I cover all the bases so that my intent controls my days. I don't control what will arise, this puts me in control of how I deal with it. So I call on Archangels Raguel & Chamuel to help me deal with the changes in my life with grace, compassion, & integrity, especially toward others. That's ended my fear & guilt over accidentally saying or doing the wrong thing toward another. I care so much that it used to haunt me, even imagined wrongs done to another. I call on others for help with my appetites & cravings so I'll make healthy choices, for help with my writing & other work & creativity. I call in help within my home & in my domestic efforts, for peace, harmony, & love, & for abundance. And I call on help "to smooth my path, with harmony & peacefulness reigning supreme, that all obstructions that could impede my progress be cleared & that I see the blessings within everything today." If you want to know who I ask for these things, message me. That last one helps me go with the flow & not get upset over the interruptions or demands in the day, those actually little things that build up. We tend to magnify life's little problems & not be able to deal with them, & therefore be less able to deal with the big ones. The key is to see it all as solvable & to see them all as little, & practice daily taking all the little ones in stride without letting yourself get derailed. So that last request reinforces my intent in this.

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